What language(s) do you speak? =O

English, Cantonese and Mandarin
English and German.
Also can speak a little Italian.
I want to learn Korean.
I am fluent in Russian ( Speak, write, read ). It is my first language, I moved to USA 7 years ago from Ukraine. I don't like Ukrainian language much, it sounds a bit barbaric. I can understand the Ukrainian language, I can speak it somewhat, and read it somewhat. I cannot write in Ukrainian though, only simple words. Russian is my best language and I find it much easier than English.
i speak French English Vietnamese currently learning Japanese at my college tough my English still need a little work and i still find French to be the most complicated to learn
Swedish, english and I am trying to learn some japanies and I am learnig some german from my sister.
Swedish natively, English at an advanced level, bits of German and Japanese.
only fluent in english but im learning japanese as we speak! kanji and hirogane are next on the to do list, it figures theres no reason knowing one without the other. my goal is to speak japanese fluently before i head that way and to use my future knowledge of kanji to translate for fakku!

what do you hope to do with any languages that your learning? was there any particular reason you chose that one?
Speak native swedish, then english and is currently studying japanese at university. -_- Got my finals in a few weeks, and more than 100 kanji to learn =/. Have studied French as well, but was a long time ago, don't remember much. Oh, and I've studied some elvish Quenia by myself (^-^)
I speak english, understand verbal spanish (cannot for the life of me read, write, or speak it though), and am currently learning french.
Im cantonese but i suppose my main language is english since i was born in austyralia. I can speak cantonese fluently but with slight accent. I cant read or write chinese even though i spent more then 3 years studying it.
English and Indonesian.. I'm currently learning Japanese from anime..dunno it will work or not
Just English TBH, I know a few words of Welsh though.

Kinda wish I took French seriously in school and Greeks a very attractive language. (Shame the Greeks have a different alphabet, I think its easy to speak from watching late night learning programmes on the BBC)
Well I know Japanese fluently thanks to being born and raised in Japan. I love this language so much, I mostly speak in Japanese with my brother and Spanish with the rest of the family since I'm Mexican. Other than that, I obviously know English, and know a little bit of French.


I just translated my own paragraph above in Japanese. I wonder how many people here could have read it and translated without the English paragraph...
Dutch is my main language (Belgium)
English goes fluetly though I still have trouble with some words I don't know or the spelling.
A little bit of French (enough to ask the time and directions)
English, Tagalog, Japanese and a little bit of French
Fluent in English, a bit of French (just the basics that I learnt during the 2 year quickie course I opted for in college), and amongst local languages it'd have to be Hindi, Marathi, Parsi/ Gujarati, (a bit of) Punjabi.
French, my mother tongue, and currently learning Japanese and English at uni.
Even if learning English at uni there is quite useless ...
French is my mother tongue. I also speak english, a bit dutch, a few italian, and some babblings in japanese i got with animes ^^
Spanish(yay, mother tongue!), english(boo, tongue of our enslavers!), and can read most west european languages (disregard Spain and England for obvious reasons). Also working on japanese, though college is a harsh mistress.