[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

Eternal! wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

Been known and two threads since June and discussed as an eventual possibility since 2014. Also the export tool been out for 4 months now.

An advert of some kind would have been nice! I've been using this site consistently as an account holder for over a year and consistently without one before that and I have never once had a notification or sign on the main page saying that this is happening.

To experiment, I checked the Wayback Machine, and it seems like they've managed to archive Fakku pretty regularly. Now, that won't get back your favorites/lists, but at least you'll have access to all the entries ever posted.

Might just have to spend a few weekends browsing through the saved descriptions/images if there's no option to retrieve the lists...
Zizi wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

Been known and two threads since June and discussed as an eventual possibility since 2014. Also the export tool been out for 4 months now.

An advert of some kind would have been nice! I've been using this site consistently as an account holder for over a year and consistently without one before that and I have never once had a notification or sign on the main page saying that this is happening.

To experiment, I checked the Wayback Machine, and it seems like they've managed to archive Fakku pretty regularly. Now, that won't get back your favorites/lists, but at least you'll have access to all the entries ever posted.

Might just have to spend a few weekends browsing through the saved descriptions/images if there's no option to retrieve the lists...

Thanks Zizi :) That's some help at least XD But I can't remember all I had saved. And I've ever really used the Wayback Machine so it'll take some work...
Good luck with your search for your own favourites :)
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Honestly, this is an extremely good thing.

Because I've noticed that a lot of the h-manga that have been coming through the subscriptions have been of a higher value than a good chunk of the previous ones. Where before, about 1 in 10 was of good quality, you see nearly all of them at least being artistically of premium quality with maybe only the story portion dragging them down.

As for the free portion that you might want to offer down the line.

One possibility is looking for artists that want free publicity with these magazines you are working with. You use them as the free content for users who don't do subscriptions and in exchange push the content and fan support to the magazines as a possible way of introducing new artists and material to them.

Though that could be too complex to make happen.

Another Avenue would be if stateside artists want to publish a story or two on the site to promote their own site in the comments in exchange. It would mean branching away from only hentai but it could definitely be worth it to pursue.
Eternal! wrote...
Zizi wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

Been known and two threads since June and discussed as an eventual possibility since 2014. Also the export tool been out for 4 months now.

An advert of some kind would have been nice! I've been using this site consistently as an account holder for over a year and consistently without one before that and I have never once had a notification or sign on the main page saying that this is happening.

To experiment, I checked the Wayback Machine, and it seems like they've managed to archive Fakku pretty regularly. Now, that won't get back your favorites/lists, but at least you'll have access to all the entries ever posted.

Might just have to spend a few weekends browsing through the saved descriptions/images if there's no option to retrieve the lists...

Thanks Zizi :) That's some help at least XD But I can't remember all I had saved. And I've ever really used the Wayback Machine so it'll take some work...
Good luck with your search for your own favourites :)

Basically it's just like your normal browsing, but with some restrictions (in terms of things not loading). Even the tags and whatnot are all intact, so that might make your life easier.

OF COURSE, I would still really like it if we were able to somehow extract list info (that probably still exists)...
Great post Jacob
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/R62isAh.gif

Anyways, I'll just regurgitate what I said in another thread. I honestly really think you guys should mimic Crunchyroll and Funimation, especially CR since they were the same situation as you. They are very successful these days and I believe you guys can reach a similar level of popularity and successfulness. These are my recommendations:

1. For the free option: Do what Crunchyroll and Funimation are doing. If an episode for X-anime comes out, a week later it's free with ads. For Funi on YouTube, they post episodes two weeks after the initial release. So I'd say after 1-2 weeks, excluding books, have the chapters free with ads. Try to figure out a way to bypass ad block, like, maybe even make the chapter unviewable unless you have ad block off. Second thing, maybe have an option to pick ads that you want to see like on Twitter, "is this relevant to you?". I honestly don't like seeing all the gif advertisements for other porn sites because sometimes they can be pretty ratchet and annoying. I'd rather see some more "normal" ads that have to do with anime or manga. I don't want to see the little asian girl getting railed by a big black dick every page, but I'm not sure if you guys have control over that haha.

