[Locked] the irony of genetic drift

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echoeagle3 wrote...
Darkhilt wrote...
Meh someone's angry.Anyways let them use the word aryan as much as they like, considering it takes root from the Sanskrit/Indian language and as such befile themselves with their own language.And lul stop bring racism into this, calling a nigger a nigger on the Internet takes the same presidence as in rl, it's perfectly fine if you can't get directly hurt.Please take mention that causing hostility does fall under hurt.And meh who cares if they have chimp genes, we're homo sapiens, it's perfectly true.

not mad. just shocked by the idiocy. and I can't stand trolls. My best friend is black so I learned a lot about respecting the African American people. And I never said that anything about evolution meaning all of us have chimp genes. I was just pointing out that he said that white "Aryan" people have lost their chimp genes and only the African Americans have them still. That doesn't seem like he is saying we all are evolved from monkeys that is saying that the white "Aryan" race is superior to the African Americans because they have evolved out of the chimp genes while the "Negros" as he called them still have them. I read between the lines a lot. So I like to think I pick up on stuff that isn't blatantly obvious.

Meh, Alas I still call my nigger friends niggers and bring up cotton picking and the civil war so I just wanted to point that unless they're a total faggot it doesn't matter.
Tegumi "im always cute"
erikj1508 wrote...

Recommending for ban.
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