When is it okay to cry?

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spyralhax Traps = confused boner
Speaking socially, it is viewed as a sort of 'weakness' to show emotion, especially as far as males are concerned. I think it's bullshit myself. If you feel a strong emotion towards something, like a favorite character, a close friend, or anything really, then you shouldn't have to fight tears.

I mean, I recently watched Big Hero 6 and by the end of it I was a fucking wet, drippy mess. Don't remember the last time a story grabbed me like that. It's more unnatural to suppress tears than to show them, I think.
I say cry whenever you feel the urge to cry, internalizing your emotions is only going to lead to problems later on down the road. If you don't want to cry in public you can excuse yourself to a more private location, but either way don't ever feel guilty or ashamed for feeling a certain way.

Everyone regardless of what they say or the front they project suffers from the same emotions. Sadness, loss, frustration, etc. Certainly there are more appropriate times and places to express these emotions, but that does not mean you need to ignore them simply to please everyone else.

In short, it's never NOT ok to cry, as far as social setting that will always vary due to circumstances. If you personally feel it is inappropriate to express those emotions in a certain setting, excuse yourself for a few moments to let things out and then collect yourself, or wait until later and address those feelings then.
Well, here in Brasil society usually associates crying with homosexuality right away, and they step really hard on you because of the large amount of prejudice and ignorance. To cry can't be associated with really no kind of behavior or emotion. People cry when they are happy, when they are sad, when they are lost...
Even if I think that there is no problem in crying, i guess that the limit is how much are you up do take of prejudice and this sort of thing that can be a pain, and the most important thing is knowing your your society and how everybody in it will react to anything you do.
Summer Salt @rotoscopic
felsco wrote...
Well, here in Brasil society usually associates crying with homosexuality right away

...that's pretty fucked, man. I mean, far be it from me to tell a country how to do its thing, but that doesn't sound like a welcoming environment.
Ideation wrote...
felsco wrote...
Well, here in Brasil society usually associates crying with homosexuality right away

...that's pretty fucked, man. I mean, far be it from me to tell a country how to do its thing, but that doesn't sound like a welcoming environment.

It is not, but this happens more often within the same family, if some like 12-13 years old cry for some reason their uncle and etc. Come and say "this is a girl's thing you little piece of shit, stop being gay!". That happens innumerous times inside all kinds of familys here, and is extremelly fucked Up, only making more ignorant human beings ou of these kids.
Crying is just like any other expression. Just like yelling in anger or laughing in happiness. I'm all for crying when you need to, regardless if you are in public.

Society sometimes frowns upon crying in public because when we see it, it reminds us of our own moments of sadness or frustration making us uncomfortable. This uncomfortable feeling can cause humans to put up a guard and look down on the person crying or even become annoyed, like how that person rolled their eyes at you.
[size=10][color=red]People are often taught from a young age that crying or even yelling in public is looked down upon. Even in foreign countries it could be seen as attention-whorish but it just depends on their idea of what's acceptable and what's acceptable when you grieve.

My opinion is that it's always ok to cry and accept what's happened but at the same time, don't cry over something temporary. I personally cry over everything so I'm probably not the best opinion. [/color][/h]
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
I haven't cried in a while. But it must feel a whole lot better to let everything all out when the stress and misery builds up in you. Last time I let it all out,I felt that like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. And this was in the car by myself.
I know that society teaches you that crying is a sign of weakness, especially in guys and that it's looked down upon. It's basically moulded us into what would be emotionless beings
Honestly, fuck the people who look at you in disapproval. They're irrelivent to what you're feeling. Don't let them basically determine when you should cry and when you shouldnt. It's something we all go through. Anywhere should be fine.
Cry whenever you feel like for whatever reason you feel like. Others shouldn't look down upon you or at you oddly just because you decide to show your emotions. If they do, that's on them, not you. Don't bottle up your feelings.
PatchyMcScarlet Spandau Ballet
erogamer wrote...
Men are often taught that they aren't supposed to cry around others since it threatens their masculinity. Maybe that's one reason why people would roll their eyes and such if they see a guy cry. As for women crying in public, I don't think society is as harsh or judgemental.

