Isn't it doing things that you hate to do, but need to do for day to day life?
Then again, how many people do that stuff and still act like kids?
..... Perhaps it's about learning where you can be independent and where you need others?
Considering it said that Adults cannot see them, I would strongly disagree.
I mean, if he were to grow up, he would loose them.
Personally, I'd rather stay a bit childish than loose a harem like that.
Well, I didn't get to see if they could all stack up in the same place all ghosty like to be fucked at the same time, but it was awesome nonetheless! MORE PLEASE!
A sequel to Spring Warashi? Awesome. After seeing the previous chapter end with another 2 girls, I was certainly hoping for a sequel...So I'm definitely really happy to see this release.
"I promise I'll take good care of all 3 of you"? Much respect, that was a very good answer befitting of a Harem Hentai Protagonist.
So...Any chance of Autumn Warashi and Winter Warashi?