League of Legends (LoL)

Revelation Defender of DFC
Soooo no more LoL dropouts during game. Finally got around to installing Ethernet in my room so yay!
Kalista Login Theme

Blood Moon Kalista Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Eh0G1WZ.jpg

Battlecast Kog'maw Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/Pv6pAQX.jpg

Battlecast Alpha Skarner Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/V7sVv9F.jpg

Classic Maokai Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/gOjJPap.jpg
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]I still love playing Graves so much. This game was a 4v5 for 90% of the game vs a AD Top Kat that started out 4/0.
T-the new summoner's rift on Team Builder.....IT'S GLORIOUS
Ended Silver 3. Joined the season in like the last month. I'm sad because I started Silver 2 but the tilts man. Cookies if you notice an interesting number.
Forum Image: http://oi57.tinypic.com/1z39d39.jpg
placed in silver 2, then stopped playing, so yeah, that's how that went down. maybe I'll play more next season, but eh. I get sick of dealing with people's shit so probably not.

anywho, Kalista looks cool. I hope they introduce more unique passives like hers on other champions. Even if it's something small or something I don't really care for, it's cool to see some variety in what champions can do and to have a champ that has something where it's like "yeah, only I can do this". Might not get us anywhere right now, but hopefully leads to more innovation and a bigger champ pool in the pros to watch. Shit gets boring seeing the same picks and bans all the time.
Made from Silver 4 to Platinum 2 (EUW), but technically didn't make any progress at all, since i was Platinum 3 during season 3, but since i transferred my account from EUW to NA and then back again to EUW, lost my rank.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]Well, fuck this team, no one is living one shot.
[spoil]Forum Image: http://puu.sh/cSJzn/13b728f346.jpg
Revelation Defender of DFC
Finshed my placements and starting in Silver V. Pretty good considering I was told I would end up in Bronze IV by a certain Senpai who shall remain *cough*mrticktock*coughcough* nameless.
So excited to see they're removing spirit stone + Madred's combo. I've literally watched countless Udyr games going to shit because of this particular item combo. Will be a little upset to see the Jungle gold going up to compensate for the loss of conservation, because this means laners WILL BE ACTIVELY taking camps once again even more heavily than before.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
So, any predictions on which champs will be strong in the new jungle? Seems like sustain is the way to go?
Tsujoi wrote...
So, any predictions on which champs will be strong in the new jungle? Seems like sustain is the way to go?

Saw Wingsofdeath playing Jax jungle in beta servers, he rocked him pretty hard, other than that, i have no clue.
Tsujoi wrote...
So, any predictions on which champs will be strong in the new jungle? Seems like sustain is the way to go?

Nunu and Elise can easily go through it with no troubles.
Tsujoi wrote...
So, any predictions on which champs will be strong in the new jungle? Seems like sustain is the way to go?

Personally I don't think it's sustain right now. The jungle is extremely difficult to clear on the first clear, everything after that is much better. But if I had to take a guess;

Elise will be returning to god-status. Last season, the "rework" of Ancient Golem ultimately is a nerf. Combined with the actual nerfs, Elise has fallen out of favor, and yet she's still played competitively. Elise's strength originated from the fact she was tanky, had tenacity and had basically everything combat wise you could ask for. The current golem is shitty for her because she doesn't stack health, the item has HORRID sustain, and the lack of tenacity makes Elise nigh useless. Spectral Wraith isn't bad on her but she becomes extremely squishy which is why that new enchant comes into play.

+Fuckton HP, +Tenacity, +CDR

The reason I believe she will be god tier is because of the fact, this is basically spirit of the Ancient Golem pre-nerf, AND MORE, she gets about 1.5x the amount of HP it used to give, AND it builds from not one, but TWO HP items. Because of this enchant alone, she will be able to build TANKY Spell-pen AP once again

I expect her Core items to be;
Juggernaut Enchant on Choice Machete, Sorc Shoes, Haunting Guise, Rylai's, Sunfire.

Shyvana is always a god who is heavily played every single preseason because she's that good of a jungler during its time, but there's something different this time, they implemented additional CC through these machete items. I believe with the new smiting champions concept Shyvana will be a god not only as a counter jungler, but now that she provides a 50% non-decaying slow NON-SKILLSHOT slow on top of her superb damage I believe she will be popular for a while, especially with the new "Feral Flare" enchant.

