New Doujinshi Collaboration: Futanari no Elf

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YQII FAKKU Translator
We're excited to announce that FAKKU will publish Futanari no Elf by Kawakami Masaki!

This is a long-running series consisting of shorter episodes, with the typical one featuring a title page and four additional pages of content. The story is set in a world where our reality suddenly linked up with a parallell world exclusively inhabited by futanari elves. It centers around the human girl Yuri, who visits this world as an exchange student, and meets up with a cast of elves of various shapes and sizes. While her interactions start out pure with her playfully squeezing squishy elf ears to get a rise out of them, over time other feelings and desires slowly awaken inside Yuri as well as the local elves...

Something that should be noted about this series is that it is a slow burn. The author themselves have described the first 16 episodes to be on the level of a shonen manga when it comes to lewdness, but the smut gradually increases from there on. For something more concrete, the girls are always covered up in some kind of fabric up until Ep 16, and any action beyond that is left implied. Once we get into the 20s and 30s, that's when things get raunchier and a lot more hands on. We think it's important to be upfront about this so you know what to expect from this exceptionally cute series.

That said, this level of build-up is extremely rare in the field of ero manga, but that only makes the eventual payoff that much sweeter! To give everyone a taste of what this series has to offer, we're making the first four episodes (20 pages) free to read for anyone logged in. Our current plan is to release this free preview at the beginning of October, with the first proper release (Episode 5-11) following shortly after at the end of the month.

For anyone who's a fan of futanari and elves—and let's be real, who isn't?—we hope you look forward to this series as it starts dropping in about a month's time. And if you're on the fence, we highly recommend you at least check out the first four parts, as those will be available for anyone to read for free!

November 2023 Update: We've now released the first "set" of the series, Episodes 1 - 16. The second set, 17-31, will be released in 2024, with the first two parts having a tentative release schedule of February and April. As mentioned above, these upcoming chapters are more graphic both in the sense that you get to see more action between the characters, but they also starts incorporating color elements. I say elements as typically, the main character might be fully colored while the background is left black and white, or it might just be a single panel that's in color. The righ-most image below gives you an idea of what to expect.

May 2024 Update: Episode 22 was a fairly straight forward affair with 24 black and white pages and 8 in color. The next two releases, 23-26 & 27-31, more so mixes color elements with otherwise black and white pages. Typically the main character on the page will be in color, whereas the background characters and elements are not (see rightmost example below). Please note that Ep 31 is in pure black and white, and some only have a single partially colored page like described above (25-29). As such, it's very hard to accurately answer the question of "how much is in color," but a rough estimate for the next two sets is that Episodes 23-26 is about 50% color, while 27-31 sits at about 20%.

Thankfully from there on (32-36 as of writing), the newer releases are in full color—with simpler shading for the backgrounds! Episodes also get increasingly longer at that point, these five episodes covering 90+ pages with the average chapter being around 18 pages long. The current plan is to release up until Episode 36 before the end of 2024, so look forward to more colorized futanari elf goodness in the second half of the year!

The first releases are now available!

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Been following this series from when it started and am so happy this can finally be released!
I was not aware of this doujinshi series but I am happy to see it uncensored.
Question, how will purchasing this work since it is being released in smaller batches rather than the full 31 chapters "first part" of the story?
coolman12345 wrote...
Question, how will purchasing this work since it is being released in smaller batches rather than the full 31 chapters "first part" of the story?

the way he writes it and since there's no mention of a purchase, i'm guessing it's part of the subscription?
I've followed this series for a while, and I'm stoked to see a formal/official release of it here!
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Been a while since I last checked this one, so thanks for more reason to get back to it. Looking forward to seeing it here! ^_^
YQII FAKKU Translator
coolman12345 wrote...
Question, how will purchasing this work since it is being released in smaller batches rather than the full 31 chapters "first part" of the story?

The first four episodes will be available for free, and the rest will be purchasable like our other doujin releases. As mentioned in the announcement, the first release will be a collection of episodes 5-11, followed by 12-16 most likely before the end of the year.
Awesome. To over my favourite tags elf and Futanari will be keeping an eye on this series and another.
Will it be released physically tho?
This is great and all but I've been supporting the writer since they started on pixiv 2 years ago. I'd gladly get a hard copy but seeing as the series hasn't concluded, there'd be no point, unless there are volumes made. Great pick up nonetheless 🙏😭 kawakami is the goat!
Oh this is great. Been reading this whenever a new page came out on other hentai related sites. Always wondering if this will become a book. -p- yeeeeeesssssh
YQII FAKKU Translator
jakub11402 wrote...
Will it be released physically tho?

For now it will be digital at least until we're caught up (episode 31). At that point we'll decide what to do for future episodes, and possibly consider a physical edition in some form. Due to the logistics and costs involved in printing, digital is almost always going to be the best option initially. And of course, the better the (digital) product does, the easier it is to justify moving forward with a print run.
Thats literally one of the greatest decisions you caould have made. I swear if you ever fullfill one of my biggest dreams and print a book of this I will pay any reasonable price you want to get it.
How will downloads work with this? I'm assuming the paid chapters will have them just like everything else but it'd be weird to have an incomplete collection since you can't download free chapters.
Daiz FAKKU Developer
Frome wrote...
How will downloads work with this? I'm assuming the paid chapters will have them just like everything else but it'd be weird to have an incomplete collection since you can't download free chapters.

No need to worry - downloads for episodes 5-11 will include episodes 1-4 as well!
Any ETA for the next batch?
YQII FAKKU Translator
totallyinconspicuousname wrote...
Any ETA for the next batch?

Preorder is up. The rest of the year's release schedule is already filled, but beyond that, the plan is to get caught up with Ep.31 within the first half of 2024.

Edit: I've added an update to the original post with more info on what to expect next year.
Im still hoping for physical release. Chapter 36 (I think) would be great as ending of the first volume with the last panel when she says "I want to have sex with futa elf" as its the beginning of real action between Yuri and elfs :) Or just release volumes physically with same contents as author sells them digitally, volume 1 chapters 1-31 and volume 2 chapters 32-36.
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