Really? In my experience seeing a man cry in public generates a lot more sympathy than a woman crying in public does. If only because women are often seen as overemotional, especially when it comes to pregnancy (Pregnant sister; it just starts out of nowhere.) whereas you'd have to think something must have really gone bad for a guy to start balling.

Fortunately or unfortunately as it may be but I was prone to crying at the slightest provocation until I was about 11 so I've grown up accepting that you should let it out as soon as you need to and to hell with anyone who'd look down on you for not bottling yourself up to save face in front of people you don't know.
Well not too sure bout crying in outside public, I would like to think it is ok as long your not making way too much noise to the point people assume your whining. But in all honesty, if you feel like you have to cry (assuming you are hurting) then let it out cause bottling in would hurt yourself more. On the flip side though, for some cases it might be more harmful since this might feed their pain when no one around bother to notice or give a bit of reassurance, making them feel much more lonely.

Despite frequent amount of depression, it is quite difficult for me to cry, not because if I did it make me a "sissy" or w/e, Its because it just hard to do so in general. Nearly did cry recently since my mind broke down for a moment, got a little better though :v .

Well this just sound like shit so how about something bit nicer. I teared up quite a bit when I played Bayonetta 2, amazed at that but would gladly of cried since it just shows that the game did well with its character. What did make me cry is the Lego Movie, watching that scene near the end between those 2 not only made me cry the first time but the 2nd time viewing it as well. Crying for fictional character is fine since it is proof that what you are viewing is great.
There is no such thing as " When is it okay to cry? ". You cry when you have to and it shouldn't be relevant to the public at all. Many are indoctrinated to believe that crying is a sign of weakness, however it is the total opposite, it helps you process your emotions and keeps your mind in check.
( I may sound like a psychologist, but I cry a lot too. )

I don't wanna ask dumb questions like " Would you cry 2 weeks after your Father died so you have enough time to ask your boss for a vacation, then take a flight in the Himalayas so you can cry your soul out but nobody has to see it? ", sure it sounds fucked up and all, but you don't have to worry about anything.

Have you seen people who barely/never cry?
( Those are mostly the people that are having psychological issues )

So if you ask me when is it ok to cry, my answer would be, " When the times for you to cry", which would be in a sense anytime, and anywhere.

Hope your Father feels better, and I thank God that you must not go through the pain of loss like others, you seems like a person that is not ready to lose someone yet.
man only cry when their parent passed away or their children die before them!!
HADI wrote...
man only cry when their parent passed away or their children die before them!!

When your dog dies, when your child dies or when a daughter is born.
asadefiled wrote...
HADI wrote...
man only cry when their parent passed away or their children die before them!!

When your dog dies, when your child dies or when a daughter is born.

unfortunately i hate dog, and i haven't married yet, so i don't know how to fell have a child !!!
i only borrow my statement from my friend, but i think his word was true !!!
HADI wrote...
asadefiled wrote...
HADI wrote...
man only cry when their parent passed away or their children die before them!!

When your dog dies, when your child dies or when a daughter is born.

unfortunately i hate dog, and i haven't married yet, so i don't know how to fell have a child !!!
i only borrow my statement from my friend, but i think his word was true !!!

One of the best things about dogs is they are always happy to see you when you get home from work, jumping around and stuff. Wife never jumps around for me when I get home haha
I just want to say that those people were really rude in the way how they reacted. Of course it is okay to cry if something happens to your family. Try to don't feel bothered by it, I'm sure a lot of people here on Fakku agree with me that those people around were just rude and that you don't have to worry about it. Me personally, I don't cry a lot. The last time I did was when I heard my parents were getting a divorce, which felt like a hit in the face. Also, I think it depends on your gender. Girls/women tend to be more sensitive than men regarding such situations.
personally it happens i see it yea kinda embarrassing when you with person or what not. but you know nothing you should treat people bad for it happens
it SHOULD be okay to cry whenever you need to, but perhaps it isn't :/
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