League of Legends (LoL)

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Reaper Soraka Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/eZc7eJB.jpg

Singed Classic Splash Art (Update)
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/FA9pzVG.jpg

Wukong Classic Splash Art (Update)
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/BMP5HVD.jpg
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]This is fucking funny as hell xD
r/leagueoflegends in 20 years xD
[spoil]Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Gg3wVLO.png
I am a measly level 13 at the moment. If someone can help me please.

NA - TurntableFm

I main TF.
Kalista Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/aPTvAj9.jpg

Treacherously murdered, Kalista rose as a specter, twisted by the horrific power of the Shadow Isles. In death, she offers Runeterrans a proposition: surrender your soul to the Spear of Vengeance and she will exact retribution on your betrayers.


The Black Spear

Active: Kalista offers a pact to an allied champion, should they agree, the item is consumed and pair are Soul-Bound for the remainder of the game.

When accepted, the binding enables Soul-Marked, a passive on Sentinel, and allows Kalista to use Fate’s Call when she unlocks it.

Passive: Martial Poise

Rather than cancelling the basic attack animation, a move order hops Kalista in the direction of the click after she completes her attack.

Kalista leaps farther when moving away from her target.

Q: Pierce

Kalista hurls a spear, damaging the first enemy struck and adding a stack of Rend. Pierce also procs Martial Poise.

W: Sentinel

Passive: Soul-Marked—When Kalista and her bound ally attack a minion, monster or enemy champion at the same time, they deal bonus magic damage.

Active: Kalista commands a sentinel to keep watch over an area. The sentinel patrols back and forth in a line a few times. Vulnerable to attacks from behind, sentinels see in a cone in front of them and scream if they spot an enemy champion.

E: Rend

Kalista’s basic attacks and the spear from Pierce lodge in their target for a short time. Rend causes her to rip the spears from her enemies, slowing them and dealing increased damage for each spear rent from the target. Rend’s cooldown resets if it secures a kill on an enemy unit. The spears stack infinitely, only disappearing if Kalista fails to keep up her assault.

R: Fate’s Call

Kalista repositions her bound ally next to her, making them untargetable and disabling their spells. During Fate’s Call, Kalista’s Soul-Bound gains a new ability, which allows the Soul-Bound to dash in a target direction, knocking up enemies they strike.


Kalista is a marksman who cooperates with her Soul-Bound to deal substantial sustained damage, access her full repertoire of abilities and wither her enemies under her relentless assault. Kalista’s potential is unlocked by solid communication and cooperation with allies rather than raw mechanical skill. While still capable in her own right, Kalista misses out on Soul-Marked's bonus damage and effective use of her ult without direct cooperation from her ally.


In lane, Kalista follows the familiar marksman pattern of farm and harass with one important difference: Martial Poise makes kiting part and parcel of her kit. With it, Kalista can reposition after every basic attack, hopping in and out of danger to attack opponents and gain superior positioning. Soul-Marked allows Kalista and her ally to speedily crush down each minion, forcing their opposition to farm under turret and nearly guaranteeing a level two ding ahead of their opponents. With the lane pushed, Kalista can send a Sentinel up the river to keep watch for incoming threats. This ability takes some vision pressure off her support, allowing both to spend less time at base and more time dictating the pace of the lane.

For trading, Kalista lands Pierce to proc Rend, poking with terrifying speed. While Kalista decides when to answer Fate’s Call, her Soul-Bound, often a support, ultimately decides where it’ll make its impact. If either Kalista or her Soul-Bound land significant crowd control on an enemy champion, Fate’s Call makes the perfect tool to damage and lock down enemies, setting Kalista up to sling the fatal spear.


Without massive range or a reliable escape, Kalista relies on backline positioning and attentive protection from her allies. Before any teamfight breaks out, Kalista should use Sentinel to try to spot out sneaky enemies on the edges of the fray. With the battle underway, Kalista metes out strong, consistent punishment with basic attacks, staying safe with precise management of Martial Poise. Given time and dependable peel, Kalista’s spears rocket from the backline of every skirmish and teamfight. The damage and stacks add up quick, making Kalista a decisive executor with Rend.

Fate's Call

The ult’s versatility makes it good for peel, a wombo starter or a rescue for your Soul-Bound—used to its full potential, it can be all three. Against dive comps, a timely Fate’s Call stops a chase dead in its tracks and serves as a counter-engage for your team to follow up. If Kalista’s Soul-Bound is caught out, a quick ultimate spirits them to safety, burning whatever crowd control the enemies expended and offering the option of dis-or-re-engage. Brave Kalista players (and braver Soul-Bound) can kick off wombo-combos or follow up on a hard initiation, creating the space Kalista needs clean up the fight from the back lines.

