[Locked] sexual lust

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Gelmax wrote...
Chuu !! wrote...

i just want to show her that man will dominate woman. her beauty is nothing than just a cunt. i'm not a type guy who let such woman looking down on me. i'm a very high tempered man. and i wont let any people looking down and talking shit to me.

You REALLY need to chill the fuck out. The whole POINT of going to college is to learn the things that life is all about, like taking shit from people and wasting your fucking money. The classes are just an excuse, because most people wouldn't pay thousands of dollars per semester to go to college if they knew its main purpose was to teach them some fucking humility. Suffice it to say that if you want to rape someone and make them your sex slave because you don't feel they're treating you well enough, you've flunked Humility 101, big time, and you're probably not doing well in Gender Relations either. Man, I just avoid people I don't like, and managed to get through an entire year of college only knowing the names of half my teachers and none of my classmates, so I'm inclined to believe you've got a serious case of overreaction. No one's forcing you to spend time with her.

Instead of trying to fix what you percieve to be her problems, all of which are none of your damn business anyway, why don't you fix the problems on your end? Either learn to ignore her or consider the tiny yet significant possibility that you're the one at fault - after all, I don't even normally read the forums and I can still tell you act like a douchebag on a regular basis and don't even realize you're pissing people off. Look at me, I act like a colossal dick on the internet, but it's okay because I KNOW my online behavior wouldn't be socially acceptable in real life.

Gelmax is 100% correct.

Chuu....you made it sounds like you already had something to blackmail her with...if you don't already how the hell did you think you were going to get something? Most people don't have anything they'd feel is worth being blackmailed over, they'd just let you tell people and think you're a dick, and even if she does have some secret that you could use you're chances of finding it are about 0% if you're not someone she's close to and will confide in.

You made it sound like you think women are somehow lesser than men. Please, please tell me you don't actually believe that. Oh also for future reference it's important to realize that nobody no matter how much of a jerk they are only has value as a sex object, or any other singular thing for that matter. People are just more complex than that.

Lastly, you should learn to get less offended when people talk shit and look down on you. Fact is people are gonna do it, often as not for no good reason at all, but, sometimes for good reasons (to them). There's nothing you can do to stop it. If your status is so high that the highest look up to you then the lowest will think you're shit. If you're respected by those will a low social standing the people who are higher will think you're shit. If you're in the middle ...random people from high, low, and the middle will think you're shit. You can't get along with everyone, you just have to learn which types of people you should bother to even notice are talking when they say something about you.
hahaha the first page is enough for me, your ripping the guy apart. i think someone would have got this simple fact through your head and thoroughly explain it; hentai is PAGES. PAGES WITH INK. oh and... moving pictures, its all the fucking same. when you have sexual lust perhaps fap, which is exactly why this site was created. maybe it was created to protect fragile woman from rapists too, the moderators seem like nice people so i wouldnt doubt it.

as for this blackmail shit... well, i have to be honest. ive heard worse and ill hear worse then that in due time, but it doesnt mean i agree with it. what you gotta understand is for one, its somewhat illegal in many countries to blackmail.... two, woman arent docile creatures thatll take kindly to that treatment... and three, its just fucking wrong. ill respect your attempted arrogant dominance over the apparent weaker sex, but we each rely on each other to even be here. and just for the record, woman arent objects. ill admit i objectify in the smallest of ways, staring at breasts or the like... but the english translation of hentai is pervert, and im proud to be somewhat of one. a little less discrimination will make life a little easier to comprehend.
Chuu !! wrote...
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
Chuu, if you really want to take her down a peg. Rather than blackmail her just post the info on a public place. Basically, if you have photos that will bring down her reputation then post them somewhere on the internet that is a popular place for people of your country. For me I would post picture of an ex or whatever on 4chan since the popularity of the website would get her pictures around the internet in a matter of hours.

