Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Xenon FAKKU Writer
Communistic Scum wrote...
Doesn't ramp druid contain a shit load of legendaries tho? I don't have a single one, counting out old murk-eye that I use for my Naxx Zoo deck.

You don't need legendaries to build ramp, it's just the deck theme. Basically you have a lot of bigger minions with more value and have ways of bypassing the first few rounds using innervates, wild growths, nourish if you want. Instead of the main brunt of your force being 2s and 3s, it's 4s, 5s, 6s, and ironbark protectors, since they're free.

Getting legendaries takes time and a lot of packs to open. Sometimes you're lucky, sometimes not. They say you should get a legendary every 20 packs or so that you open. I've found three of the same legendary, and boy was that a disappointment. 800 dust for the extras, but there are others I need.
Xenon wrote...
You don't need legendaries to build ramp, it's just the deck theme. Basically you have a lot of bigger minions with more value and have ways of bypassing the first few rounds using innervates, wild growths, nourish if you want. Instead of the main brunt of your force being 2s and 3s, it's 4s, 5s, 6s, and ironbark protectors, since they're free.

Getting legendaries takes time and a lot of packs to open. Sometimes you're lucky, sometimes not. They say you should get a legendary every 20 packs or so that you open. I've found three of the same legendary, and boy was that a disappointment. 800 dust for the extras, but there are others I need.

Makes sense. I got a golden Van Cleef but I never play Rogue so into the dust it went. I need that Druid legendary now, or maybe she's not specifically druid, Cerbirus or whatever her name is to complete my deck.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Communistic Scum wrote...
Makes sense. I got a golden Van Cleef but I never play Rogue so into the dust it went. I need that Druid legendary now, or maybe she's not specifically druid, Cerbirus or whatever her name is to complete my deck.

Cenarius? He's a decent legendary, but others might be more suitable depending on how you're building your deck, whether it's control or agro. What is your deck list? Try posting a screen capture. If you're building token, then he might be nice, but remember that you won't even get to him until turn 9 at least and you need reliable meat to hold your weight until you get there. I think he's one of the top class legendaries, though, in my opinion.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]You know sometimes I forget I even made this topic.

Anyways, anyone else think that 700 gold for one wing of naxxramas is a little too much? I'd be ok with say like anywhere from 300 - 500 gold a wing but fucking 700? Come off it.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]You know sometimes I forget I even made this topic.

Anyways, anyone else think that 700 gold for one wing of naxxramas is a little too much? I'd be ok with say like anywhere from 300 - 500 gold a wing but fucking 700? Come off it.

I stockpiled 5000 gold from grinding dailies in anticipation for the release, unsure how much I would need. When I found out they were going to be 700g per wing and the first free, I bought 25 packs. Now I'm still buying packs as I get more gold, but staying above 1400g for the last two. You could say that was planning ahead.
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]You know sometimes I forget I even made this topic.

Anyways, anyone else think that 700 gold for one wing of naxxramas is a little too much? I'd be ok with say like anywhere from 300 - 500 gold a wing but fucking 700? Come off it.

You can get 700 in a couple day just playing casually and making dailies, it's a fair price as far as I'm concerned.
Xenon wrote...
Communistic Scum wrote...
Makes sense. I got a golden Van Cleef but I never play Rogue so into the dust it went. I need that Druid legendary now, or maybe she's not specifically druid, Cerbirus or whatever her name is to complete my deck.

Cenarius? He's a decent legendary, but others might be more suitable depending on how you're building your deck, whether it's control or agro. What is your deck list? Try posting a screen capture. If you're building token, then he might be nice, but remember that you won't even get to him until turn 9 at least and you need reliable meat to hold your weight until you get there. I think he's one of the top class legendaries, though, in my opinion.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/aKllO/db817f96f3.png

That's basically what I run on my druid thus far. I have two Murlocs apart from this and a Hunter that's just normal 2 beast deck, if anyone has a better Hunter deck then that'd be cool.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Communistic Scum wrote...
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/aKllO/db817f96f3.png

That's basically what I run on my druid thus far. I have two Murlocs apart from this and a Hunter that's just normal 2 beast deck, if anyone has a better Hunter deck then that'd be cool.

