[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

If you guys are complaining about not affording a sub, nag at your friends to share one with you. Dont complain when there are way around getting things you want.
Glad all the illegal stuff is down. Stealing from artists is never good, no matter the rationalizations.

Been a subscriber for three months and it has been 100% worth it. Plus it feels good to support the authors.

Thanks to Jacob and the FAKKU team for a job well done!
for me, this is sad - Fakku was one of the best, if not THE BEST hentai site I've known - and I've got through a lot of them. however, not only did you delete nearly 80% of what you accumulated, but you also created a barrier which I will not be able to pass through - in my country, 9,99% or more per month is a lot. really a lot, I cannot afford to pay for doujins, especially since you
1. do not have regional pricing, or any other way for me to deal with the costly price (especially with the paypal issue)
2. do not offer so much unique content that I am willing to cry and try to pay for it

Don't get me wrong, I fully understand why you did it and I can relate, however, you are dealing with an issue only from one side, and you're not offering anything for those who do not support you - you are creating a small, closed community fixated around "legal" stuff, while still walking on the line of law. That, and the fact that you've limited your offer to only "licenced" scanlators essentially means that you are going to lose a lot of subscribers. Most of them won't even try to talk on the forum - they will just leave, plain and simple.

Fakku was, and at the moment, still is one of the beacons in this type of network material, however, it will not hold. I really hope you rethink your decision, or at least find a way for more people, poor people, like me, to enjoy your content.
You had the power to export the favorite's list since 4-5 months ago. Some say it still possible still if you haven't done it yet. Try. It's in your fav tab in the upper right in blue fonts.[/quote]

I know where it is. But its all gone.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
evolve60 wrote...
The problem with your logic here is that you're assuming that said person/company is giving Valve or whatever distribution company the product keys for free and then coming back to collect the profits which isn't the case, company's live valve are sold the keys to the game from the publisher before valve decides to sell the product at a set price at their discretion or how ever they see fit.

It's different when it comes to selling a product like online digital books/mangas which is licensed to said company(in this case FAKKU) a portion of the subscription fee that you pay as a consumer goes to the publisher for that licensing fee and the rest is going to maintain the website and pay for salaries to the people that run the website. The price you decide on is up decided on what is ideally sustainable for the website, because you're going to have to cut out a lot of the content that is currently on the website and account for the loss if traffic because of said decision.

I get what you're saying but I still don't think FAKKU can freely set the price at their own discretion. My overall point is that we don't know the terms of their partnership so who are we to judge?

And are you certain that's how it works? As far as I can tell Valve is the entity that generates and manages all the steam keys. I'm also pretty sure the publishers are also in control on whether or not their game is put on sale. Of course I'm not in the industry so I don't really know but that's what I've gathered from reading around.

Valve can't generate it's own keys, if they do they're liable to being sued by any publishing company that they are selling illegitimate copies of the game, they work with the companies that are on their platform to "usually" ensure all copies sold are legit copies. Publishers set a price they sell at to distribution outlets, and the distributor sells it at a marked up price for profit. The only time you see things on sale for a ridiculous low prices on steam is because the cost of making the game has already been overtaken by the profits of the sales and thus any thing they make after that is pure money in the bank.
To be honest, it does not come as surprise at all. Even if I didn't know about that notice that you guys announced 6 months ago. Let's face it, Wani is not the only adult magazine publisher on Japan.
You guys hosting pirated stuff AND licensed stuff from Wani at once was not only awkward, but a slap on the face against other publishers.

Either way, as far as DJ stuff is concerned, we have several other websites hosting such stuff... But at least, they're pirating stuff, and NOT licensing stuff at the same time.

Ahem, on a side note, I hope you guys keep hosting more NTR stuff from Wani. They've got some decent artists who're good at it.
neo_soren wrote...
I understand that, but aren't they writing other mangas or doujins? And also I thought that there wasn't any copyright on parody doujins because original autors of the series considered parody doujins as a sort of "ad" for they series. But I think I'm mistiking.