About the wanting to rape her. Stop right there. Take that thought you had and forget it. Forget you ever thought of it. Rape is an intolerable act and will just end up with you in jail for blackmail and rape. Then you'll get raped by the inmates in said jail/prison.

Now wanting a "sex slave" isn't a bad idea per se. The best way to go about it is to find someone who is into "bondage" usually girls into that are also into being dominated by a male or in some cases have a "rape fantasy" there you can get the thrill of the act while not harming someone. You control all the variables in the whole situation so you can tailor it to be exactly how you want (within reason).


In laymen terms

1) Black mail - Bad Idea
2) Rape - unless you follow my suggestion above. Bad idea
3) Putting her "dirt" up in a public space so everyone will know her secret. Better idea (still a jerk thing to do though)

@Fiery_penguin_of_doomGotcha! thanks dude,you're helping me. i'll find out her shameful secret and i'll post it in some site. guess this is better than uh.. actually i dont intend to rape her. what i wanted is to bring down her reputation and prider to zero. so all the people in my college wouldnt treate her like a queen or whatsoever.

i just want to show her that man will dominate woman. her beauty is nothing than just a cunt. i'm not a type guy who let such woman looking down on me. i'm a very high tempered man. and i wont let any people looking down and talking shit to me.

oh yeah.. i'm not have any liking on her. it's just interesting idea to make a slave sex. and i'll write a story about it.


thanks for the advice. i really appreciate it. guess some music will makes me relaxed.

Doesnt this person have some sort of inferiority complex towards women in general or women who are better off than him?I mean,i understand jealousy among women but this is just criminal mate. If this thread gets archived and you do something wrong,anyone,even the police could follow up an investigation and read all the shit that you post here. Your sorry ass will be thrown in the fuckin' slammer and guess who'll be the next person taking it up in the butt whether they like it or not,huh?

I dunno,this person seems to be an attention seeker,purposely creating all this shit just so all of us would reply to him. Doesnt Fakku have any policies or rules against these sort of things? I see this guy posting this shit and I see "FAKKU ELITE" on his avatar. I'd think he should be banned. Honestly.

Nobody who posts these sort of criminal thoughts should be a part of the Fakku family.Keep it clean,keep it simple.
purifier wrote...
You know... King Kong tried to have sexxors with a girl... he got killed for it.

HAHAHAHAHA, LOL, HAHAHAHA, where did that pop up, DAMN, HAHAHA, I can't stop laughing

yeah. i guess this is my fault for being friendly over people. i've already know her secret through her friends. and some of her friends support me to do that. what can say,there are a lot of people besides me who hates her. if i dont do this,they wont believe in me. i dont care though if i dont have any friends whatsoever. i just cant stand if there is any people who always looking down on me.


you're just talking shit,jackass. i've already write in the front page. if you dont want to give a positive opinion,GTFO & STFU! you're just a newbie. without knowing the problem,you're blabbering like pig stuffed with a shit.

you're nothing just a people who makes a new account to talking shit. go to hell,asshole. the one who should be banned is you because you're done nothing but just write down a shit opinions and doesnt do any help.

you're not a part of family. you're just shit that every animal produce from their ass.


sorry if i must talking with bad words. this isnt my nature,but some people in here force me to to that.

it's true that i've got her secret. it's just the matter of time until i do my plan. i'm doing this becaus i'm not the only one who feels that,some of her friends think so.

i dont want you people get invovled with my problem. i just need an opinion.

oh yeah. i dont make this thread for popularity. i make this to get an answer from some people who mature enough to give me the solution. and I DONT CARE if i must sacrifice all my reputation point.

waar,biketough,maniakkid <--- this people only talking shits. if you read this,dont you dare to write a shit words in here because i dont need any of it. just go to fuckin hell.

