Hard rock/Screamo

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GhostOfLions wrote...
NewCultKing wrote...
Mr.Shaggnificent wrote...
I suggest going back further to some of the origins of metal and rock. stuff like iron maiden, black sabbath, led zepplin, testament, slayer, dio, kiss, van hallen, etc.. then again, i'm old so...'you damn whipper snappers and your hippity hoppity metal death noise!'

but seriously, it's a good idea to explore the roots of the music you like.

This x1000000!

once you get a feel for the classic stuff, the newer stuff just sounds bland. Might I suggest some Judas Priest, Megadeth, Overkill, Motorhead, maybe even some Pantera. Most importantly, don't limit your tastes. There is a vast collection of Metal sub genres to go through!

one last suggestion, it's not Metal, but Maybe try some Rush, they are fucking amazing!

Rush? RUSH? Neil Peart, the God of drumming. Master prog rock drummer.

Now, in my lifetime I've listened to all types of music, and I don't necessarily agree that other genres get bland. However everyone is different in this aspect. The truth is a lot of 70's,80's,90's music was very similar and meshed together as well. Not that I'm saying a lot of today's music isn't, but that's just something that can't really be denied. It happens in all genres. The best thing is to have an open mind and listen to all types of music, and sub-genres. All music has merit, after all. (Or almost all)

I guess I made it sound like I was generalizing all modern music (or in this case metal) as bland, but I was just referring to your A7X, Bullet for my valentines, and other similar bands that I can't get into, but that's just me. Regardless Ghost of Lions has it right, best thing to do is keep an open mind.
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