Don't text and drive! (Or use your phone while driving)

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I always see allot of stupid people out on the road driving while on their cellphones, are you one of them? Maybe this video can knock some sense into your head on the dangers of doing so. I say all cars should be manual, this way the driver keeps both hands busy.

I guess they had to text an arrow to the knee joke.
[color=red][b]I don't drive... but my dad always talks to people through his cellphone while driving and my mom yells at him for doing it, because he slows the car down, lol.
Too long to yield benefit with the attention span of teenagers & young adults nowadays.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
People have ben bombarded with "Don't text/talk on the phone and drive" for so long they've become de-sensitized to the warnings.
I was with a friend and his brother and while walking to their house from school we say a large white work truck in the suicide lane waiting to turn into his neighborhood. The fat lady driving was texting while waiting to turn. His brother went over to the truck an knocked on the window and the fat lady inside rolled it down and he told her to stop texting. She told him to fuck off and rolled the window back up. As we walk into the neighborhood she attempts to turn in and gets t-boned.

Not like people are going to listen.
If you're going to do it if at all, do it at a red light.
This is every damned kid of 16-20 years old that I ever see behind the wheel.

Funnily enough, one of my sisters ended up doing exactly this. She was driving with her damned gadjit texting, and ran a red light and got t-boned.

She didn't get hurt, but the car was totaled.

I'm glad she wasn't hurt- but I sure hope that she learned her fucking lesson.
I'd agree; people should not be on the phone NOR texting while the car is in Drive.

If it's so important, pull over: it will save your life and those of others. If you get a text and HAVE to read it, learn the setting on your phone that does text-to-speech for texts. Most phones offer this.
Kind of Important A ray of Tsunlight.
There was a girl a town over that got killed recently because of this. Tragic, sure.

But I didn't feel sorry for her in the slightest. If you think that paying attention to your phone while traveling 60 mph (Or any speed, for that matter.) in a 3000 lb metal box on wheels is a good idea, then you're obviously not the brightest.

I have a very harsh attitude towards this, as my buddy almost got my ass killed a few years back doing that exact same thing. All of my warnings didn't mean shit until I was proven right. Now he never touches the damn thing while driving.
I don't really text, but I do drive; I absolutely hate those who text while driving. I've had numerous times where I had to swerve into the other lane to avoid them (I was actually cautious, I even knew that the other lane was clear before it happened).

I'm very liberal, but the problem with texting while driving is that they are fatally endangering the lives of other people. I don't care if idiots do idiotic things to themselves, but there should be measures to prevent them from hurting other people. unfortunately, there really isn't an effective way to enforce a law about it, but there are other ways to prevent it, such as that banned commercial
In our area, it's actually illegal- but as Lelouch said, it's not really enforced.

But it damned well should.

Have the law enforcement collaborate with service providers to track when and where phones are being used. If it's in a car, drag out that asshead's info and revoke their services and give 'em a fine and suspend their damned license.

And if their gadjit (I refuse to call those fucking things phones) has a camera (which they all do nowadays) alter their phone so it's always on- so they can be monitored. If any footage whatsoever displays the interior of a vehicle, same procedure- but also have a cop personally grab the gadjit out of their hands, throw it to the ground, and shoot it. A full clip.

And give the offender an atomic wedgie before handing them their fine.
Whenever I think of it I hook my phone on my radio so I can use it hands free.

everyone knows I'm not answering the phone when I'm unable to call hands free. much to the annoyance of my boss every time he calls.

one of the vehicles at work got wrecked as well because some woman was texting and ignored the red light.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
PumpJack McGee wrote...

In our area, it's actually illegal- but as Lelouch said, it's not really enforced.

But it damned well should.

Have the law enforcement collaborate with service providers to track when and where phones are being used. If it's in a car, drag out that asshead's info and revoke their services and give 'em a fine and suspend their damned license.

And if their gadjit (I refuse to call those fucking things phones) has a camera (which they all do nowadays) alter their phone so it's always on- so they can be monitored. If any footage whatsoever displays the interior of a vehicle, same procedure- but also have a cop personally grab the gadjit out of their hands, throw it to the ground, and shoot it. A full clip.

And give the offender an atomic wedgie before handing them their fine.

Way to promote more surveillance of citizens and build a bigger "brotherly" state. (We're long past nannies and mums). If there's a law, then make the focking officers enforce it. That's their job.

BTW just buy a damn mobile phone holder, nowadays phones have good enough mikes and speakers so all you need is a damn holder to receive a call and put it on speaker. Texting though? That's terminally stupid.
PumpJack McGee wrote...

20 years old.

I Don't have a phone. Rarely drive. Walk everywhere.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Texting while driving? Looks like people have gone to a whole new level of stupidity.
Flaser wrote...
PumpJack McGee wrote...

In our area, it's actually illegal- but as Lelouch said, it's not really enforced.

But it damned well should.

Have the law enforcement collaborate with service providers to track when and where phones are being used. If it's in a car, drag out that asshead's info and revoke their services and give 'em a fine and suspend their damned license.

And if their gadjit (I refuse to call those fucking things phones) has a camera (which they all do nowadays) alter their phone so it's always on- so they can be monitored. If any footage whatsoever displays the interior of a vehicle, same procedure- but also have a cop personally grab the gadjit out of their hands, throw it to the ground, and shoot it. A full clip.

And give the offender an atomic wedgie before handing them their fine.

Way to promote more surveillance of citizens and build a bigger "brotherly" state. (We're long past nannies and mums). If there's a law, then make the focking officers enforce it. That's their job.

BTW just buy a damn mobile phone holder, nowadays phones have good enough mikes and speakers so all you need is a damn holder to receive a call and put it on speaker. Texting though? That's terminally stupid.

The only way to enforce law would be through such "Big Brother" methods, since we can hardly trust the people to be responsible enough to manage themselves.

Order by domination. Chaos by freedom.

Yes, my views are decidedly nihilistic.

Try busting open all the cages in a zoo except for the front gate and see what happens.

Humanity's greater intellectual capacity simply means that we're much more creative in ways to pull the rug out from under each other.
Was i the only one who thought that comercial was hilarious? it was just so over the top. needed more bone breaking sounds and much more blood. the dead baby and the "wake up mommy" kid were a nice touch. i agree with lazy artist that it is far too long for the idiot masses tiny attention spans. they might sit through it once, but after that they'll change the channel.

i can only guess it was banned for the gore.

if not for the risk to others, i'd call it natural selection and let the problem solve itself.
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
Was i the only one who thought that comercial was hilarious? it was just so over the top. needed more bone breaking sounds and much more blood. the dead baby and the "wake up mommy" kid were a nice touch. i agree with lazy artist that it is far too long for the idiot masses tiny attention spans. they might sit through it once, but after that they'll change the channel.

i can only guess it was banned for the gore.

if not for the risk to others, i'd call it natural selection and let the problem solve itself.

Nah, i too laughed. XD

And yeah, i agreed with the "banned by the gore" thing.
No one texts me anyways.
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