once again. i'm not doing this for popularity (and i dont sure i get popular with this). i'm doing this because i need an answer from people in FAKKU (who i think) mature enough. but i was wrong. a lot of people in here is just a kid and blabbering like shit. i appreciate some poeple like : Ramsus,kaimax,Net_Spectator,Fiery_penguin_of_doom (sorry if if any of you doesnt mentioned). they're a few of people who think positively and know how to give a solution rather than talking bull-"fuckin"-shit

once again,sorry if said such a harsh words.

oh yeah. i'm not jealous with that girl. she's acting like a bitch in front of me and my friend that i must destory her completely. some of people in here are acting like that bitch and almost gets me. but i can cool off because this isnt a real world. if this was a real world and we're in the same place. i might kill whoever acting bitch in front of me,destroyed him compeltely.

i'm not crushed on her and i dont like her a bit. (you must get clear from what i've saying and dont think i'm jealous because of her or shit).

thanks to my friends who gave me a positive opinions. i really appreciate that.

one thing for you people to remember. i havent rape her and i guess i wont do that. i just need to blackmail her so she doesnt act shit in front of me and my friend.


"you see a people who wants to destroy someone because of hatred and revenge. but this people hesistated to do that. he need someone to give him opinion and what should do."

you're about to tell him what to do. here's the option

1. "you tell him to kill the people that he hates and destroy him"
2. "you tell him not do that and give him enlightment"
3. "you ignore him and dont want to help"
4. "you badmouthed him and talking shit in front of him. then the person kills you instead" (like i'm doing to some shit in here)

[consider this story as YOU and ME. you're the one who about give the opinion and i'm the one who about to destroy someone. what option did you take?]
Chuu !! wrote...

one thing for you people to remember. i havent rape her and i guess i wont do that. i just need to blackmail her so she doesnt act shit in front of me and my friend.

Good idea, i'm starting to wonder how you gonna black mail her
Nonononono. Don't do the blackmail thing. If you HAVE to do something just tell people whatever the hell her secret is. Jail = bad. Please keep that in mind.
Ramsus wrote...
Nonononono. Don't do the blackmail thing. If you HAVE to do something just tell people whatever the hell her secret is. Jail = bad. Please keep that in mind.

hahaha, you sounded like my granpa there for a moment, but then again, i guess u're right
Chuu dude if we can't stop you then atleast listen to some advice. Don't try blackmail, mocking is a jail-free way to accomplish basically the same thing.
...This thread is boring.

The topic of this thread is now Sponge Cake.

Sponge Cake is good. Discuss.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
do you really think posting something like this is a public forum will get you only "good responses"? Does anyone here think your idea is good? For the love of Gad, can you not take the sign of 14+ people repping you as a sign that maybe you might be headed down the wrong path? This is the internet; where people can respond to anything; especially if they consider it stupid/illegal.

I'm saying this to you as nicely as possible: ignore the bitch and she'll go away.

btw don't call out a new member and question his right to be here simply because you spam the forums every day; if by your logic he has less right to be here than you do than you have less right to be here than I do. He had valid points and instead of respond to any of them you simply condemn him as a hater.

People have the right to express their opinions about anything you decide to post just as you have every right to ignore those opinions.
Waar, Calm down.

Sponge Cake.

Not Rape.

Sponge Cake.
Waar FAKKU Moderator
he brought it on himself az, if he would simply drop the matter it would be resolved; he has taken a big enough hit in my opinion but he just keeps foaming at the mouth.
Chuu !! wrote...


you're just talking shit,jackass. i've already write in the front page. if you dont want to give a positive opinion,GTFO & STFU! you're just a newbie. without knowing the problem,you're blabbering like pig stuffed with a shit.

you're nothing just a people who makes a new account to talking shit. go to hell,asshole. the one who should be banned is you because you're done nothing but just write down a shit opinions and doesnt do any help.

you're not a part of family. you're just shit that every animal produce from their ass.

Rofl, ok then chuu,your so smart and Im so dumb right? Let me give you a few examples and lets see if YOU would post any good remarks in them.

