League of Legends (LoL)

Banana Tree wrote...
I like League Of Legends but i stop playing because the community of this game is like shit

Luke, use the ignore function.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]I think being a long time TF player makes a little bit lucky :p

[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/bxw2f/0d7510c2b5.jpg
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]I think being a long time TF player makes a little bit lucky :p

[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/bxw2f/0d7510c2b5.jpg

I would be pretty happy if I thought any of the team skins looked nice. Does anyone else find them to be pretty ugly too?
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Tsujoi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]I think being a long time TF player makes a little bit lucky :p

[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/bxw2f/0d7510c2b5.jpg

I would be pretty happy if I thought any of the team skins looked nice. Does anyone else find them to be pretty ugly too?

[color=#ff69b4]I think out of all of them I really not like TPA Nunu and Ezreal.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Tsujoi wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#ff69b4]I think being a long time TF player makes a little bit lucky :p

[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/bxw2f/0d7510c2b5.jpg

I would be pretty happy if I thought any of the team skins looked nice. Does anyone else find them to be pretty ugly too?

[color=#ff69b4]I think out of all of them I really not like TPA Nunu and Ezreal.
Coconutt wrote...
Banana Tree wrote...
I like League Of Legends but i stop playing because the community of this game is like shit

Luke, use the ignore function.

I ignore them but the children can grief , Kappa
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]That feel when a Tryndamere crits you 4 times in a level 3 fight as Irelia and you lose lane because of it.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
Started to play Anivia, played 3 games, only forced into my egg twice, and i haven't died yet, good run so far.
Sigh. It's amazing the differences in player base when you play during peak hours. I'm in Pennsylvania and I played from 10:30->3:00 PM and won literally 5/6 ranked games. Literally every game was filled with a positive vibe.

I just played 2 games an hour ago, and I lost them both, both of which had ragers and flamers. Sometimes I just fucking hate this game. The fact I have to resort to playing peak hours to avoid kids is just completely infuriating.
Cyndas wrote...
Sigh. It's amazing the differences in player base when you play during peak hours. I'm in Pennsylvania and I played from 10:30->3:00 PM and won literally 5/6 ranked games. Literally every game was filled with a positive vibe.

I just played 2 games an hour ago, and I lost them both, both of which had ragers and flamers. Sometimes I just fucking hate this game. The fact I have to resort to playing peak hours to avoid kids is just completely infuriating.

Don't know why, but your usage of the word 'literally' on 5/6 games won just sounded really funny. It has been pretty normal to me win 10-13 games straight (i play in EUW Gold 1 / Platinum 5), but then again its totally normal for me to loose also 10-13 games straight.
Shurima: Rise of the Ascended

Azir Champion Spotlight
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Man, it looks like a good player can pull off some nice looking plays with Azir. Hope he gets popular in competitive play.
Coconutt wrote...
Cyndas wrote...
Sigh. It's amazing the differences in player base when you play during peak hours. I'm in Pennsylvania and I played from 10:30->3:00 PM and won literally 5/6 ranked games. Literally every game was filled with a positive vibe.

I just played 2 games an hour ago, and I lost them both, both of which had ragers and flamers. Sometimes I just fucking hate this game. The fact I have to resort to playing peak hours to avoid kids is just completely infuriating.

Don't know why, but your usage of the word 'literally' on 5/6 games won just sounded really funny. It has been pretty normal to me win 10-13 games straight (i play in EUW Gold 1 / Platinum 5), but then again its totally normal for me to loose also 10-13 games straight.

It's because I hang out with too many white girls, their Americanized English is rubbing off on me, ugh. I'm surprised I didn't toss in a "like, seriously" somewhere within that post.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
I dont know why people dont always ban Yi in Ascension, if they dont this happens
Forum Image: http://i60.tinypic.com/k4e1ab.png
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Not one person on the team die, gg.
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/bEXTt/a08d0974c1.jpg

[color=#ff69b4]Also, Azri, so much damn fun to play.,
Order of the Lotus Karma's splash art... so pretty. Too bad I couldn't get this skin on NA server... I've been been playing her a lot in ranked, I'm even on a hot streak just playing her. Karma is such a badass support. <3

Forum Image: http://i58.tinypic.com/in5vyt.jpg
Fnatic Skins Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/0nakjT9.png
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
I do not normally buy skins, but I think J4 and Janna skins are worth the money. The fact that Fnatic is my favourite team is just a coincidence! >.>

I really like the splash. Also, that gragas barrel, throwing cups for everyone.
Zeriam wrote...
Fnatic Skins Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/0nakjT9.png

Is riot making skins for all the Worlds teams, or was this just random special request done to Fnatic?

Any idea or info?
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Coconutt wrote...
Zeriam wrote...
Fnatic Skins Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/0nakjT9.png

Is riot making skins for all the Worlds teams, or was this just random special request done to Fnatic?

Any idea or info?

[color=#ff69b4]They are only making one for Fnatic because they one Worlds back in season 1 and Riot was not making the team skins till season 2 when TPA won.