Your Personal View Of The Future

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what do you perceive in the future. What new stuffs do you think will come up in the future??
I foresee someone mocking you.
global warming keep getting warmer :roll:

the future is...sometimes.

Surprising yet plain
Bright yet dark
Promising yet disappointing
Encouraging yet disheartening
Inspiring yet discouraging
Productive yet destructive

simply put, it's as unpredictable as it is

but i would waste my time bothering about it though, after all, what's most important is what u face right now, over-thinkin into the future is pretty much just a waste of time.
i wish for the future to be as good and as bright as possible....

but after watching zetsubou sensei,thinking the future makes me feel despaired.

i'm in despair....

but at least i believe that my personal future is bright....
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
It'll all be over by 2012.
humanity being as dumb as it is and taking murphys law into consideration (i m actually surprised as to how well we kept it up so far)
in the near (10y) to distant (500y) future we will have wiped 80% of humanity off the face of the earth that either an old fuse or some trigger happy idiot causing an all out thermonuclear war or some minor mistake in one of the many bio weapon research facility that unleashes a deadly, air- and virus or bacteria...

but i will most likely not live to see this and my participation in this wordly life will probably not see too many gruesome changes. although with the most important war ressource getting tighter a fallout scenario springs to mind...with the increase of terrorism, or at least media coverage of terrorism it would also be likely to see the uprise of some orwellian big brotherism...

but in the long run it wont matter either, because:

in the very very distant future humanity is either stuck on this planet when the sun becomes a red giant and everybody dies or we found a way to colonize space delaying our final extinction another couple of billion years...unless we find a way to produce energy out of nothing or everything that would prove reliable source that does not rely on the sun...which is improbable given that radioactive materials will be gone by then or "shortly" thereafter actually.
in the future:
-we will be living on the moon due to depleted natural resources on earth
-cyborgs dominate the population
-cars run on electricity(due to oil depletion)
and lastly Fakku becomes the most visited site in history :D :D :D
barubalz wrote...
what do you perceive in the future.

We're fucked. Not saying how but, we are totally fucked
A massive epidemic will wipe 60% of the people in the world.
I see death lots and lots of death with some explosions mixed in.
There is no future, only now and then. :shock:
Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
barubalz wrote...
what do you perceive in the future.

We're fucked. Not saying how but, we are totally fucked


hmm. . .we are screwed
mankind built machines for selfish reasons. . .
things that are made to help the planet are very expensive. . .
the planet is in a food shortage because of greed. . .
the poor are dying to find a good job
while (most of)the rich are sitting there asses in their
mansions sipping tea and watching the stock markets. . .
not much hope left in this human world. . .
yeah. . .but that's just me
I don't believe in global warming and shit.
I believe its a Earth Process.

Anyway, we're fucked. I see kids running around and think "Man....that sucks to be them" Not just what we're doing...but whats happening with society. The world is becoming more ghetto, more rules are stacking on each other, and in the future....We're going to be a fucking communist world.

This is why traditional society is better then this fucking pot of random shit.
global warming is part of the earth's natural cycle
cooling then warming, then cooling, etc.

the problem is that
the warming process's speed has increased
this is a result of the machines mankind has
made in order to have a seemingly easier life
The last ice age happened out of no where and lasted like 10 years, weather is weird and the "global warming" is simply a part of it, no need to panic or really do anything about it. I still think that moving to renewable resources is a good idea because eventually the other resources will run out, so moving over 20 years ago would have been the right idea.
in order for future generations to survive we must improve our abilities to harness the energy of our oceans-since most of this planet is water
Maybe you guys might know about

December 21, 2012. You should look it up on google about it. Supposabily its the end of the world.
Max Omega wrote...
Maybe you guys might know about

December 21, 2012. You should look it up on google about it. Supposabily its the end of the world.

I can only hope it will end so people like you will shut up about the world ending. I can't wait for that day so I don't have to listen to this dribble anymore.
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