Example of a few thread titles :

1)Chuu is a fucking bastard - PLS ONLY WRITE GOOD STUFF OR COMMENTS

2)Chuu's from a third world country where education is bad and thus he is educated poorly - PLEASE WRITE ONLY GOOD COMMENTS

3)Chuu thinks women should be his slaves and are lower than the grass he is standing on - PLS ONLY WRITE GOOD COMMENTS

for fuck's sake Chuu,your giving people a bad thread with bad opinions and bad thoughts.Do you really think people are gonna support you in "blackmailing an raping a woman?" Tell me that you HONESTLY FUCKING BELIEVE that.

Chuu : I wanna rape women
Fakku : Good luck with it!

Chuu: I wanna re-enact 9/11 and kill hundreds and thousands of people
Fakku: Cool,be sure to put a banner on Fakku before you crash the plane

Yes Chuu,you really see that happening. /sarcasm . Your a fucking retard allright? Without knowing anything?I've read the entire thread moron. Unless you've posted this same kind of shit elsewhere then I'd be inclined to agree with you that I know nothing. If not,then your wrong,again.

How does being "new " to the family have anything to do with justifying you wanting to rape women?So,"strangers" and "newbies" will DEFINITELY disagree with you whereas those in the "family" will agree? Jackass,WHO HERE FUCKING AGREES WITH YOU IN RAPING AND BLACKMAILING?


Your insults are just pure plain un-intelligent man. Yes sure,wash my face with a pig's shit or watever the hell you just said.It just proves how intellectual you are Chuu, or "Un"-intellectual for that matter.

Lastly,why not YOU fantasize about some other guy doing THE VERY SAME THING here,to YOU/YOUR MUM/SISTER/DAD ? Would you be happy with that?would it arouse you? YES it would,wouldn't it?Prick
indeed, those first sentences stated are really troubling.. i was like WTF?!
but even so, dont bash him into a pulp with racial comments.. absolutely i do not agree on his idea but that doesnt mean that you can now bash him the way you like.. please act like civilized homo sapiens sapiens are we are now.. there are ways to let him know his mistakes in a calm, decent way.. losing your head over such mundane reasons is so not cool..


you definitely need some counceling.. i never thought that there are still people like you, that think like that way nowadays.. but oh well.. like i can do something about it.. seek for profesional help and do something about it before it gets worse..

please think about it.. rape & blackmail, thats evil.. no girl deserves that, even though shes a whore full of pride or so.. no matter what happens human lives are equal..
xtia wrote...
indeed, those first sentences stated are really troubling.. i was like WTF?!
but even so, dont bash him into a pulp with racial comments.. absolutely i do not agree on his idea but that doesnt mean that you can now bash him the way you like.. please act like civilized homo sapiens sapiens are we are now.. there are ways to let him know his mistakes in a calm, decent way.. losing your head over such mundane reasons is so not cool..


you definitely need some counceling.. i never thought that there are still people like you, that think like that way nowadays.. but oh well.. like i can do something about it.. seek for profesional help and do something about it before it gets worse..

please think about it.. rape & blackmail, thats evil.. no girl deserves that, even though shes a whore full of pride or so.. no matter what happens human lives are equal..

somethings has too be overcome by yourself counseling sometimes make things worse, i have the same case before, and it doesn't feel a single bit good...
I think this thread is becoming pointless since everyone keeps writing the same thing.
purifier wrote...

I was just about to come post about getting this thread locked. I think everyone just needs to ignore this completely.

*Throws Purifier the Keyblade*
Kaimax Best Master-San
maniakidd wrote...

2)Chuu's from a third world country where education is bad and thus he is educated poorly - PLEASE WRITE ONLY GOOD COMMENTS

Now that is insulting and it hurts,
Please refrain from racial and country discriminations in your flaming act. Chauvinism isn't a good thing.

FYI, I'm from the same country as Chuu.
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