Rights, do they exist?

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so recently i've been goofing around thinking up random shit that probably have nothing to do with my future, and i've been noticing about this obsession with rights that people have grown into, the other day, i heard some of my friends babbling mindlessly on something that i'm not even remotely interested in(borin), and i overheard them talkin about this special privilege we named "right", shits like "we should have the right to protest for a new holiday" or "geez, i wonder y women have so much rights". and i thought to myself, what are these fakkin rights and where did they com from? so i'm off to my search in wiki for the new term that i mildly find myself interested in, and
Right: what is in conformity with the rule; the art that generates the law; the phenomenon to apply, tutelary and to normalize the human living together; social science that seeks to administer the justice.
of course as usual, the definition is more "well-written" than "comprehensible". and eventually, it all made sense to me that these so called "rights" are nothing but simple rules and ideas we humans have come up with, therefore, they're made up from our "mind and thoughts", they're not really there, there's really no clearly stated restrictions in this world fore-given to us by the all mighty entity(well, no proof anyways), and yet we go around shouting about these practically non-existence ideas that we made up ourselves, and it all just seemed pretty silly to me, and so i'm thinking of getting some of the more confusing yet really "in-depth" and "long" opinions from my fakku family(we do have loads of smart people here). so feel free to comment on these "ridiculous" thoughts of mine.

and oh yeah, something i found worthy of sharing

Oh that was a beautiful video
"Does God give a fuck what hand it is?"
Anyways, the whole "rights" thing really intertwines with people's sense of morality. In one sense, people would deem it wrong to kill. But what about the other's sense of "justice"? What's good or bad? it's up to the person really.
Back to rights, I don't think that they exist. What "rights" that we may have are established by human beings that idolize these "rights". But what happens when push comes to shove? Are those humans that created these "rights" going to stick with them? No, any human would trade his dignity and his sense of righteousness away for his/her life, and in turn, push the limits of the "right" given.
Notice that the rights we are bestowed are always given to us by those of higher standing, those who CAN afford to push the rights beyond what was originally conceived, due to their power.
Fuck these right, I say. The sky is the limit, hell is your limit. Do what the fuck you CAN do in life. Everything and anything is entitled to your or other peoples' "right". Now, the only barrier is laws and morality.

I hope that made sense. I can always reword it if others don't understand.
By the way, it's only my opninion :)
Rights exist only if the people who have them fight for them. The American constitution only stands for something as long as people are willing to do what it takes to keep those "rights" intact.

Personally, I'm one of those who would do what it takes to keep those right. Governments can write laws that contradict what my constitution says and I'll break those laws. My constitution guarantees my freedoms and the freedom of others without the error in logic that Carlin's plan had. If everyone has the "right" to do whatever they want then I have the right to kill you and take away your rights. Doesn't work that way and if we try to do it that way we will undo everything mankind has ever done and prove that we should never have evolved beyond monkeys.

Our "rights" exist only as long as we want them.
This was pretty amusing and funny but also seemed to have a lot of truth to it. That's what kept me interested; the truth to it. Then again, this (the video) may not seem so true to some people; mainly since he threw religion into it (which seems to be a pretty sensitive topic).

Thanks for sharing the video, it was interesting.

Moving on, rights do exist or at least they did. If you ask me, they've been taken away and are continuing to be taken away. Zeitgiest (A movie that is pretty good) pretty much explains a lot about how our "rights" and privacy is invaded and being limited. It's a good movie. But yeah, that's all I have to say besides:

Rest in Peace to Georgy, too bad he's gone.
This man speaketh the truth. All hail Georgy. It really sucks knowing that we can't really do a damn thing about what's happening to our country. (or at least my country - the U.S.) All we can do is put faith in 1 person that we barely even know who was probably elected and funded through immoral means. If more than 2/3 of our legislative body is corrupt, there ain't shit nobody can do to stop it. All we can do is make sure we elect good, moral politicians. But when information about who you are electing is sparse and possibly that information is falsified, we are screwed anyways. and to top it all of most people don't even give a damn about voting. not voting means that the people who will vote everytime to elect the official that will help out their unjust causes will have an edge.
God jokes make me smile.