Jarvan / Wukong
This guy is good no matter what. Extremely powerful duelist, with a fatal flaw, if he misses his combo, go ham. I've probably played at least 700 J4 games this season and I can say without a doubt he will be indomitable this season. Jarvan scales INCREDIBLY well with ArPen and most of all, Flat Damage. The new Warrior Enchant literally gives Jarvan, an AD Caster, the greatest stats he can ask for as one.

+Fuckton AD, +10 ArPen, +10% CDR

Honestly if I could buy this on Zed or Jayce, I'd do it in a heart beat because this enchant is so fucking strong.

As for machete choice? Skirmisher's Saber, no contest. Why Skirmisher?
J4 deals MASSIVE BURST DAMAGE, but sometimes the damage is just a tad shy of a kill. The new smite allows you to deal additional true damage per swing, J4 is one of those champions who are entirely capable of dealing true damage through his basic attacks because you run several ArPen reds, play 21/9, AND have his Q which REDUCES armor rather than penetrating it. Reducing armor has a different formula but it is applied before all else.

So on top of Jarvan bursting the life out of you, smashing 10% of your current health, reducing your armor and hitting you for basically what is true damage, he will actually have additional true damage on top of every extra swing which he gets Bonus AS from his E ability. Oh and the -20% damage taken, is just pure icing on the cake. I can see this item getting nerfed, no question.

Also I know I said Wukong also, just replace everything I said about Jarvan and put Wukong in there, sans the "go ham if he misses his combo".

Wukong literally does everything Jarvan does except he doesn't have the CC j4 does early on, or the burst, but he's definitely a far better team fighter with easier to coordinate abilities compared to him.
Surprising absolutely no one. Gonna go out on a limb here and say that Lee Sin probably still functions pretty well in the jungle too.
Tegumi "im always cute"
Whotasy wrote...
Mostly playing on my smurf now, Poodle.
Lvl 21 atm.
North America, feel free to add.

Don't you not play with anyone except close friends anyway?

Revelation wrote...
Finshed my placements and starting in Silver V. Pretty good considering I was told I would end up in Bronze IV by a certain Senpai who shall remain *cough*mrticktock*coughcough* nameless.

iirc you're a relatively new player, right? The friends who taught you should be pretty proud you didn't place into Bronze, and congrats. :)

Meanwhile, my trashboat self is rather proud of this game:
All 3 lanes were initially losing so I had to get mobi boots for a while to increase my presence by a lot. Unfortunately all 3 of those deaths were easily preventable, curse stupid decision-making.
Safecracker Evelynn & Pickpocket Twitch Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/sttowzy.jpg

Captain Volibear & Constable Trundle Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/UN11RDO.jpg
Zeriam wrote...
Safecracker Evelynn & Pickpocket Twitch Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/sttowzy.jpg

Captain Volibear & Constable Trundle Splash Art
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/UN11RDO.jpg

Haha, that Volibear looks weird in the splash art, he isn't bear-like at all, at least not to my eyes, more like a badger.
Rito needs to bring URF mode back. I had so much fun that is was almost criminal.
Revelation Defender of DFC
Tegumi wrote...
Whotasy wrote...
Mostly playing on my smurf now, Poodle.
Lvl 21 atm.
North America, feel free to add.

Don't you not play with anyone except close friends anyway?

Revelation wrote...
Finshed my placements and starting in Silver V. Pretty good considering I was told I would end up in Bronze IV by a certain Senpai who shall remain *cough*mrticktock*coughcough* nameless.

iirc you're a relatively new player, right? The friends who taught you should be pretty proud you didn't place into Bronze, and congrats. :)

Meanwhile, my trashboat self is rather proud of this game:
All 3 lanes were initially losing so I had to get mobi boots for a while to increase my presence by a lot. Unfortunately all 3 of those deaths were easily preventable, curse stupid decision-making.

Tsamari and MrTickTock. It was 2 months of them yelling at me to ult.
Totally didnt go 2-8 in my placement matches