2. Have different subscription types (1-month, 3-month, 6-month, 1-year). You already said that you guys will hopefully have them some time this year, but I really urge you to get them ASAP. I really (like REALLY) want to support you guys via subscription, but I just cannot do the month-to-month subscription, I just can't. I'm a college student and my money has highs and lows every month. I can most definitely pay you guys when I'm on the high end, but with the monthly subscription I could be low on money at any given time and potentially go into the negative. I really want to avoid that and I just feel better paying it all at once and not having to worry about it for a year. And if you can, try to shoot for $60 per year like Funi and CR. Don't make it cost more than a video game! Until, I'll just have to support you guys through buying books.

3. Different subscription tiers. You guys are just starting out and you guys haven't reached the level of Funi or CR, but I believe they are what you want to shoot for in terms of everything basically. When in rome, do as the romans do. CR's Premium+ membership is $12 a month and they have anime, drama, and manga available and they're one dollar cheaper than you per month. Just food for thought. But you guys are new and you need the money, I get it. So this is the solution: Have different subscription tiers. All you need is two really. Have it at like $6 a month. Now this is the tricky part, since you guys are manga only atm, this gets hard. Maybe have it so you can pick a certain amount of magazines you can subscribe to after you get more. The only problem with that is what you do with individual uploads that aren't connected to a magazine. Maybe have all individual uploads free for all subscribers, but make the magazines available limited for the tier-1 subscribers.

These are my three big suggestions and I think they are doable. I really stress on #2 the most though.

Now I have 2 questions:

1. I was wondering if you guys have any plans to potentially simulcast hentai anime (uncensored). I'm not even sure if that's possible since it is distributed via BD/DVD. I'm not sure how Japanese publishers would feel about that, but that'd be cool if you could. That's far fetched though and I know since CR can't even get uncensored versions except for rare occasions, but I'd thought I'd ask.

2. You think you'll bring back h-games? It'd be cool to have h-games on here from makers on Newgrounds and whatnot. It'd be really cool if Zone would be willing to post some of his games on here for subscribers. Or if you guys tried licensing some 18+ visual novels like Mangagamer? Again, this is a far fetched question/idea... I'm not sure if you guys want to strictly be manga-only or what.
Zizi wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
Zizi wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
Eternal! wrote...
o.o Well OK seeing as this came UTTERLY out of the blue, is there any way to at the very least find out what we had saved in our favourites folder?

Because I have no list...

Been known and two threads since June and discussed as an eventual possibility since 2014. Also the export tool been out for 4 months now.

An advert of some kind would have been nice! I've been using this site consistently as an account holder for over a year and consistently without one before that and I have never once had a notification or sign on the main page saying that this is happening.

To experiment, I checked the Wayback Machine, and it seems like they've managed to archive Fakku pretty regularly. Now, that won't get back your favorites/lists, but at least you'll have access to all the entries ever posted.

Might just have to spend a few weekends browsing through the saved descriptions/images if there's no option to retrieve the lists...

Thanks Zizi :) That's some help at least XD But I can't remember all I had saved. And I've ever really used the Wayback Machine so it'll take some work...
Good luck with your search for your own favourites :)

Basically it's just like your normal browsing, but with some restrictions (in terms of things not loading). Even the tags and whatnot are all intact, so that might make your life easier.

OF COURSE, I would still really like it if we were able to somehow extract list info (that probably still exists)...

Well, I can't log in on it to view favourites, and none of the doujinshi/ manga images seem to want to load :(
The subscription is great for quality of content and I personally like that I get to support the artists and Fakku. The quantity of content is definitely lacking, however, but that's what other sites are for, right? I don't see why people can't use both Fakku for awesome uncensored stuff and other sites to fill in the blanks.
I fully support your decision with this Jacob. While I can't afford a subscription right now, I plan to do so in the future.
I've always thought of the artist who give us such expressions in photos that give us pleasure.
I look forward to the future of FAKKU.
Today, I tried to subscribe using my credit card... It say success and start reading...

But then, I still can't read anything here... I check my subscription settings, and it said no subscription there???!!!

