Make-up vs. The Natural Look

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Total Votes : 82
catfish wrote...
Your time has come.

God is in his heaven. All will be united under one name.
AvatarEnd wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Where the fuck is that mellow music coming from?

The coming of the project is heralded by the voices of the angels.

I've never watched Evangelion.
iMoloko wrote...

All united? I can has friends?
akichuu wrote...
All united? I can has friends?

akichuu wrote...
All united? I can has friends?

Q stands alone. Obviously you'd know this if you took your medication properly, Q.
imnotyourdude wrote...
akichuu wrote...
All united? I can has friends?


But you're my friend Ø7.
I never go out without rouge all over my cock.
We of the project do not spam. We preach the gospel to the unenlightened. You should listen to our words.
Our seething retribution is slow, but sure.
AvatarEnd wrote...
We of the project do not spam. We preach the gospel to the unenlightened. You should listen to our words.

I would, but I can't hear them over this repetitive music.
yurixhentai wrote...
AvatarEnd wrote...
We of the project do not spam. We preach the gospel to the unenlightened. You should listen to our words.

I would, but I can't hear them over this repetitive music.

Our words are counterpoint to the heavenly gospel you hear. Open yourself to both and then euphoria will be your world.
Josephl64 Shizuka-chan ~
I prefer the natural look in my girls
i prefer the natural look but a little make up isn't too bad
I dislike wearing make-up.
I dont like the feeling it gives me.
I like the clean feeling! :3
Honestly, I would prefer a female to go natural, but if she likes wearing make up, that wouldn't change anything. My ex used to go natural, but whenever we would go out, she would do herself up all glamorous. As long as it's not excessive, then i don't see a problem with it. Especially when they have them shiny looking lips. I can't turn away lolz
I picked a bit of make up. A touch of foundation, eye-shadow or blush is often nice. I don't like much in the lipstick department, especially lip-gloss.

I see you mentioned smell, OP, but I wouldn't call fresh out of the shower "natural" since that's mostly soaps and such that you're smelling then. What I would call a natural smell is what you have when you wake up or after a certain amount of physical labor. And from what little I've experienced, I really like the natural body odors of both males and females.
A bit of make-up is nice, but natural beauty is just amazing at times. but of course, not every girl can pull it off. So i selected a bit of make-up.
a lot girls are pretty without make up, but i think they should wear little cuz it covers blemishes and can make cute into sexy
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