One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Trolled by one PC at work spent so much hours just to go back to the beginning.
1. Emotionally unavailable people
2. People that don't seek freedom
3. Websites with rules
Technically yesterday, but pomegranate tea I bought was meh. Maybe I've been spoiled with the loose leaf stuff I got about a week ago, but that stuff is delicious. Tea bag stuff doesn't really compare, even if it smells amazing.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Looks like I'm back to square one on the dating front. Time to move on. I really liked her too. But there's not much I can do about it when she went batshit crazy and won't listen to reason.

She thought I was accusing her of something. In reality, her friend had accused her of something, she went quiet on everyone and I told her to talk to her friend before she fucks everything up for herself. She mistook my promptings to talk to her friend as taking sides, had a shitfit and stopped talking to me. When I prodded her about it again a couple of days later she responded by cutting contact.

After everything I've done for her, this is the treatment I get. I've done nothing but give and gotten little in return. Maybe I get too attached too easily. That always seems to be my downfall.
it's that i spent 12 hours of a said day getting leaderboard times in a videogame. half of the weekend wasted.
CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
The fact that I have to upgrade my CPU, RAM, and graphics card just to play Fallout 4.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I've been hemorrhaging money lately so I'm having to make cutbacks. That includes walking to work (though I'm so unfit I still had to take the bus back) and not going to the Supermarket to buy unnecessary shit.
I'm still in the green and I get more hours soon so right now I'm not too worried. Just want to be safe.

29th March
Recently got speaking to someone off Plenty of Fish but the bitch keeps wanting to talk on the phone. I've stated multiple times I hate talking on the phone and that I'll just about answer the phone to my workplace, but she just said that I just need to get used to talking on the phone and kept asking. Whether or not I'm used to phones is irrelevant, I simply hate talking on them.

I eventually caved in and called her just to shut her up, but apparently one phone call wasn't enough. She asks for me to call her at least once a day. It's pissing me off.
dogbreth Swerval Punk
Another dood on a dating app tried to use my being non binary trans as a loophole to confronting the fact they may be into less than strait stuff. :(
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Been feeling so low lately. Partly still grieving over my cat but mostly woman troubles.

Completely lost all motivation to do anything or speak to anyone.
Cinia Pacifica Ojou-sama Writer
Waking up at 9pm after sleeping at 12pm sure is quite the detrimental idea. Boy is my sleep schedule rekt. I keep missing the others RPers.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
April 8th
Been hearing "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best" a lot lately.

I'm immediately turned off by people who say it, it's so trashy. To me it screams "I'm an unloveable cunt who's unwilling to change my attitude towards people while just making sure people know I'm totally not insecure."

April 12th
Avast hates Pomf links and apparently quite a few people on this site still have them in their signatures. Keeps bringing up false positives.
i put too much cream in my coffee, and by the time i got to work it was cold.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
April 14th

I've just realised I can't remember the last time I showered. Being depressed and having shite hours really does a number on your personal hygiene.

Time to fix that.

Also, I lent a friend some money so she could get home. She initially wasn't clear about how much she needed so I couldn't send it, so she missed a train and sarcastically said "thanks for that". It's not the first time she's had a shitty attitude towards me while trying to help her out and after a while you tend to get a bit cheesed off by it. I sure did. So I told her to stop being a cunt towards me while I'm trying to help her out and that I didn't even have to help her, but I am. She threw a shitfit; completely disregarded the part where I basically asked for a bit of gratitude and clung onto the part where I said "You're being a cunt" and twisted it into "I FEEL LIKE SHIT AND YOU'RE CALLING ME NAMES!" then proceeded to call me a cunt and ask if I felt like shit yet. Like a fucking child.

We've had a bit of a talk, basically told her to stop disrespecting me. If she does it again (which she will) I might just tell her to fuck off until she apologises. I've let her get away with too much for too long now.

April 15th
Doing Prison of Elders Hard Mode on Destiny and getting the Skolas boss. Fairly easy until he's around 50% health when a debuff called "Devouring Essence" randomly appears on one person of the party and lasts for 30 seconds; at 0 they die. Only way to prevent dying is for someone to take it off of you which gives them the debuff and resets the timer. With 30-second-cooldown-Revive-only Respawning, a 40 second cooldown to take it off each other, the fact there was only 2 of us and my teammate not bothering to take it off me, we kept failing miserably.

After a billion tries with just the two of us we got a third party member in which made things significantly easier, but I still kept dying to that bullshit mechanic; I kept taking the Essence off everyone else but nobody took it off me.

April 16th
Got into a discussion with a coworker about another coworker who likes to talk about things he watches; she told me her mind goes completely blank and has no idea how to respond to him since he doesn't follow what he says and he watches so much stuff. I mentioned he's talked about stuff he's watched and played with me. Without thinking I said that I don't care about the stuff he tells me. What I intended to say was much less harsh; that sometimes I too get lost when he talks about things he's talking about. In reality I don't mind him talking about stuff like that since we basically have a to-and-fro discussion about what we are watching and recommend things to each other. I feel like such a prick about unintentionally stabbing him in the back like that to someone else.

Why am I so socially awkward.
i have nothing to do, no friends to visit, no weed to smoke, and I'm dying inside I'm so bored.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
>incomplete serie (Futari Ecchi)
>missing vol 40
>check prices

Serious-fucking-ly? it was printed three years ago at least!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
>wait for a bus on a Sunday where they go every half an hour
>it's late by 5 minutes. No biggy, I'll wait a bit longer
>5 more minutes roll by. Getting worried.
>Another 5 roll by. Fuck it, I'm heading home to call for a taxi as no credit on my phone
>As I open the door, the bus goes down
>Taxi arrives after 10 minutes.
>Get to work late and £7 down.

Annoying thing is, I considered walking to work to avoid the possibility of this happening. Why didn't I just do it.

My late new year's resolution is to walk to work on Sundays. Fuck this shit.
One insignificant thing that dislike me today is..

I must done a university project work and I don't I have any mood to do It...

So I came here to relax and let my horny emotional goes with hentai
Not enough time to play Dark Souls 3.
went to visit my moms grave with my sisters. Super depressing, and they were all crying, and i felt bad. Than we went and got shitfaced at noon.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Looks like second best yet again. Person I'm interested in seems to be interested in someone else. Jesus fucking Christ even when I do a lot for them and they say they like me I still end up on the shelf. Getting tired of this shit.