Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Total Votes : 3,908
I'd get a physical if I can. But I really find it hard to hide my lewd stuff from my mother and sister. Digital's much more convenient
digital is more convenient and "space friendly", but physical remains as a collectors item.
I'd love to read all my manga in physical form, but that's not easily available to me.
If it's hentai digital works much better, if you know what I mean...
I prefer to have a physical copy. But not something I can really afford at this point in time >.<
Online it is!
Digital is so much more convenient and is seen by me fast.While I have do go places to get the physical form though Id likely keep the physical forever!
Prefers digital copies, cause it's more convenient and easier to manage. But it wouldn't hurt to go physical sometimes...nothing beats the fresh smell of newly bought manga....
SirTweetums The Emperor of Ecchi
Psyichal copies are like a drug.... I NEED them to survive, but I do like digital to explore possible series I would take the time to acquire.
physical, though obviously I love digital because Fakku isn't physical! D:
Frankly, either one is fine by me. But if my computer is taking too long to load, it kind of takes the fun out of it. And I'm not able to go to the store to buy physical copies often, so I just have to make do with digital.
haven't got alot of room in my apartment. I have a huge anime library and lots of figurines, digital manga for me.
I prefer physical copies however, most of the manga I want to read aren't license in English they are only English in Digital Ones. Such Misfortune...
I prefer physical copies for the manga I really love (its so expensive) and I can read them faster also i like that unexplainable feeling having physical manga, and looking at my bookshelf and grining with pride.
Digital, takes no physical space and doesn't degrade overtime. While reading a book/manga in physical form once in a while is nice, the convenience of digital wins for me, especially since you can "zoom" in, to see smaller details or read text that's too small.
Though would be nice to have some kind of service where you can buy manga online and have them in your account, similar to what steam does for games... Or does it already exist?
Digital,some good mangas dont get physical english copies, and i cant get physical copies fakku stuffs, but i want it too :(
I've read more digital than physical but the feel of owning a physical copy is like non other.
Definently physical for any kind of print media. However some series will probably never make it stateside (like Angel Densetsu and Ai Kora) as well as some series being out of print in the US (such as Parasyte and GTO) so I definently read digital more.
I always prefer to have some real solid copies like Nikon does, but having a digital copy like this is definately convenient >:3
It's always good to actually own a manga that I like, but considering the price and the fact that you need space for them (and sometimes the translation aren't good), I have to choose between those that I really like, which I buy, and those that I simply want to read, which I just read on the net. So yeah, while physical always beats digital IMHO, digital is far more practical for these reasons IMHO.
I prefer Physical copy more but digital is just as good
Kids running around the house so no paper is safe they will draw, cut, and tear any paper in the perimeter although it would be nice to own a physical copy of a few books and mangas unfortunately for me its not possible so digital for me