Some artists do have other works they publish in magazines but not all of them may want their doujin work distributed beyond Comiket and secondhand stores, legally or otherwise. I imagine the artists make these doujin for fun and for small cash so while scanlations might put their name out there, it can also be a slap in the face since they are selling them form some kind of profit. Moreover, some artists that get mainstream publishing try to distance themselves from their doujin work. If Fakku wants to publish original doujin, they would have to get permission from the group or artist and given their propensity towards small scale operations some may not want anything beyond a limited distributing deal. But who knows, as long as they are getting paid, a good deal might not be out of the realm of possibility. I would certainly like original doujinshi, but I don`t think free sample, rotating or trial chapters could factor in until later.

As for parody doujinshi, I believe somebody already mentioned this, but, the reason publishers in Japan turn their heads away is because of it`s limited distribution. North American anime and manga distributors don`t take kindly to people breaking their copyright, so between Japan and other license holders, there would be many hoops to jump through and at the end of the day I would not rule out a resounding "NO" from both sides.

I suppose the most straight forward answer I can come up with is that the purpose of doujinshi generally isn`t to be famous, but to have some fun creating and sharing your work as a kind of side project or even to sharpen ones skills. Think, "Limited Edition". If an artist wants to gain some kind of recognition, they would shoot for legitimate publishing, whether it be with hentai or mainstream magazines, which requires some amount of professionalism (or standardization) from all sides.
The way I see it, Jacob is making a move that will keep Fakku! on the web. Too many times I've seen hentai sites get ripped off the internet once the word is out about them hosting scanlations, and many more manga sites just going dark: Fakku! would be an easy target because it is such a great site with such a deep library nowadays. Not only that but since Jacob is a decent human being and actually went to japan to meet the authors, made deals to publish content, and evolved this site past a simple fap hub, it was only a matter of time until this happened. BUT EVEN THEN HE GAVE THE GODDAM HEADS UP! I'm writing as a person who can't afford to subscribe right now, but the second I can I'm giving Fakku! my money without a second thought. The content will come back. Though it has been deleted Jacob and the team can see, and probably have stored, all the names, and details, and popularity of the scanlations which got lost. It will be legal then. And over time the thousands of titles will rack back up. Frustration makes sense, I was pissed as shit too, but then I read the post and realized that this is actually a change for the better. It isn't their problem that I don't have my financial shit together, this is all the more reason to get it so. While I weep for the lack of "Free"-dom, I salute the change.

One question though: will the joke scanlations ever return? I remember one "Me step mum is too frickin hot" which was some incest but translated as British/Austrailan and was hilarious. Or the infamous "I actually forgot the title of this one" but it had the line "who in their right mind would frost a cake with their butt?" in it, and ended with that "Next time on the home cooking channel" line. Holy fuck that obliterated my sides hardcore. "I was raised on the frosting, bitches." It was a sexy ass hentai manga mixed with an absurdly fitting level of comedy. Could do tent like that still be found on the site in the future?
Fakku are doing an extremely awesome work. I bought some books and they are truly amazing. This is the first time I’ve seen books fully translated (ones that make sense), uncensored, and with really high production quality. I was mind blown! I know that the subscription is a little high, but I gotta support those wonderful artists. I support Jacob and his crew, and also the artists!
Please correct me if I am mistaken.
Please admit that you are mistaken, if you are.

Jacob wrote...

Over the past year we have officially published over 200 individual artists.

I don't know whether you didn't do basic fact-checking or whether you are exaggerating for a "nice round number" for marketing purposes as is your wont. Perhaps, if I were to give the benefit of the doubt, you are including the works you haven't yet made publicly available because you don't have separate lists of what has been made available and what has been finished. It may well be a combination of all three.

Declaring that you have officially published almost 200 artists is a stretch, but otherwise standard for hyperbolic marketing. Over 200 though? Really? You had to go with over?