Rights...Ahh, rights. Rights, as said, do not exist. Or, rather, they do exist, but not in the conventional sense.

Anything that humanity comes up with, enacts, and most importantly, enforces becomes a part of reality for us. These "rights" are nothing more then a set of intangible ideas that less fortunate people came up with to push themselves higher up the social ladder. And their successors added rights to push themselves up, and on it went.

"Rights" are nothing more then ideas that people enforce.
Well, it depends on the perspective from which you look at it. We are living in a society where we give up some "freedom" i.e. we follow the law, to get a certain amount of "protection" and "rights" by said law.
Basically I prefer the term "control" over rights as it hit's the spot far better in my opinion.
For example: You can legally protest and you can illegaly protest against something. In the end of the day, the state has the upper hand in telling you "what you may protest against" or when you may strike.
Here is an example: Your employer is paying you less than most other do in the same branch. Than an election is called by the employee protection organization (in Germany it is VERDI), which decides if you will strike. However should there be an offer that is considered good and you still won't accept it, while your strike influences the economy of the state, the state is allowed to judge that you are "striking against the law", thus your employer is allowed to fire you from the job without any consequences.(*1)
So for the example you used with the school holidays: It is relative. If your holidays are shorter than the ones of let's say 80% other countries and schools, you are allowed to protest against it. However should they be considered to be within the actual norm, you can only say that you don't like it, but it won't do anything at all.

*1: In Germany the employer has to pay you for a certain time if he cancels your work contract without any warning. The normal warning time differs but is usually 1 - 2 months at least.
Kind of like laws. I like that they are enforced though. While they aren't tangible, the sun isn't necessarily tangible either, yet we feel it's affects for our entire lives. Same as the wind and Oil companies desire to milk the last vestiges of oil for everything they can get. There are many things which are intangible which affect our lives and we have proof of existing and generally have an understanding of the mechanics behind, which makes them real in the sense that anything is actually real.
I may have missed the point here, but rights exist more than you know if you even have to ask that question. However, do you have every right promised to you? Of course not. We're deprived of rights everyday that we're entitled to.
Again, I'm missing the point, but of course you have rights.
Rights aren't what everyone makes them out to be, but they do exist. There's nothing more that I can say that good ol' Georgey hasn't. Well that's not true because he had to speak within a limited amount of time and I have the option of typing up a wall of text the likes of which you have never seen. However, I'm gonna say that Carlin's ideas are correct. Rights are an abstraction. They're an idea. We all have rights, according to our country they may be different, but thats because apparently we need some higher body to act as an authority to dictate who gets to do what.

We all have the right to do whatever we want. It may seem kind of foolish, but we have the right to do anything because we can. Five years ago, my mom said don't smoke cigarettes. It was a bad choice on my part, but I did it anyway. I've been told not to drugs, steal, and all kinds of shit, but that never stopped me. The only things that ever stopped me from doing something were physical force, my own conscience, and my mental, emotional, and physical limitations.

The government does not give us rights. What they do give us is something to think about when it comes to specific actions. The problem is that "The Bill of Things You Should Think About Doing" just doesn't have the same ring to it as "The Bill of Rights." Take killing for example, when the government says you don't have the right to kill, what they are saying is that you can kill someone, but if you do and get caught you'll be put in jail and maybe even executed. I really don't know what else to say, the subject is just bullshit and its ludicrous to continue to think that we can only do the things that other people tell us we can do.
this old guys act is full of epic and win

okay, sounds more like random so i m gonna give it a better standing.
so...rights are only so true as the ones granting them want them to be. as of now it is "granted" by society which is represented by the state but has -as of lately ever more- other interests that have nothing to do with the well being of its citizens.
to keep a position of power it is easier to satisfy the few with power than the many without, and thus it is the only rational course for the state to take...

anyway, what he says is true, and not only because its funny.

i heard a saying and it goes like that:

if you cant laugh about it, it aint true.

anyway, you might like a fictional character called hagbard celine, he wrote a nice book called dont whistle while you piss and in there are definitions of mostly abstract ideas, some of which i will provide


That institution which interferes with the Free Market through the direct exercise of coercion or the granting of privileges (backed by coercion).


