What did you learn today?

Today I learned that your cerebellum regulates the finesse everything you do, but does not commands it. Like the unconscious pressure you apply to squeeze a lime and how can you recall it every time, it's all controlled by the cerebellum. And, of course, being unable to measure it is caused by damage in the cerebellum.

ahh... med school...
Today I learned SD is comprised of idiotic fags that actually pose a lower IQ then the average IB user while trying to over-clock their insignificant brains that can be compared to a windows 98 trying to run battlefield 3 in 3d and on extreme graphics oh and that the newcomers in the upper crust of wealthy artisans are now become more and more stupid.
I learned that there are 3.1 bonus episodes plus a manga to Oreimo! Happy me!

Technically that was yesterday, since I've been watching since 11 and it's now almost 1...
I learned that there will still be some kind of longing to the past.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
that there are too many good rpg's I have not played
i suck at yoga and need to practice a lot. Also it gets me sleepy =3=
Today I learned that, physiologically and within the brain, emotions are something that doctors still can't fully comprehend.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I didn't learn this today, but I learned that Lobsters are unique in that they actually benefit from old age. They get physically stronger as they get older.

Very rarely do you see a lobster die of old age, they're usually killed either by a predator or caught by us. Which I guess is one and the same really.
i rediscovered a new meaning for mold, i need to stop smokin weed
That I can indeed eat 2 pies, half a ham, half a cake, & 3 foot long roast sammiches by myself in under an hour & a half if Im truly determined to brave the digestion process.
That some people are more stupid than they seem.
I learned that my childhood friend, who Im starting to develop feelings for, is going back to his ex that broke his heart :/
i learned the true meaning of love =)
Pizzas are vegetables.
a gall bladder is as sneaky organ...it can appear even if not really there O_o
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
that some game cracks are just too confusing
Revolver_Jesus wrote...
Pizzas are vegetables.

Damn right, I learned that too.
Sleeping for way too long makes me feel like I've had 14 cups of coffee x-x;;

-bounces all over the place-
Writing stories and song parodies is much easier than it seems.
You can get sick from being indoors way to much, it's so cold outside though, and i don't want to leave my bedroom.
Monster Girl
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