Let's look how many there actually seem to be. Source is my spreadsheet, which I'll abstain from linking, the source of which is your website. It seems unlikely that the problem could be that I am not seeing a lot of the works for whatever reason as it would have to be something other than option to not see certain content.

40010 Prototype
Aiue Oka
Akai Mato
Akitsuki Itsuki
Akiya Akira
Akizuki Itsuki
Amano Ameno
Amezawa Koma
Aoi Nagisa
Ashiomi Masato
Azuma Tesshin
Bakseesh AT
E-Musu Aki
Ebi Shri
Hakkyou Daioujou
Hardboiled Yoshiko
Hinahara Emi
Hinasaki Yo
Hiroyuki Sanadura
Hiyoshi Hana
Inue Shinsuke
Ishikawa Shisuke
Kai Maruco
Kamishiro Ryu
Kamiya Zuzu
Kanna Tetsuboku
Karma Tatsurou
Kasuga Souichi
Katase Minami
Katsurai Yoshiaki
Kazuma Muramasa
Ketsuyuki Tamon
Kisaragi Gunma
Kito Sakeru
Kiyoshiro Inoue
Knuckle Curve
Kohsaka Donten
Kojima Saya
Kokonoki Nao
Kosuke Haruhito
Koume Keito
Kuroiwa Madoka
Kurokoshi You
Leonardo Sixteen
MG Joe
Mg Kurino
Misa Wasabi
Miyuki Yaya
Morimiya Masayuki
Mozuya Murasaki
Nanamiya Tsugumi
Nanao Yukiji
Nanase Takashi
Naruko Hanaharu
Natsuki Kiyohito
Natsumi Iroha
Niimaru Yuu
Nishi Iori
Nonaka Tama
Ogawa Hidari
Okito Endoh
Rinu Suruga
Saito Yamashiro No Kami Yukihiko
Sakurai Energy
Sanadura Hiroyuki
Satsuki Mikazu
Shinozuka George
Shizyou Mako
Shono Kotaro
Slowpip B
Suruga Kuroitsu
Tajima Particle
Takaya Ki
Tamon Ketsuyuki
Tinn Hisakawa
Tsuda Nanafushi
Tsukino Jyogi
Uo Denim
Usagi Nagomu
Wamusato Haru
Yahiro Pochi
Yamada no Seikatsu ga Daiichi
Yanase Yanagi
Yazaki Suigin
Yoshima Nikki
Yoshiura Kazuya
434 Not Found

175 Japanese artists in total. 178 if you want to count the western artists and the doujinshi. That being said, I implore you to tell me the 23+ artists that I am missing to make your statement of having published 200+ artists factually accurate. That being said, the gap perhaps could be closed if one were to include all of the artists who did the graphic designs for the website, the books and magazines, the posters, the shirts and every little thing. That doesn't seem to be what you meant though.

Feel free to publish enough to make up for this shortfall right away, I'm all for that.
I have been a silent member of Fakku for years now, and though I have not yet subscribed, I approve of fully legalizing the site. My idea for some free content would to just have a weekly rotation of several works, maybe only 3-5 of them. Maybe one of these can be from the purchasable books as well. As it would be a weekly rotation, this number would be just enough to let people sample the work to see if they want to subscribe, and if they enjoyed the book, they can buy it.
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

I have the same comment here... I would be fine with the content being unavailable, but I've been maintaining a list on Fakku as a list of things I need to go an try to find/purchase. Now that everything is actually gone, I don't even have titles to go off of...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

Been known and two threads since June and discussed as an eventual possibility since 2014. Also the export tool been out for 4 months now.
Zizi wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

I have the same comment here... I would be fine with the content being unavailable, but I've been maintaining a list on Fakku as a list of things I need to go an try to find/purchase. Now that everything is actually gone, I don't even have titles to go off of...