Victorious Morgana Splash Art
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/0F8ewZb.jpg

Bloodmoon Kalista Skin
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/XXFhIE5.jpg

Battlecast Alpha Skarner Skin
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/lGFX9Ms.jpg

Battlecast Kog'maw Skin
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/6imlrBr.jpg

Constable Trundle Skin
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/evI3k7m.jpg

Captain Volibear Skin
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/RSo7kVr.jpg

Safecracker Evelynn Skin
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Pxq40bf.jpg

Pickpocket Twitch Skin
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/oDyOwzz.jpg
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Seems like an improved version of Ashe and Quinn together. On top of that, it includes this new tendency of knocking up Champions, so it has sinergy with Yasuo. =/

Pls Riot, staph that... But well, it was designed by CertainlyT, who was the one who designed Zed, Thresh and others "Good" Champions (when I say good I mean broken mechanics XD).

Still, seems really weird for how the game has evolved. A player that is dependant in another? Uh? Riot? Where is that thing you call "Flashy plays"? This Champions is going to bring a lot of hate...

-"Why the fuck did you through me against the enem team?"
-"Because I would have died other reason, kappa!"
Kalista Preview

Blood Moon Kalista Skin Preview

Battlecast Alpha Skarner Skin Preview

Battlecast Kog Maw Skin Preview

Constable Trundle Skin Preview

Captain Volibear Skin Preview

Safecracker Evelynn Skin Preview

Pickpocket Twitch Skin Preview
Finnaly diamond huzzah, would be happier if it werent the fact 50% of me game was litteraly hoping I dont get bad people (by bad I mean like those katarina "support", A plat ziggs who play worse than most gold mid (and make my ziggs cry).

New champ look neat, I wonder if her hops ignores slow and just jump full distance, be crazy good vs champ who relies on slow like nasus.

Random stuff but just spectated a Sion who just turn 90 degree on the dime while ulting, clearly not intended but still crazy to see. :v
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Maknoon is adapting to the American lifestyle pretty fast.


The spot for #1 KR Server Soloq ladder is insane right now... No legendary soap opera from Apdo like last year, but the 3 way battle between Faker, Nagne, and Deft is intense.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]Got my plat back just before the end of the season. :3
[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/cIZUI/acdfaa15d4.jpg
Part of me hates the fact I actually play ranked. I would be so much happier if I didn't make League work for myself. That being said, I reached my goal and now it's time to go on ranked hiatus for the next 5-6 months until the season stabilizes even slightly.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
I did not achieved what I wanted for this Season, basically because real life got in the way, and it was impossible to play with my 3v3 Team.

Nevertheless, I was placed at Gold 3 after doing the 10 placement matches, so I will be getting the rewards from SoloQ. For me that is more than enough, taking into account that I only have played like ~20 Ranked Games this Season (in the last month).

What I really fear moving forward is that LoL becomes so complex that I will need to "re-learn" de Game from scratch. The core mechanics will stay in place, such as Last Hit, Vision, and so... but just the Jungle changes are so big, I am not sure I want to make the effort of relearning all that.

I mainly play Jungle and Support, thats why I am reluctant to that overhaul of the jungle.

Congratulations to all of you who reached their goals! :D
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]With the season ending in about 12 hours, what are you ending the season at if you play teams or soloQ? And what did you want to get this season?
GreenZero Get Jinxed
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#9400d3]With the season ending in about 12 hours, what are you ending the season at if you play teams or soloQ? And what did you want to get this season?

Wanted to get gold, but I gave up just now. Shouldn't have waited until last moment to do a final push to try and get gold, but I thought that it ended tomorrow and that I had one more day.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
watching everyone try to get their rank up at end of season, is like watching an anime character try to finish their summer homework the day before the new semester starts
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#9400d3]With the season ending in about 12 hours, what are you ending the season at if you play teams or soloQ? And what did you want to get this season?

Bronze I 15W/19L
Champions Played/Win Percentage (Majority of the 0-1's were my placement matches. I placed in Bronze III or IV...I can't remember which)
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/cLTNv/f2a3e58d9f.jpg

Ranked 5's
Bronze II

In Total
Forum Image: http://puu.sh/cMc3R/e52e1e0cfc.jpg
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Have to wait until dec to see how much lag I have playing on NA servers. Might have to switch at least one of my accounts to eu.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Tsamari wrote...
[color=#9400d3]With the season ending in about 12 hours, what are you ending the season at if you play teams or soloQ? And what did you want to get this season?

Well, I cannot complain, I will get rewards, basically the Victorious Skin, so whatever. I just feel sad my Team 3v3 put me aside and ignored me for the whole season despite they got a 100% Win Ratio with me and not with the other person they were playing. Thus making me not being able to get 3v3 Rewards. =/

LoL Client Stats:

Performance from Elophant:
Delicious adorable short hair loli Ahri :D


Forum Image: http://medicalwhiskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/short-haired-pettanko-ahri.jpg

Forum Image: http://medicalwhiskey.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/short-haired-ahri-lick.jpg