Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
I prefer subs. The dubs aren't pretty good. I tried listening to one and it was not cool.
Subs most of the time, no matter what. The most dubs are horrible (at least in german).

There are indeed some animes that got amazing dubs (like Attack No. 1/Mila Superstar or Dragonball), I've enjoyed these in my main language. But if you exclude this old animes for nostalgia, I'd go with the original version all the time.
Some dubs are good but I prefer to read subtitles to a show with some good voice actors than watch a dub with crappy ones.
I prefer the truth or want more sub
Dragon Ball Z jajajaj with the voices of ogres jajaj i changed the Suntrack
Only subs cant watch an anime/hentai if there not talking i Japanese it ruins me the hole thing!
SUBS b/c dub sounds HORRIBLEEEE (most of the time)
Gonna have to go with both + 1 option

Voice in dub are bad or don't match in my mind = Subs
Subs/styles are wrong to me = Dub

*If both voice and subs fail for me = time to pull out the raws*
For me, it has to be subs. The only time I went out of my way to try a dub, it was for Shuffle!, and it was horrible. Our girls make a normal line into a screeching sound that makes my ears bleed. But on the other hand, sometimes you get too focused on a Sub's subtitles, and could miss some important details on screen.

Check em.
what about RAW? we all know everyone like it RAW.... no?
Some animes that are dubbed have decent/horrible voice acting and some anime that are subbed with the original voice actor is just horrible/great. My vote goes with both.
I'm for both, as long as it sounds good, then its okay, but as soon as that Dub messes up im back to Subs. Dubs nowadays need more work..
i enjoy both some shows i prefer dubbed while other i prefer subbed Forum Image:
I can watch both but I love the sub. You get more of the origanal story that way.
The only dubbed anime I'd watch is DBZ with its latin dubs. Thats really the only decent one I've ever heard. Otherwise, subs all the way.
subs, subs forever
I would pick Dubs because i'm partly blind so I can't see subs
Iv always prefered dubs just because I'm to lazy to read subs. If Im gonna read it, i may as well just read the manga. But i always hate it when people try to compare the dubbed version to the subbed version of the same anime. If you watched the sub, why are you watching the dub? Ill admit, some dubs are just pain bad, but some stuff translates well and get great dubbings. K-on and Lucky Star come to mind right away and we all know that Cowboy Beebop is on of the best dubs ever. So to the elitists who only repeat what the other uneducated elitists keep saying, "Cuz the voicing acting sux," get a clue and try some of the good shit or find a new reason to prefer subs. Its cool if you just prefer it, and dont really have a reason, but dont just spout ignorant garbage about the quality of dubs that you've never seen.
I have to say both. There are a lot of subs that are better than the dubs but there's still a few dubs that are better like cromartie high. The sub wasn't nearly as funny.