I'll deeply miss good old Fakku (RIP, sweet prince). It's been a good friend, and I'm very sad to have to lose it, but I can survive - losing all of our favourites lists would be a disaster thought. After being loyal to this place for so long it feels like quite the kick in the teeth to lose everything we had without a hint of warning

(I don't know where it's apparently been discussed for 6 months, but it certainly wasn't anywhere obvious that ordinary users who don't use the forums much would see)

Please tell us it's saved somewhere?
So, as someone who has been part of Fakku for almost 8 years (9 if you consider the time before I joined, and I don't consider myself a founder since I wasn't from the first year) I have to say I understand, it kinda sucks but completely understand. The sucky part is probably from nostalgia of being able to type in Fakku, hit the search of a certain genre and enjoy a perverted whirlwind journey of being distracted by so much content. If I didn't understand it I could be upset, but I do.

Sucks to be shelling out $155 a year, and purchasing digital books for better content on something I don't log into every day. Hopefully there will be different payment options or something to make it cheaper. But I'm still aboard for this ride.
animefreak_usa wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

Been known and two threads since June and discussed as an eventual possibility since 2014. Also the export tool been out for 4 months now.

An advert of some kind would have been nice! I've been using this site consistently as an account holder for over a year and consistently without one before that and I have never once had a notification or sign on the main page saying that this is happening.
UraharaChan wrote...
for me, this is sad - Fakku was one of the best, if not THE BEST hentai site I've known - and I've got through a lot of them. however, not only did you delete nearly 80% of what you accumulated, but you also created a barrier which I will not be able to pass through - in my country, 9,99% or more per month is a lot. really a lot, I cannot afford to pay for doujins, especially since you
1. do not have regional pricing, or any other way for me to deal with the costly price (especially with the paypal issue)
2. do not offer so much unique content that I am willing to cry and try to pay for it

Don't get me wrong, I fully understand why you did it and I can relate, however, you are dealing with an issue only from one side, and you're not offering anything for those who do not support you - you are creating a small, closed community fixated around "legal" stuff, while still walking on the line of law. That, and the fact that you've limited your offer to only "licenced" scanlators essentially means that you are going to lose a lot of subscribers. Most of them won't even try to talk on the forum - they will just leave, plain and simple.

Fakku was, and at the moment, still is one of the beacons in this type of network material, however, it will not hold. I really hope you rethink your decision, or at least find a way for more people, poor people, like me, to enjoy your content.

that's fine in my opinion. the price point is set not only to be cheap, but also to be supportive of the growth of the site. how many adult sites are there, hentai sites even, request 13$ for monthly sub? not to mention, are those even published as theirs with the consent of the artist? properly uncensored straight from the artist's hands? no. the price point and the features fakku is offering is top tier good. but as said, people have taken for granted that these hentai is supposedly available for free.

imagine people ripping you off of your hard work. imagine that your potential sales can skyrocket but dont, because people outside your physical reach dont pay shit. that's what we've been doing before. and if you have some sense of pride as a man, and did your research, you'd should be saying sorry right now to both fakku and the artists/publishers. the price fakku is asking for in relation to what they are offering, have you seen their price as raw Japanese product? now add the benefit of being translated and uncensored. think bigger, use the brain more and not the lower head.

cant afford? i suggest you find ways to afford. go with every other month or quarterly. sacrifice something you spend on for yourself like tissue paper (then again... what to use when fapping... bad idea.) but that price point is already fair if you actually understood the price of porn. remember that this is a company with around a dozen people, trying to cater all countries except japan for quality English uncensored hentai originals. can you just imagine the task at hand if they try making localized prices for each country? and aside that, the complaints people would do if they see one country can get it cheaper than others?

this is what separates men from leeches. this is what separates men from pirates.
although i'd like to subscribe I have no credit card, perhaps an option would be to sell subscription gift cards which van be bought by either paypal or maybe other forms.
Now I'm all for this. Really I am. Giving back to those we've taken from for a long time. However I do think this came a tish too early. You've got A LOT to build back up to and I know you're going to but at the moment that was a huge hit to your selection. I'm still waiting for my monster girls to come back and now there's SO little in the darn tag. All in all. Good choice, wrong time. I think it's all going to work out anyways. Happy New Years everyone.
Monster Girl
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