Why? why does this happen?

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artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
First off, don't make the same mistake others did, and edit this new paragraph into the first post, to show people that a new problem has arisen, and that they don't think that you still need advice for the first thing.

Honestly, sending her back isn't going to ruin her, seeing as how she's ALREADY completely ruined. You really could snap and try to get some sense into her, but I doubt it'll do any good.

Now, Drif. Ask yourself this. How close of a friend are you to her? In other words, how far will you go to help her, even if it means doing something that, although it may help her in the long-run, will feel like you back-stabbed her?
Drifter995 Neko//Night
Well, if by that you mean calling her mum.. i'm pretty sure that's out of the question now.. since we didn't actually have her umber, and the only way to obtain it was to ask the girl herself... well, y'know.. that seems like a miss...

But yeah, she asked for her house keys back (we haven't given them back just yet, cause when she asked for them, we didn't have them on us) but she has my pc, and a few other things of ours, and doesn't want to give them back, she just wants the keys.. so the gf has pretty much said 'fuck it, we aren't giving the keys back till we get our stuff back'

Sigh.. things turning to shit.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
...yeah, at this rate, I would have cut myself off and give an ultimatum. She's gone too far down now. :/

Sorry, man. :(
Drifter995 Neko//Night
Yeah... she sent us a message stating 'I don't hate you, I just don't trust you, and am really pissed with you right now'
the main reason she's pissed at us is because she thinks we were running her into the ground (money wise) and thought we were sponging off her... which does make sense, but why get so antsy over it? i mean, it's not like we meant to.. :|
but anyway, seems she's not overly pissed at us... so we should be right
I cant believe she got mad at me saying it was my fault, and that i should have said something to her. It's her money, you think any decent person would have said "Look I'm broke now do you mind spotting me $ seeing as I made you dinner" or something like that.. She made out like we were stealing fom her or something. She would buy us dinner and drive us around and never care about asking for petrol money or grocery money. we tried to pay her back a few times but she refused point blank.

Seriously I was that confused by her "I hate you/I like you" routine, that I have emotional whiplash.
/end rant

but anyway back to the point:
-she's talking to us now but still doesnt want to see us.
-she is acting like nothing happened, but somewhere in the back of my mind I can't help but think she'll do it again if I say or do the wrong thing.
-she still want's her house keys back (as we house sat when she went away on her days off to visit family, purely for the fact that her house is pimped with new furniture and white goods and just heaps of electrical goods it's not funny (Filling a emotional attachment void since her break up from the ex in question)

I'm very hesitant to talk to her about anything honestly ever again, but she's one of those people that value honesty. I gave my honest opinion about what I thought about her ex when she was pissed off with him chasing this new tail he's found, and she reacts like this... EVERY TIME.

all in all very confused about our friend...
unsure.jpeg :(
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
D, Mag, I really don't want to have to repeat myself, but really. After all of this, I'm really surprised you guys are still connected to her. Do whatever final things you feel need to be done, then just leave her be for a while. Maybe after she's left alone, she might come to her senses.

That's just one option I'm throwing out there. Regardless, I wish you two the best of luck in dealing with this.
Drifter995 Neko//Night
artcellrox wrote...
D, Mag, I really don't want to have to repeat myself, but really. After all of this, I'm really surprised you guys are still connected to her. Do whatever final things you feel need to be done, then just leave her be for a while. Maybe after she's left alone, she might come to her senses.

That's just one option I'm throwing out there. Regardless, I wish you two the best of luck in dealing with this.

Yeah, we're pretty much trying.. Like, as i said, i offered to get my stuff and leave her keys, but she refused right then and there..

We've talked to a few friends, and they've said pretty much the same thing, leave her be for a while, and she should come to her senses... but ah well..

Thanks for your help dude.. you really are awesome :D
Yeah thanks for all your advice. We've decided to back off and not talk to her unless she talks to us. Not really planning to see her any time soon (Currently have the worst cold ever so I best not infect anyone else, wont be going to work either so I wont see her). She's pretty much thrown her social life out the window since Skrim has been released so I dont think we'll hear from her until she calms down.

Anyway, life goes on. Time to look for a new house to rent without her (predicting her to spaz again if we do move in with her).

Happened with my ex-girlfriend in a different way. Once someone's had that obsession, they won't give a single fuck for that advice. It was a year and 2 more bf later that she sent me a message saying I was right the whole time and she should have taken my advice.
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