if there was a real yandere... you'll......

zeKer_pencil wrote...
but IF you get close to some girl and get all friendly which for her she interprets as 'that bitch is stealing my man! i'll show her!' sort of commotion....

If that happens, shit like this will happen
Forum Image: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/yeah321/Bloody_Anime_Animated.jpg
yeah321 wrote...
zeKer_pencil wrote...
but IF you get close to some girl and get all friendly which for her she interprets as 'that bitch is stealing my man! i'll show her!' sort of commotion....

If that happens, shit like this will happen
Forum Image: http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/yeah321/Bloody_Anime_Animated.jpg

Damn! I got a hard-on... =(
Topic-on: To be honest, I would run... Just run. JUST FUCKIN' RUN! I refuse to get into a situation where the slightest mistake could get me killed.
I realized I would try! They just need to be loved after all.
Xil wrote...
Run away, Run away, Run away, Run away, Run away. . . !

Dude. Awesome.
I had one for a while.
She called me everyday and force me to talk to her everyday on the phone.
When thats over,she sends a msg every minute.
Luckily it lasted a week after she realised I was avoiding her and moved on to another target.
Argentine wrote...
I had one for a while.
She called me everyday and force me to talk to her everyday on the phone.
When thats over,she sends a msg every minute.
Luckily it lasted a week after she realised I was avoiding her and moved on to another target.

Then she's just a stalker, not a yandere. A yandere won't move on that easily, she'd stab you instead.
meh i like to think thats a good thing she moved on before evolving into a yandere ^^;;
zeKer_pencil wrote...
so you love hentai more than her eh?

For hentai not love, but I Like Hentai. Not Love Hentai.

Well... love a little though :D
Reminds me of a female friend of a friend of mine who is now facing charges because she beat a guy into a coma after he rejected her. I really, really hope my friend was just making that up.

(Funny thing was, he's not that into the otaku culture yet he referred once to her as a yandere.)
Don't cheat on your wife. That's as simple as it gets. Yanderes love you to death. They'll stay faithful always. Why would you go and ruin such a relationship? Seriously.... Don't go out with that person if you can't commit.
Yanderes only seem attractive because you see everything from their point of view. You realize that they just REALLY like someone and see all the pain they go through - that in turn makes you adore them for being so devoted to someone.

But if you didn't really like a girl but she suddenly was completely obsessed and possesive of you to the point of violence... well I think that would freak anyone out.

The only exception is Kaede from shuffle - she wasn't crazy till Rin became a complete ass.
ShiaSpirit wrote...
Seriously.... Don't go out with that person if you can't commit.

Lol, my thoughts exactly.
mibuchiha wrote...
ShiaSpirit wrote...
Seriously.... Don't go out with that person if you can't commit.

Lol, my thoughts exactly.

I love you. Will you go out with me?

Lol. xD
ShiaSpirit wrote...
mibuchiha wrote...
ShiaSpirit wrote...
Seriously.... Don't go out with that person if you can't commit.

Lol, my thoughts exactly.

I love you. Will you go out with me?

Lol. xD

Sure. ^_^
Hmm... Yandere are the same as an over-obsessive and choleric girl right? Well, I'll have no problem with her so long as she's not trying to kill me for a reason or two.

Now, pretending that I don't have a girlfriend.
Just as Mibu says on the first page: "If I love her, then I'll do anything I can to get her...if not, then I'll just ignore her, or reject her"
Kind of like that. If I feel in love with her too then why not? I myself are obsessive, I think we'll make a perfect pair XP
You know, I might've actually had a sort of yanderish stalker once. 1st semester of college I had a relatively unstable girl stick to me for weeks. There's a program at my university (msu) called miejer madness where students get on buses and are driven to miejers (grocery chain) for discounted groceries.

Anyhow as you could imagine busses were packed. Me being ever the gentleman, I gave my seat up to a girl. We spoke during the trip back to campus, and upon discovering the assload of groceris she had, decided to help her carry it all back. (I had a measly two bags) Anyhow, we get to her dorm, she invites me in for dinner as a reward, we eat, and as I go to leave, she kisses me. Now, at the time I had a girlfriend back home, so I didnt react to her and just pushed her shoulders back a bit and said "I'm sorry if I gave you mixed signals but I have a girlfriend back home and wont cheat on her."

I got slapped and a door slammed to the face. Went back to my dorm and slept to a new day, or so I thought. She ended up hounding me for weeks, she would be there when i got up for class, when I got out of class, she followed me around constantly, to breakfast, lunch, dinner. I had a full fledged stalker on my hands. I approached her one day and basically said, "Look, I don't mind being friends, I just cant give anything more then that." She flipped out, started hitting me and screaming insults about how i'm a chavunist pig and a bastard of a man for having kissed her. Then came the tears, at that point I just walked away. Eventually she disappeared, and her roomate attempted to lecture me on failure as she had left school and went back home for the semester. This is what happens when I try to be nice. Such is life ~ Her name was Nicole btw.
Andoru-Kun wrote...
You know, I might've actually had a sort of yanderish stalker once. 1st semester of college I had a relatively unstable girl stick to me for weeks. There's a program at my university (msu) called miejer madness where students get on buses and are driven to miejers (grocery chain) for discounted groceries.

Anyhow as you could imagine busses were packed. Me being ever the gentleman, I gave my seat up to a girl. We spoke during the trip back to campus, and upon discovering the assload of groceris she had, decided to help her carry it all back. (I had a measly two bags) Anyhow, we get to her dorm, she invites me in for dinner as a reward, we eat, and as I go to leave, she kisses me. Now, at the time I had a girlfriend back home, so I didnt react to her and just pushed her shoulders back a bit and said "I'm sorry if I gave you mixed signals but I have a girlfriend back home and wont cheat on her."

I got slapped and a door slammed to the face. Went back to my dorm and slept to a new day, or so I thought. She ended up hounding me for weeks, she would be there when i got up for class, when I got out of class, she followed me around constantly, to breakfast, lunch, dinner. I had a full fledged stalker on my hands. I approached her one day and basically said, "Look, I don't mind being friends, I just cant give anything more then that." She flipped out, started hitting me and screaming insults about how i'm a chavunist pig and a bastard of a man for having kissed her. Then came the tears, at that point I just walked away. Eventually she disappeared, and her roomate attempted to lecture me on failure as she had left school and went back home for the semester. This is what happens when I try to be nice. Such is life ~ Her name was Nicole btw.

Don't worry. Nicole's not at the level of a yandere yet. On thecase of Yandere, I believe she could have killed you and then killed herself. Yandere don't give up that easily.
Mmm. I would probably favor a yandere over a normal girl, since in my life, i've clung onto only one girl and let my eyes and mind not linger. Its just that, the girl's eyes and mind linger to where else. If the girl is a true yandere than i would probably pack my stuff up and suggest to move in with her, or vice versa. A girl that is madly in love with me and for who i am, i would happyly accept knowing that i have a wife that will never leave my side for someone else. (I'm pretty sure her looks are at least close to my likings.)
it hurts loveing someone and having them not love you back so i thing a yandre would be nice ^_^
It depends on the girl.. If I like her then I'll go with her and confront her and take the hits if not... as long as she dosen't bring a knife or chainsaw in which case I'd rather run and hide for my life...