[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

I've already stated in the past that I support the move that FAKKU is going legit so we can support the artists that bring us all this wonderful erotic content.

That said, maybe it's just me, but it seems that hentai fandom, for whatever reason, is filled with a higher proportion of entitled people than in other fandoms. Many peoples' excuse is "hah hah, lol, who pays for porn," as if paying for porn is some grave sin. It's like everyone relegates the world of sex to some second-class status, thus making it "acceptable" not to pay for porn. But porn is art, beautiful art, and that's why I'm happy to pay for it.

Anyway, I can sympathize with people that are too broke to buy a book or subscription, but I don't sympathize with those that can afford them yet feel entitled to free hentai, especially when it was never free in the first place. As for the ~$13 price for a monthly subscription that some people find too expensive, well, to put things in perspective, that's honestly on the lower end of the price range for a monthly subscription to a porn site. Many sites that offer monthly subscriptions charge around $30 for it without discounts, and with discounts they usually range from $15-$20 dollars. Yearly subscriptions can be cheaper than that per month, but you have to pay a larger sum of money at once, usually $100 or more. Honestly, I think $13 is a steal to get current chapters of X-Eros and Kairakuten in English, uncensored, and not only do you get access to current chapters but also all past chapters and future ones that get released until your subscription expires. As time goes on, that archive of past chapters is only going to get bigger and bigger, so those $13 is even more of a steal.
Is there any way I can see my old favorites... Even just a list of the titles? I've been building up that thing for ages. So many memories gone. T-T
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Hey Fakku/Jacob, this has made to the you tube verse. This is the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8WKPV0iztY. I personally will continue to subscribe and stick around for the long haul. So, chin up, among other things.
This decision actually tears me up. I appreciate and support what fakku's trying to do but I have a hard time justifying a 12.95 subscription for reduced content. Maybe a reward system for longtime subscribers? And would it be possible to work out a system for "renting" a book before buying it? Pay a fee and get access for 3 days or something? Just some thoughts
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
Imjustme wrote...
This decision actually tears me up. I appreciate and support what fakku's trying to do but I have a hard time justifying a 12.95 subscription for reduced content. Maybe a reward system for longtime subscribers? And would it be possible to work out a system for "renting" a book before buying it? Pay a fee and get access for 3 days or something? Just some thoughts

I remember Jacob saying he wants to implement some sort of loyalty program but nothing else has been said about it.
Maybe you should let us know how the money is being used to help them? Or maybe I missed it, if so, can anyone point me to it? (Sorry!)

You can do a simple breakdown on how much percentage and where the money goes where; numbers don't lie. And it will help us to understand too.

For now, I'm still subscribed... but I hope there are more variety of genres and I'm happy to know that you are intending to add more.

Don't get misunderstand me, I like Vanilla, but, the amount of it is too intoxicating(?) for me, haha. ^.^;

Last note, to you, Mr. Jacob.
All the best and good luck to you, sir...
I sincerely hope you succeed...

I didn't see Kisuka's post but, wow! I'm glad that the artists in Japan know that we support them! Thanks for letting us know. =]

This is completely off topic but... where I live in now, the local distributors of manga suddenly decided to stop localising them, this made me very sad that I couldn't support them anymore. Goodbye Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, Goodbye Tsugumomo, and many others...
I am torn on the issue but I guess this is goodbye for now. I understand the decision to support the artists that bring all these works to fruition, but I feel paying a fee to only one of the sites I freely browse for porn would not be my choice. And would mostly serve to make me feel obliged to go there instead of enjoying the time spent (figuratively speaking). Then take into account I don't own or wish to own a credit card and whether or not the 13$ fee is worth the severely reduced content (of course how can you be sure without having had a glimpse behind the paywall) and that leaves not a lot of pluses. However I still dread having to say goodbye to a good supplier of entertainment.
Imjustme wrote...
would it be possible to work out a system for "renting" a FAKKU book before buying it? Pay a fee and get access for 3 days or something?

Could you please (pretty please) look into making this possible? It wouldn't clash with paypal's 'no recurring payments' and might lead the way to a prepaid system.
Is providing paid access or rental of (H or non-H)manga for limited time not an already existent and solid business practice IRL?
I will continue for a while to follow the discussion and hope to see improvements, and to return as an honest paying user one fateful day.
Until then,
I am now aware of the situation, and I understabd it. But somehow, I don't, notably with the doujins. I thought it was useful in order to make the publisher "famous". Also, I hope there is going to be other ways of payment, because due to a few things that happened to me, I don't want to use my card on internet anymore.
I really hope you will put the doujins and mangas you removed online aain, because there was lot that I liked. I'm french, so my english isn't perfect, and I apologize for this.
neo_soren wrote...
I am now aware of the situation, and I understabd it. But somehow, I don't, notably with the doujins. I thought it was useful in order to make the publisher "famous". Also, I hope there is going to be other ways of payment, because due to a few things that happened to me, I don't want to use my card on internet anymore.
I really hope you will put the doujins and mangas you removed online aain, because there was lot that I liked. I'm french, so my english isn't perfect, and I apologize for this.

