How do you feel about women on their periods?

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When girls I'm dating are on their period, I tend to just have lots of sex with them. It's great cus you dont' have to use condoms, and keeping them happy with sex tends to mellow them out a lot so you don't have to deal with the drama as much. Generally it's shower sex too, which is always a plus in my book.
Best thing about the period (for guys) is at the end of the period and maybe a day after its safe to climax inside the girl. Did it a few time with my last ex. Really a unique experience though I didn't have to worry about a kid because she was the type to use a coat hanger if she had to.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
God damn. A coat hanger lawlz.

I don't know if this is normal, but after my period I'm ready to just... screw anything. That's the one day where I just masturbate more then once in a day. So that's really the only bonus guys get if other girls are like that. I've never had sex on my period so I wouldn't know what that's like.
I hate being on my period.

My boyfriend though likes to know when I start it so he could be extra nice to me.

I don't get that bad of cramps, but I make up for it with my moods ~ I get crazy. I'm happy one second and I'm an angry bitch the next second. My boyfriend understands, so I'm sooo happy because of that.

Though, contrary to the belief I don't pull out ice cream and eat all day. I do love sleeping all day though.

After my period is the best because I get tonnsss of energy.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Best thing about the period (for guys) is at the end of the period and maybe a day after its safe to climax inside the girl. Did it a few time with my last ex. Really a unique experience though I didn't have to worry about a kid because she was the type to use a coat hanger if she had to.

Being on birth control my ex-bf never used a condom. Never got preggers either.

Don't meet many girls on birth control or do you just like to be extra safe? xD

@ ultenth: Yes! Exactly. It's such a cramp reliever to have sex on your period. xD And it really does help with the stress and other emotional problems too. :3
them mysteries i have yet to endure -_- although this is giving me some relative precaution for when it comes up. so in a nut shell(please correct me if im wrong):

-(most) woman are very emotional during their period, i think thats a given. try to endure the slaughter of words you might have to cope with =p

-since sex releases endorphins, its a plausible cure for the common period. not absolute and a bit messy though, shower sex is reccomended.

-stress and pain are reluctant to pause throughout. comfort her and give her the support she requires.

-after the process shes very energetic! take her somewhere where she can expel all her energy, maybe give her some good lovin' ;o

thank you for your wisdom =) ill keep it all in mind.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I still don't get the emotional thing. I've neever gotten a mood swing from it - ever. However, I've gotten very emotional when I fuck up on my birth control. Like once I failed my anatomy test and then after that I went to sociology and I broke my nail and I started crying in the back of the room. I am. Not. that. type. of. girl. :roll: So then when you're by yourself you're crying because you're crying and getting pissed off because you're upset about stuff you don't wanna be pissed off about. It's a very bad conflict with me.

But I don't seem to get like that anymore, maybe my body is just used to me fucking up my pill.
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Normally, I don't care when a girl is on the rag. Sometimes I sympathize when the pain sets in. Its usually not a topic I discuss very often with anyone.

Though most of the women I know turn into this when they PMS

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I just get the fuck away from them until they are done.

OMG, that made me laugh so hard. xD I was not expecting that.
And also, when a girl's on a period, if I EVER have sex with her on her period(1 in every 30 or something) I do it in the shower. I don't need any more blood on my sheets than what I already put there from seeing how much it hurts with a knife to the knee.(trust me, it hurts)

Otherwise, I stay awaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy, as many woman become very very bitchy during that time.

EDIT: by the way, my mom gave me my "talk" at 13 years old(a little late MOM). Oh jeez, that was... awkward. Luckily, all she said was some along the lines of
1. Not when I'm around to hear it
2. Clean up the blood and semen
3. Wear a condom
4. No anal
5. You can do it with whoever you like, as long as they can't find you after, or you're actually dating them.

xD I don't listen to 4 of course, and 5 was my favorite rule.
It's good for you if you have a vampire fetish, best of both world's baby!! Oh snap! No he didn't! Yeah, I went there!

Honestly? I feel bad about the pain and mood swings women have to endure, but mostly I'm relieved it's not me =). Selfish, but honest!

p.s. anyone see that Robot Chicken skit where She-Ra was on her period but she fought anyway? Poor bastards.
On a related note, who here has their red wings? lol.

But seriously though, depending on the girl, leaving them alone can be an option, but if you can actually be good to them when they are PMS'ing, you get soooo many brownie points when they come out of it. It's totally worth it to take some abuse for a week and then reap the rewards for being a good boyfriend afterwards.
I like me sum brownies =)
Guess I oughta try the be nice and see if she takes notice approach, at the very least I can use that if I get in a huge fight with her over something.

Yes, we're always scheming up something =X
The talk? Hahaha, I remember mine.

But the weird thing is that I delibirately asked them "Mom, what is 'fucking lesbians?'". I think I was around the ripe age of 6(OMG!). After that, I learned how to surf the net, and the rest is history^^
I respond based on how the women responds to being on their period, typically this ends with me carefully hiding someplace they don't know about or can't get to by virtue of me having taken the only car.
I don't understand any of you who are uncomfortable talking about periods. Then again I've been going out with my gf for a long ass time and I'm 23 so for a while now I've had to suffer through her and her friends discuss their periods many times. At this point I just join in on the conversation and hope we go back to talking about something I really have anything to say about sometime soon.

As far as bitchiness due to PMS goes most of the time I accuse my gf of such she gets mad....because I'm wrong. She'll typically say something like "Damnit, my period was last week. I told you." and my response will be: "Sorry. It's not like they're a special occurrence or anything like a birthday. Am I supposed to remember every time?" And the times when I know she is having PMS I generally say: "Could you stop yelling at me? You know you're only even mad because of your period right?" Sometimes that works....sometimes it doesn't. Mostly I don't react in any special way to people's periods because there's no real way to know ahead of time if a girl is going to have a mood swing or not and it's not like they're not responsible for the things they do or say while they're having them. I'm not saying they can avoid being bitchy but they can apologize when they're jerks just like us guys have to.

As for the sex talk....I never got it. My parents knew (but didn't officially approve) that I looked at porn by the time they would have given it. After the point I was having sex I didn't mind asking questions or joking with my dad about sex so I never had any awkward moments due to it besides them trying to prevent me from having sex while they were in the house (which they pretty much totally failed at preventing).
it depends. some girls i know are stay nice when that happens,(if you don't set them off) but if they become crazy i gtfo, but if there all sad then i try to be sweet.. whell i alwase try to be sweet... but yeah, it jsut depends on the situation.

and since i was 14 my dad made a lot of perverted jokes.
ZiggyOtaku wrote...

But you'll watch the most gruesome horror films. If a girl mentions she's on the rag they're just '..........' and just wanna shoot themselves. :roll:

most of us males arent interested in sticking our ponos into decapitated corpses, thats why horror films bother us to such a lower extent.

sorry if it seems crude, but thats the way ive always looked at it.

whenver my gf has that time of the month come around she usually just wants to cuddle and be held and comforted, which i completly understand, so i do my best to comfort her.

that's my view on the whole thing, its natural and can't really be helped (wtihout the use of expensive pills, and that still isnt 100% effective from what i understand) so i dont really mind it.
The Jesus wrote...
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rofl omfg that was funny
oh my gawd...... roflmao

Thejesus delivers!
periods are fine with me
i m just careful when girls have it
you don't wanna be annoying them
when they're not feeling too well :?
i do feel bad for them tho
theres nothing much we can to help
except give a lame joke lol :wink:
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