What's most important to you in hentai?

What is the defining thing that makes a particular hentai good?

Total Votes : 7,172
Just like any story, you have to have a good story line in order to satisfy your every need and desire and have the capability to make use of your imagination. Basically a story line is the most important part of a great hentai read in my opinion, but don't get me wrong artwork comes in 2nd! xD
Artwork, I really go for the artwork. Why? b/c u can have a good story but if the artwork sucks you can´t enjoy it.
Art first, then story. Most doujin tried to express their story, but without artwork it fails or go unnoticed
For me it was a tough decision but I have to go with story over art. If the art is bad I can still go with it unless the art is just Horrible; meanwhile if the story is bad I can't even finish reading it. So story first, then art. And I guess the story is reliant upon if it's translated or not. LOL.
if i can pick Both.. i would choose no censorship and artwork cause Artwork is Also Very important. So yeah.. This both together will make it a Blast... Woots... But sometimes i dun mind censorship.. LOL!
I can only read/watch hentai if it looks good. Story comes immediately after that though as a close second
I would said the most important is story. if it fit your taste you will keep enjoy it. i like the most is force a good girl(house wife or etc) to make love. but mostly ending is the girl more desire than the man , i really dont like this type ending. sometime most story show the girl so horny ,for me it's really make me lost the appetite.
actually the all elements at above are important , i would said 1,story 2 ,artwork,3 ,sentense then etc...
Well I could say Story of course because even though it has a good art work no censorship and color but if the story is great it will cover it up so what do you guys think ??
Pesonally i think at the very least there are 2 main components needed for a hentai: story, artwork and all the others.
Story - if there is no good story then ends up a bit pointless even if it's "readable";
Artwork - if the story is good but the artwork it's crapy well for me it's kinda gets pointless again and it's even less readable because, let's face it, we read\see this (hentai) and if the artwork, which is food for the eyes it's crap then well might as well see an actual porno.
As for the others they kinda have their own significances, for instance Censorship well we all kinda grow used to it and learned to live with it but sometimes i found hentia with so many censorship it impossibilitates the reading of the sheet and\or takes all the interest of the hentai because it's so abusive, all in all i would vote for no censorship or at least the minimun possible.
all of them are very important factors but my biggest thing is artwork cause for me if the artwork's not good then it's hard for me to get into the story and if i cant get into the story
once there's a good story then it'll be easy to like.artwork comes second for if the artwork sucks then there's no point with making a good story with a sucky drawing.
Pff artwork fartwork. its the story that matters. back in my day all we had was a circle and a line to fap to
I voted artwork however story is very important too...you can even pass on the language, the color and the censorship if the story and the artwork are good :)
that's my modest opinion!

Ok, nothing to do with the actual poll however the Panda comment it's funny and the pic it's really cute!!! :D
obviously a nice balance of all of them is nice, but if i had to choose it'id be art.
Well in my personal opinion is the Story that the manga is rinning with and it really does not metter if the Artwork, Language, Color or no color, and Censorship.
What a hentai will be always good it will be becase of the story.
That all
Hmmm...That's a good question, but considering that i'm an artist, I would have to say good sexy artwork really turns me on.
I think the artwork it has to take some real skill to make people from anime and your own animated character i know for a fact that i wouldn't be able to make a hentai if i triedForum Image: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/189/3264995614_ab9132632b.jpg
Obviously the story, without a good story hentai would just be a picture in my opinion.
Of course I search for good artwork, but even if the artwork is just pure awesome, if the story isn't interesting I won't consider it fap material.
But that's just me.
i voted for story

but hentai means artwork. if its all about the story then you better read a novel or a pocketbook. art work is also important. Artwork brings meaning in hentai.
I find the uncensored hentai's to be the best
which oddly happened to be incest themed
for example Immoral Sister Mistreated Bride Like Mother Like Daughter