What Men find attractive in a woman

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For me I'm looking for these things :
1) Fighter (If I'm not around to protect her, I know she'll be able to kick their ass)
2)Manga Lover (obvious reasons)
3)Kamen Rider/Sentai/Pr lover (Yes, I still watch these. Hop off)
4) Self-esteem high (I can't deal with chicks that are always depressed about one thing or another about their bodies)
5) Semi-Cute (As in 'She isn't ugly, but she isn't all that pretty either~Kinda like a best friend) to close to model.
6) Race: Irrelevant
7)Independent, but only up to so far (If we broke up, she can support herself)
8)Religious views:You believe what you want, I will believe what I want.
9) Chest: Eh, natural B-C cup (Fake ones look weird)
10)Body over all: Not too skinny, but has some meat on her bones. (kinda like girls that are borderline chunky.) About 5'9 if possible.
11) HAS TO BE ON MY MENTAL LEVEL (I don't want to say a word then she goes 'Is that some breed of dog?)
12)Sex status: Not a virgin (It's a moral issue. I know that all ~well most~ women think sex is a special thing, and your first time should be with the person you trust the most.....I just really don't see myself as that type of guy)
13)Shaves (And I don't mean 'down there'; it's not sexy if she has more of a mustache than me, or has my afro under her arms.)
14)Age:1-2 years younger or older (At least till I hit college)
15)Pervert. (Makes life easier)
16)Has fashion sense, but not like what most girls wear nowadays (Covers her skin pretty well. And FYI, It's not appealing when you have your ass-crack showing.)
17) Good with money (knows how to save and spend.)
19) Want's kids later down the road.
20)Neck length to shoulder length hair (It's NOT cute to have a brush cut. The only time it's acceptable for me (and I mean this in the most serious of ways) is if they are a cancer patient/survivor. They have a reason for their hair to be so short.)
21) Has a sense of humor.
22) Has a true wild side that only I can bring out (giggity)
A little of what you fancy does you good. MEET UR FANTASIES
Well if we're talking about what we like about our girl, I'd have to go with a few things to start, and then work my way up from there.

1) I like girls a little shorter than me.
2) Thin, but not too thin.
3) I think A or B cup boobs are the best, but C-D are good in their own right.
4) Likes cats - I have two :3
5) Someone who can keep up with my nerdy awkwardness and habit of over-thinking things.
6) Appreciates my dry sense of humor
7) Into trying out new things - Sexual/Nonsexual
8) Is a bit of a nerd herself (anime, movies, etc., I'm not picky).
9) Outgoing personality despite apparent nerdiness
10) Is also single - probably most important

That's pretty much all I look for. And as long as she's not some kind of psychotic like my last girlfriend :\
I don't care bro I just want a fucking girlfriend.
I try to follow 3 simple rules:
Younger than me
Shorter than me
Lighter than me
Well, I appreciate it if you won't murder me in the night or give me a debilitating illness, otherwise I don't really mind. In all seriousness, I'm neither fussy nor tied to specific preferences with women. I like people who are nice, generally pleasant people to talk to and I can get along with. A few shared hobbies would be nice, though that can be picked up after the fact. Either being able to tell jokes or appreciate my terrible, terrible humour would be great, otherwise...what I'd look for the most is a good personality and a lack of psychopathy. Everybody's beautiful in their own way.
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