Your Personal View Of The Future

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I'd like to be able to say I see a bright future on the horizon........but, not likely. I see a global depression in the not too distant future. Followed by the inevitable collapse of civilization. However, these my not necessarily be bad things. Maybe what we need is a fresh start. Sometimes it takes complete failure to get things right.
omnicide wrote...
I'd like to be able to say I see a bright future on the horizon........but, not likely. I see a global depression in the not too distant future. Followed by the inevitable collapse of civilization. However, these my not necessarily be bad things. Maybe what we need is a fresh start. Sometimes it takes complete failure to get things right.

Once civilized society collapses the religious will take front stage and the world will enter into another dark age. Intelligent thought will be suffocated while we are under their rule. It'll take human society at the very least decades to recover but, I see it as taking a generations or centuries for humanity to reach modern "civilized" standards again after such an event.
Kais86 wrote...
Max Omega wrote...
Maybe you guys might know about

December 21, 2012. You should look it up on google about it. Supposabily its the end of the world.

I can only hope it will end so people like you will shut up about the world ending. I can't wait for that day so I don't have to listen to this dribble anymore.

Don't you know? There's already another end of the world date after 2012. It's around 2035/6/I don't know. The end of the world talk, never endss.
Ah ok, I'm willing to disregard people who talk about the end of the world completely if there is already another preset date, before I wasn't because well hey they might be right, but if there is another date then I don't care anymore, let it end. I'm going to do it with some measure of peace knowing that those who chatter on about something, instead of doing something about it, are all lame asses. I however will be in the group that doesn't really care.

This is one of those times where the motto "put up or shut up" is handy, in that if you know something bad will happen, do something about it, don't moan, and groan, and bitch, and whine about it the whole time and then sit on your hands when the time comes, as every world endist inevitably does.
People who think the world will end on a specific day are pants on head retarded. There are countless others before you who have said the world will end on the day they said. Hey, guess what? We're still here bitches!
You know what? I think we should all die.

It'd seriously end any immediate dangers to the Earth.

People fear death so much, its kinda funny.
illumi wrote...
You know what? I think we should all die.

It'd seriously end any immediate dangers to the Earth.

People fear death so much, its kinda funny.

Anyone who has a philosophy like that should practice what they preach and leave the rest of us out of it.
Max Omega wrote...
Maybe you guys might know about

December 21, 2012. You should look it up on google about it. Supposabily its the end of the world.

How many of you people have actually read into it. Don't just read the "end of the world" articles and say I'm done reading, I should do something else. Thats one possibility and in many instances its only an assumption. Many theories, especially ones centering around the end of the Meso-American calendar, state that its essentially a end to this world and the beginning of a new one. Many believe that there will be a shift into the collective conscious of mankind. There are a lot of references to the start of an age of enlightenment.

I'm personally, not counting on anything happening specifically on the date. One day is not enough time for anything significant to occur. Anything that does would have been in the works for months, maybe years beforehand. The only thing that I would put any stock into are the theories of the progression of human consciousness, seeing as how I've been researching the subject for a long time. However, I don't really see 12/12/12 specifically, worth noting as the whole evolution process is a constant process and there are only a couple of events that correspond with that date.

Regardless of what happens, I'm going to wake up that day, just as I do every other day, provided I'm still alive then, and I'll waste the day away, just as I do every other day.
I foresee real life based off a mix of Gundam/Ghost in the Shell.
Humans with cybernetic parts using mechas to fight while dealing with hackers and intergalactic politics.
We're fucked, that's my view of the future.
Nate River wrote...

the future is...sometimes.

Surprising yet plain
Bright yet dark
Promising yet disappointing
Encouraging yet disheartening
Inspiring yet discouraging
Productive yet destructive

or it'd be suprisingly plain
brightly dark??
promisingly disappointing
encouragingly disheartening
inspiringly discouraging
productively destructive

lol so many oxymorons..
One of the things that I'm personally excited about is nanotechnology. It opens up immense possibilities, even "scrubber" technologies that might be able to stabilize and possibly reverse the effects of the green house gases.

illumi wrote...
I don't believe in global warming and shit.
I believe its a Earth Process.

of course it is...but the question remains, will we remain part of this process?
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