That's actually pretty good (heh, the name). For the content, you have what you need. I think eventually you may want Leroy and Thalnos to perfect it, but as it stands, I think it carries its weight. I suspect you probably have a 60% and above win ratio with it as long as you're playing it well enough. I suspect you put the eggs in place of argent squires? I can see a lot of ways to trigger their death in your deck, so let us know if it ends up working out. If you want to perfect it, I suggest checking out these three sites going really in-depth about how to play token druid well in case you're curious, but it looks to me that you probably have a good handle on it. Always good to maximize what you have, though.
Xenon wrote...
That's actually pretty good (heh, the name). For the content, you have what you need. I think eventually you may want Leroy and Thalnos to perfect it, but as it stands, I think it carries its weight. I suspect you probably have a 60% and above win ratio with it as long as you're playing it well enough. I suspect you put the eggs in place of argent squires? I can see a lot of ways to trigger their death in your deck, so let us know if it ends up working out. If you want to perfect it, I suggest checking out these three sites going really in-depth about how to play token druid well in case you're curious, but it looks to me that you probably have a good handle on it. Always good to maximize what you have, though.

I have no creativity when it comes to names, I don't need them most of the time since I remember what is what. And yeah I was looking to maximize it, I'm still learning how to fully play it so it'll take some time before I'm 100% efficient at it and even then Hearthstone is a card game so I need the luck of the draw too.

Most of the time I just poison seed the nerubian eggs, and if I don't do that I still have Wrath and Keeper to trigger them.
Picked up Hearthstone again. No gold backup, have to start farming dailies to unlock wings. That's a fuckton of dailies and no card/dust progress in the meantime. Pretty demotivating, maybe I'll give these jews their dirty 18 euros.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]I keep saying I'm going to save up my gold for naxxramas, but then I just use all my gold on more card packs, lol. Trying to get all my cards for a nice miracle rogue deck on top of just better cards for my main rogue deck.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
If you guys want to maximize gold gain over time, you should never buy packs.

Always use your money to enter arena and use Arena Value to maximize the effectiveness and synchronization of your deck. It uses Trump's tier guide and includes explanations behind each card. You don't have to follow every choice, but it gives statistical value so you know what you're going into. It's an incredibly handy tool.

Chances are in arena that you will make your gold back to do another run AND you get a pack for your trouble. If you get to higher ranks 10-12, you can make 200-500 gold and even get a bonus pack if you're lucky.

In other news, Heroic Construct is down. One wing left to go.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Xenon wrote...
If you guys want to maximize gold gain over time, you should never buy packs.

Always use your money to enter arena and use Arena Value to maximize the effectiveness and synchronization of your deck. It uses Trump's tier guide and includes explanations behind each card. You don't have to follow every choice, but it gives statistical value so you know what you're going into. It's an incredibly handy tool.

Chances are in arena that you will make your gold back to do another run AND you get a pack for your trouble. If you get to higher ranks 10-12, you can make 200-500 gold and even get a bonus pack if you're lucky.

In other news, Heroic Construct is down. One wing left to go.

[color=#ff69b4]Maybe I should start doing that seeing how you also get dust from it and you can use the dust to make more cards.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Heroic Naxx down, and my coffers are bled dry. Only enough to afford another arena run beyond the one I'm currently doing.

Was a cool expansion, makes me wonder what the next one will be based on.

Of all the new cards, I've decided to implement the Nerubian egg and Haunted Creeper into my Warlock and Shaman decks, and the Deathlord for my priest deck.

Anyone have a final assessment?

Get at me losers.
Just got Sneed's Old Shredder. (8 Mana 5/7, Deathrattle: Play a random legendary) Now to make a gimmicky Shaman, Death Rattle Deck with the good ol' Baron.

Can haz more than 5 arena wins, ever?