From the Latin privi, private, and lege, law. An advantage granted by the State and protected by its powers of coercion. A law for private benefit.


That organization of society in which the Free Market operates freely, without taxes, usury, landlordism, tariffs, or other forms of coercion or privilege.

RIGHT ANARCHISTS predict that in the Free Market people would voluntarily choose to compete more often than to cooperate.

LEFT ANARCHISTS predict that in the Free Market people would voluntarily choose to cooperate more often than to compete.

here is a more expanded list


if you wanna know more about this characters and his adventures against zombie nazis read the ILLUMINATUS! trilogy
Hmmm...... well... theres one quote that really pops to mind when i hear about this...

There is no right or wrong, but thinking makes it so.
-William Shakespeare

Rights dont exist. Everything we have dreamt up for the past 7 or so thousand years is made-up. All the lost lives, all of the death. Rights are for the rich, while the poor are there to suffer the rich. And with that, another quote comes to mind, this one by Plato a Greek philosopher.

Those who are smart enough not to participate in politics are punished by those who do.

Two of the greatest minds ever to enter our world and they got it down like that man.
That's George Carlin and he was full of win, he died the 22nd of July 2008.
Yes!Rights do exist but the things is,


It's like "WHO CARES!!!!!"

People usually do what they want."Freedom".But all they know is FREEDOM and don't know the responsibilities behind it.Usually Freedom has been balanced by Justice but where actually is the JUSTICE?

"Both are in outer space fighting the Fate and Destiny."
hmm...they exist in the meaning as they are sometimes respected and sometimes not, but its not like they were innate or sth...

btw, freedom is responsibility

freedom means whatever you do, you gotta clean your own mess up...or not, but in case the others dont like you leaving a huge mess behind, they have the "right" to deal with you any way they see fit...

anyway...have some crowley


1. Man has the right to live by his own law--
to live in the way that he wills to do:
to work as he will:
to play as he will:
to rest as he will:
to die when and how he will.
2. Man has the right to eat what he will:
to drink what he will:
to dwell where he will:
to move as he will on the face of the earth.
3. Man has the right to think what he will:
to speak what he will:
to write what he will:
to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will:
to dress as he will.
4. Man has the right to love as he will:--
"take your fill and will of love as ye will,
when, where, and with whom ye will." --AL. I. 51
5. Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.

not to mention:

if he can...
discordia wrote...
hmm...they exist in the meaning as they are sometimes respected and sometimes not, but its not like they were innate or sth...

btw, freedom is responsibility

freedom means whatever you do, you gotta clean your own mess up...or not, but in case the others dont like you leaving a huge mess behind, they have the "right" to deal with you any way they see fit...

anyway...have some crowley


1. Man has the right to live by his own law--
to live in the way that he wills to do:
to work as he will:
to play as he will:
to rest as he will:
to die when and how he will.
2. Man has the right to eat what he will:
to drink what he will:
to dwell where he will:
to move as he will on the face of the earth.
3. Man has the right to think what he will:
to speak what he will:
to write what he will:
to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will:
to dress as he will.
4. Man has the right to love as he will:--
"take your fill and will of love as ye will,
when, where, and with whom ye will." --AL. I. 51
5. Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.

not to mention:

if he can...

Righto... well not to burst any religious bubble or the like, but I think that rights these days are as said, dependent on the amount of control the very state exhibits. To go through that list I would say about 90% of it is wrong these days.
oh yeah...thats just the basic ruleset for anarchy...or any other absence of law enforcement
discordia wrote...
oh yeah...thats just the basic ruleset for anarchy...or any other absence of law enforcement

Yup :P Sorry about the other post, but sarcasm / irony sometimes doesn't deliver too well over the internet :P
I think actually one of the few things that is actually still kept up the most is the "dress as he will" term. Just look at an anime convention etc :P Or some rather other... "interesting" characters / situations :P
well...you still cant run around naked in the cities...
"I'll tell ya about as much truth as the people who wrote that fucking bible" Legend man Legend lmao
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