Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

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Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Total Votes : 3,908
Ecchi-sama Vanilla Essence
I can image how much my life would suck if digital manga didn't exists.
physical, it's just easier
i don't have to wait for months for a single chapter of a manga but physical can be a little expensive
i read them online for the most part, but if i like them enough, i dish out the cash for the hard copys.

as of now, my collection has cost me $1500.
I like physical copies more, even if they eventually start to worn out.
Living in Mexico nets even less licensed manga, there's very few and it can get frustrating.

If I had more money, I would buy physical copies in english too.
Wish to one day read a physical copy ..

Digital wa benri da..
space constraint.. :(
Never had a physical, always wanted one, hope i get one someday,
Medzy wrote...
I prefer to read physical manga, but digital is FAR more convenient.

I prefer digital over physical. My family and I have moved often and it's great to have one less thing to worry about packing (It's for this reason that I buy digital FLAC files and convert the physical CDs I have into FLAC files. I then upload them to Google Drive's cloud service. I do the same for the Fakku hentai I've bought). If more companies had DRM-free manga or other comics released, I'd hop right on board.
I prefer to read the physical copy and "read" the digital version.
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