Anti smoking laws

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Anti smoking law and how far it should go

Total Votes : 31
mnx wrote...
public space/park/station/pedestrian = no smoking.
retail space/resto/pub = up to the owner,whether he allows it or not(extra tax for those who allows it)
at your own house = smoke until you die.PERIOD.

that truly is best explanation in my opinion
mnx wrote...
public space/park/station/pedestrian = no smoking.
retail space/resto/pub = up to the owner,whether he allows it or not(extra tax for those who allows it)
at your own house = smoke until you die.PERIOD.

Basically you're saying that people shouldn't be allowed to smoke outside right? Parks aren't enclosed spaces and saying people shouldn't be allowed to smoke in them is ridiculous. There's area for people to spread out so that they don't have to be around the smokers and the smoke itself can dissipate in the air.
The Jesus wrote...
mnx wrote...
public space/park/station/pedestrian = no smoking.
retail space/resto/pub = up to the owner,whether he allows it or not(extra tax for those who allows it)
at your own house = smoke until you die.PERIOD.

Basically you're saying that people shouldn't be allowed to smoke outside right? Parks aren't enclosed spaces and saying people shouldn't be allowed to smoke in them is ridiculous. There's area for people to spread out so that they don't have to be around the smokers and the smoke itself can dissipate in the air.

is public spaces are an outdoor space?not always.
civil service building.sports hall.those are the example of the enclosed public space.

and retail space are not necessarily an enclosed space.retail places could be a cafe's patio,beer garden,etc etc....

i'm not saying that we shouldn't smoke outside.
i'm saying that we should pick the place to smoke carefully.
and there's no problem with smoking in an enclosed space,as long as it have ample ventilation.

i hope this explains my point.
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