How do you feel about women on their periods?

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So I was wondering since it just came to mind.

What do all of you manly men think of women when they're on their menstrual cycle or when they have PMS?

Are you the type to soothe her and be kind to her even though she's probably being a bitch to you, or are the kind that just needs to leave when she gets like that?

I'm really curious about your responses.

I've met some guys before that sympathize with them, guys that tease them about it, and guys that just don't want to be around when that time of the month comes along.

Also, if she asked you to, would you have sex with her on her period? Or is that too gross? Would you wear a condom?

I've actually found that vaginal penetration helps to relieve my cramps quite a bit. Not sure about other women.

So if it would help ease her pain would you? xD Or still too gross?

Here's a website I found on it actually:

It suggests doing it in the shower as well, you know for cleanliness obviously since it can be quite a mess. Heh.
Normally, I don't care when a girl is on the rag. Sometimes I sympathize when the pain sets in. Its usually not a topic I discuss very often with anyone.

Though most of the women I know turn into this when they PMS

Forum Image:

I just get the fuck away from them until they are done.
Eww xD It's all bloody looking.

Probably a good idea to stay away from that.

Sometimes I feel like I need to get away from my girlfriends when they get like that too. >.>;
Its "Carnage" from spider man. Basically, the most evil of evil bastards in all of evil bastarddom.

He'd rip your entrails out and weave a basket of them while screaming at you. Then do unspeakable things to you just because he's evil and nothing else.
i don't think i have evr seen arnage in spiderman but then again i have'nt seen many of the back story episodes... im talkin absolute crap now
Not minded too much. If they want my sympathy they can have it and I will be as kind as I can to their quick tempers. if they just want to whore at me all day and that's it, then I'm not particularly interested.
I hate them. Me and my dad are the only males in the family so things get a bit crazy for both of us once a month. One time, my mom threw my GBA against the wall because I forgot to put the laundry in the dryer.

Hell, I don't even know what goes on with my female friend because I tend to ignore her when she's in a bad mood.
@ Azuran: Wow that sucks. Me and my mom are the only girls in my family and then it was my two brothers and step-dad.

I don't ever get that mad. @_@ I'm usually in more pain than I am pissy. But Advil or some other pain killer takes care of that pretty quick.

Hmm, think I will edit the first post a bit. xD
Never saw a period. And ,regarding the posts and the picture, hoping not to see one for the rest of my life.
I give everyone one chance. If they are a complete and utter bitch to me while they are PMSing and don't apologize for it afterwards, then from that point on I will just ignore them and let them fester. But usually all the girls I've been with aren't that horrible during this time period and usually make up for it afterwards with their sweetness =) I like to think of it as if they are an angry drunk. In all honesty I think their subconscious is just starting to show themselves and they are probably just a giant bitch on the inside and probably someone I wouldn't want to be with.
elfen lied wrote...
i don't think i have evr seen arnage in spiderman but then again i have'nt seen many of the back story episodes... im talkin absolute crap now

Carnage is a version of Venom. Its stronger then both Spiderman and Venom at the same time. So when those women PMS I don't hang around because more than likely I may get killed in the process. Those women inspire sheer terror.
im a type of person who if u start yelling at me or starts to argue i will replie back with how u aprouched me cuz i feel like i have to defend myself but when they start pms'sing and they do that i dont really talk to them im just like ok i see how u are so ill just leave or be quiet...and omg carnage
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I personally have never understood the girls point of view or the males point of view.

You see, some guys laugh and think its funny and poke fun 'aww, ur tummeh huurts?' Well. lol. I'm a special case. I have to be on birth control because of it.
1. because it'll come whenever it wants even if it's 3 weeks late.
2. because the first few days I'll drop anywhere and just start crying in pain for hours at a time. I had to be taken home from school once because I got it during class and I couldn't stop crying. I get electrical shocks occasionally up my spine and I feel like my insides are exploding.

However, never have I used my PMS as an excuse for my actions. The worst I'm at is pouty and just laying around. On the birth control I just get mild cramps and a little bloatage where I don't want my jeans buttoned lol.
So I lay around and just chill. I've never felt the urge to just... scream at somebody. Or bitch at someone. My grandpa used to rub circles into my back before I got on my birth control while I laid on the couch in a fetal position.

I don't think it's that big of a deal (When I'm on the pill lol) and I'd like to hear some females explain why they feel the need to scream and be a bitch. But I doubt I'll get that.

However, on the male side, you guys act like you want to throw up at the idea of a girl bleeding. But you'll watch the most gruesome horror films. If a girl mentions she's on the rag they're just '..........' and just wanna shoot themselves. :roll:
i have a question, when do u stop getting ur periods(targeted to the ladies)
wow talk about your insights that actualy says quite alot about you, you know .... but i can say im not one of these guys who torment girls at all i'll tease but nothing major
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Mines generally a week long. Towards the end it's just a little bit, but enough that you need something to catch any little bits left in your system.
ok im gonna leave this thread and never return because it is making me feel mega uncomfortable
like elfen said both me and my dad sometimes poke fun at it like my mom woke 1 morning screaming at every1 and my da was like "o ok its the 15 and wrot down on a calender saying period=dawn" lol
Nate River wrote...
i have a question, when do u stop getting ur periods(targeted to the ladies)

When do we stop getting them?

When we're pregnant or are going through menopause.

@ Ziggy: I've gotten it so bad that I have thrown up before. Birth control really helps a lot for me too. Mine's shorter and lighter now and has less cramping. I went from 5 days of heavy (we're talking super plus maxi pads heavy) to 3 days of a little regular bleeding on the first day and very light the last two days. I love birth control.

Keeps me baby free and cramp free for the most part.

I noticed that I actually do have some form of PMS before my period where I just feel extremely irritable at everyone and everything and want to kill people. I don't mean to be either and I try really hard not to let myself get out of hand, but I feel so on edge. (Birth control has actually helped this a lot as well...)

I don't like putting the blame on PMS but I really think that's the cause of my occasional irritability because otherwise I am never like that.
yea im with elfen i dont know why im even in here......
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