Vous écrivez en anglais très bien. :)
Merci beaucoup, c'est encourageant venant (je suppose ^^')d'un bilingue!
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
ElPsyCongroo wrote...
Maybe you should let us know how the money is being used to help them? Or maybe I missed it, if so, can anyone point me to it? (Sorry!)

You can do a simple breakdown on how much percentage and where the money goes where; numbers don't lie. And it will help us to understand too.

I'm pretty sure he's stated that he can't legally give this information.
neo_soren wrote...
I am now aware of the situation, and I understabd it. But somehow, I don't, notably with the doujins. I thought it was useful in order to make the publisher "famous". Also, I hope there is going to be other ways of payment, because due to a few things that happened to me, I don't want to use my card on internet anymore.
I really hope you will put the doujins and mangas you removed online aain, because there was lot that I liked. I'm french, so my english isn't perfect, and I apologize for this.

Doujinshi is always produced on a small, local scale so it isn`t really for a broad audience, unless that group or artists wants it to be. Also, original doujin is one thing but parody doujin is trickier due to the use of copyrighted characters. As for making them "famous", the subscription allows new artists to be translated and discovered as soon as they are published in Japan.
Alright Jacob,

I understand. I may actual become a subscriber in a bit. I was really pissed that all of my favorite hentai was gone. All of those years of my favorite hentai gone in an instant. So your planning on bring that hentai back to Fakku sometime in the future. Thats fine by me and I will be a subscriber for it.

But answer me this.

Please tell me you kept everyones favorite hentai names in storage somewhere!
For example when you do get the rights to those hentai we've favorited, will we be able to find it again in our favorited section of Fakku. I spent years making that collection of my favorite hentai. And I don't want it all to go away!

Please keep a record of all the Hentai you've had under Fakku!
Your Loyal member,

Mister Julian
InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
I am still in shock from uncensored Ishikei.. I hope Fakku is having a great start to the new year, and I wish you luck with the changes. I will definitely support with books, posters, subscriptions, and the kickstarter!
kharactor wrote...
neo_soren wrote...
I am now aware of the situation, and I understabd it. But somehow, I don't, notably with the doujins. I thought it was useful in order to make the publisher "famous". Also, I hope there is going to be other ways of payment, because due to a few things that happened to me, I don't want to use my card on internet anymore.
I really hope you will put the doujins and mangas you removed online aain, because there was lot that I liked. I'm french, so my english isn't perfect, and I apologize for this.

Doujinshi is always produced on a small, local scale so it isn`t really for a broad audience, unless that group or artists wants it to be. Also, original doujin is one thing but parody doujin is trickier due to the use of copyrighted characters. As for making them "famous", the subscription allows new artists to be translated and discovered as soon as they are published in Japan.

I understand that, but aren't they writing other mangas or doujins? And also I thought that there wasn't any copyright on parody doujins because original autors of the series considered parody doujins as a sort of "ad" for they series. But I think I'm mistiking.
Mister Julian wrote...
Alright Jacob,

I understand. I may actual become a subscriber in a bit. I was really pissed that all of my favorite hentai was gone. All of those years of my favorite hentai gone in an instant. So your planning on bring that hentai back to Fakku sometime in the future. Thats fine by me and I will be a subscriber for it.

But answer me this.

Please tell me you kept everyones favorite hentai names in storage somewhere!
For example when you do get the rights to those hentai we've favorited, will we be able to find it again in our favorited section of Fakku. I spent years making that collection of my favorite hentai. And I don't want it all to go away!

Please keep a record of all the Hentai you've had under Fakku!
Your Loyal member,

Mister Julian

You had the power to export the favorite's list since 4-5 months ago. Some say it still possible still if you haven't done it yet. Try. It's in your fav tab in the upper right in blue fonts.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Is it at all possible that we could get some more feedback from our impact on the industry? I think it helps us build confidence in your business. People will surely look at what you've said and just think "Well that's nice but you can't prove it". And more importantly for loyal fans it's great to see that we made a difference somehow. I don't know if it's asking a lot but I hope it can be done.

What kind of information, besides announcements on upcoming book releases and future publishing deals, would help?

Maybe, like what a user suggested, a monthly update/recap/newsletter/post on such things?
Well im not sure how many ppl here are from europe, but i actually think your goal is quite nice, somehow selfish but nice - want to support it, but you're still missing the chance to intigrate other payment methods - I mean when you're thinking about it, it was quite stupid removing everything and still only being able to "SUPPORT" via Credit Card.. just my personal opinion - I think that a lot of fans now feel like being kicked out..in Germany its uncomon to have a fucking credit card - jesus frickin' christ! :'D makes me sad - till this matter is not solved im not able to support anything wont get one "just" for fakku. *sob sob*
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
instant00human wrote...
Well im not sure how many ppl here are from europe, but i actually think your goal is quite nice, somehow selfish but nice - want to support it, but you're still missing the chance to intigrate other payment methods - I mean when you're thinking about it, it was quite stupid removing everything and still only being able to "SUPPORT" via Credit Card.. just my personal opinion - I think that a lot of fans now feel like being kicked out..in Germany its uncomon to have a fucking credit card - jesus frickin' christ! :'D makes me sad - till this matter is not solved im not able to support anything wont get one "just" for fakku. *sob sob*

What kind of payment methods? Do you know what typical adult German sites use for payment?
Monster Girl
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