
Post Your Pics! i dont want to sound like a meany of an a$$...... why is it so hard for most of you to show you true self? i do it all the time. u dont need to hide it. were all friends …
[ Locked ] Request threads are not allowed Request threads of any form asking for help finding unlicensed/pirated content are not allowed anywhere on our forums: …


What happen to Milky Animation Label? as I was searching for this company? I couldn't find it's website. then I tried anime news network, all I see is a different link. what happen to this company? Did it got bankr…
Sport watching? Anyone sports fan here?? Guys, what kind of sport do you usually watch?
What is your favorite song of all time? What the title says. Mine is a tie between Soulero - There I was and Skrillex - With You, Friends (Long Drive). I just love the me…
Those untranslated word thingies? On quite a few doujin/hentia comics there are those words that aren't in text bubbles. But does anyone know what they actually say? I've been really intrigued as even on translated comics they still s…
Parts of a series missing? Hello, I noticed that with some doujinshi that are part of a series, some parts are missing. For instance, “Hypnosis Quest” by Haitokukan has 5 parts currently, but Fakku is missing part
FAKKU's Translation Accuracy Issue I saw this earlier in 4chan so I want to ask the community itself. Ho…
Magi34's Sketch book SFW/NSFW Hello, I have been around for a while. I saw someone post twitter post I'd thought I try start another sketch book thread. function tweet_1208432451187404800(data){…
Library issues. So, I purchased a chapter a while ago, and, for some reason unknown to everything that is holy in the world, it disappeared from my library. Like, I can search for it and still read it, but it's nowhe…
What kind of case do you suggest? So I am currently working on a building a gaming PC. I finally finished picking out some parts and now I am trying to pick out a case. I am not really sure what to look for in a case, so if I could ge…
Help finding title or artist This might be a long shit but I was reading a comic a while ago but now I can't remember what it was and realy want to find it again I thought I saw it on here but maby it was another website It…
What is THE saddest piece of music you've heard As said, what is the saddest piece of music you've ever had the pleasure/displeasure of hearing ? Any form of music is fine eg: music from symphonies, opera, favourite genre. Personally, I find the en…
Did I come at a bad time. I see there is quite a trend of nerco-posts trying to reach this it always like this, not to mention seems most people haven't been on in weeks or is that due to the holidays? …
..just some artwork (mainly nsfw) NSFW Bloooop. Spoiler:…
[ Poll ] PDF's or Zip's Idk, I guess I was wondering what was the most common download preference
Albums where every song is perfect Sorry if there is a topic already on this, I rarely come to the music section. What are some of your favourite albums that you can listen to all the way through and love every song? Someti…
Favorite DBZ Hentai Artists Hey Guys, I'm new on here and been wondering if y'all could suggest some awesome Dragon Ball Z hentai artists. I already follow and love Yamamoto! Is there any that are similar to his st…
Figures come , money go Collecting pvc figures can really be a expensive hobby and recently Alter have been coming out quite alot of nice figures but would have to force to skip most of it due to budget. I have see some of t…
So with the upcoming Wani anniversary/festival... Does anyone by chance know a way to purchase their goods that will be sold there? Lots of good stuff, I abs…
Any advice on my weight gaining situation? So I have a really fast metabolism, am about 6' (180cm) and weigh around 130 lbs (54kg I think). Not good. I'm also pretty dang unhealthy and sedentary, though not entirely incapable of doing physic…
Ranking the different Dascomi series The Dascomi magazine features entirely chapters that are part of storylines and I just wanted to share my opinions on each of them. Feel free to share your own opinions. …