Japanese Trading Card Games - Do You Collect and/or Play?

Which Japanese Trading Card Game Do You Play and/or Collect?

Total Votes : 2,844
ADisasterpiece wrote...
Damienthedevil wrote...
I played Weiß Schwarz a little but it's not common so... yeah....

What the hell is White Black?

...and why do the Japanese insist on putting seemingly random German words into their animes/mangas/popular culure~?

It's like how Margarite in Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai always says "Jagd," as if it actually means anything specific. She just randomly says "Hunt," and that doesn't make sense to me...


I have a bunch of old Pokémon cards and a few Yu-gi-oh decks somewhere.
Nobody actually knew how to play them; we just threw down the most powerful cards randomly, then ran off and played guns or something.

The game had a "White series" and a "Black series" for the cards that's why it's called White Black.
I don't really collect, but I do play yugioh. In game only though.
adamblade wrote...
Duel Masters for me, even thou many people I know treat it like shit......P.S. Coz they don't know how to play it that's why they treat it like shit....Y_Y

Yes! Thank you so much! Duel Master fans! <3 I love Duel Masters. I also have Yugioh and Pokemon cards.
I wish they would bring back Duel Masters I miss it!
it all about magic thats the only good card game now
I'm Pro Tour Qualified and have won at Nationals for Magic The Gathering if that counts, I also play Tanto Cuore.
None atm, but I used to collect Pokemon back when I was about 12 D:
Collected Pokemon cards back in elementary to middle school. Most of the cards were from the first generation sets and a little from the second gen, but stop collecting due to the overwhelming amount of cards from different sets being sold on the market and the cost factor. My collection has been stored away and never been touched for over 10 years and most likely gonna stay like that.
I play Pokemon

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/949838-PCLAU5C.jpg

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/949840-P9SQVJA.jpg
I play Yu Gi Oh alot, and have a deck I used all the time. Its so cheap though my friends get mad >.< "Oh I kill your monster so I die?" *cards are thrown about*
As far as Japanese TCGs, I play a bit of Legend of the 5 Rings. But I invest most of my time and money into Magic the Gathering.
Collected Pokemon as a kid… never actually played the (card) game.

As for TCGs in general, I really like Magic the Gathering.
Got in to Yu-Gi when it first started years ago kupo. But you know it is getting harder to get them just cause there are so many new ones added every year now kupo. Every time yo think you are close 2 new packs come out lol kupo.
I play MTG. I have been playing off and on since about 1998-99
Magic the Gathering.
Played Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh as a child and started Mtg one or two years ago but all of my decks got stolen a week ago. Really sad.
Ehhh where can I purchase those Lycee Cards??

Anyway I collect Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards even before I watched the anime, I was intrigued by it ended up buying tons XD
Got a few Duel Masters but didnt understand how to play it, as for Battle Spirits I just didnt like it.
...... Playing Yugioh cards using my dear brother's cards in the past. Now those cards only filled up inside a box......
Universal Fighting System look it up its loads of fun.
Yu-Gi-Oh... my first and last card game i've ever played
Yu-Gi-Oh.....but i look forward to WS