Something is wrong here with your subscription system!!!
astroclarion wrote...
Today, I tried to subscribe using my credit card... It say success and start reading...

But then, I still can't read anything here... I check my subscription settings, and it said no subscription there???!!!

Something is wrong here with your subscription system!!!

It all depends on your card company. Sometimes there extra verifications on your end with your card company seeing if you actually authorized it. Mins to a hour isn't on common. Pass that then you should use the contact page and the people with editing power can fix your issue. I think mine doesn't lag is because i have bought stuff from here with this card and they ask if it was me or not.

I believed the threads and announcement have been on the front page a few times for deleting the unlicensed content and export tool. Not 100% but i believe it was. There was also a front page link to the podcast where jacob announced the unlicensed removal and the magazine rumors before the thread.
as long as FAKKU keeps legal, i´ll gladly keep subscribing, i loved it since last year then i registered few months ago, if we want to support artist, i´ll do instead of just piracy which always leads to ruins. keep uploading contents so i can fap! also i agree on some people about donations
Honestly, at first I was livid, because I believed Fakku was getting rid of all free material so that it would only be subscriptions and books. Thank you for posting this so that I could understand why you did this. But, could you add back the notice that says, "Fakku Subscription" so that people don't click on it when they are looking for free hentai?
drax8883 Da Booty Yack DECULCHA
Been here for a long time. to those who are bitching about the removal. There are so many other sites for scantalations. FAKKU has never been the best site for scanned stuff it was simply the surface of a wider network. for example everything i've seen on the front page that was scantalations when they were still there appeared on other sites weeks ago. the subscription service meanwhile brings something new to the table. and that is simulpublished and translated uncensored works. the uncensored is most important. aside from a few project h works uncensored hentai is rare as fuck. Subscribers here get to see the artwork as it was meant to be seen. even the Japanese don get to see that. that alone is something awesome. i originally was about to cut ties when the sadpanda thing happened. and honestly i'm still skeptical about jacobs involvment in that fiasco. but then i saw what was being offered and i could not resist it which is a testament to the quality of what is being offered that it turned me from about to cut ties with the site to being a die hard subscriber who bought almost every release so far in a physical book.
MegaBulborb wrote...
Great post Jacob
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/R62isAh.gif

Anyways, I'll just regurgitate what I said in another thread. I honestly really think you guys should mimic Crunchyroll and Funimation, especially CR since they were the same situation as you. They are very successful these days and I believe you guys can reach a similar level of popularity and successfulness. These are my recommendations:

1. For the free option: Do what Crunchyroll and Funimation are doing. If an episode for X-anime comes out, a week later it's free with ads. For Funi on YouTube, they post episodes two weeks after the initial release. So I'd say after 1-2 weeks, excluding books, have the chapters free with ads. Try to figure out a way to bypass ad block, like, maybe even make the chapter unviewable unless you have ad block off. Second thing, maybe have an option to pick ads that you want to see like on Twitter, "is this relevant to you?". I honestly don't like seeing all the gif advertisements for other porn sites because sometimes they can be pretty ratchet and annoying. I'd rather see some more "normal" ads that have to do with anime or manga. I don't want to see the little asian girl getting railed by a big black dick every page, but I'm not sure if you guys have control over that haha.

2. Have different subscription types (1-month, 3-month, 6-month, 1-year). You already said that you guys will hopefully have them some time this year, but I really urge you to get them ASAP. I really (like REALLY) want to support you guys via subscription, but I just cannot do the month-to-month subscription, I just can't. I'm a college student and my money has highs and lows every month. I can most definitely pay you guys when I'm on the high end, but with the monthly subscription I could be low on money at any given time and potentially go into the negative. I really want to avoid that and I just feel better paying it all at once and not having to worry about it for a year. And if you can, try to shoot for $60 per year like Funi and CR. Don't make it cost more than a video game! Until, I'll just have to support you guys through buying books.

3. Different subscription tiers. You guys are just starting out and you guys haven't reached the level of Funi or CR, but I believe they are what you want to shoot for in terms of everything basically. When in rome, do as the romans do. CR's Premium+ membership is $12 a month and they have anime, drama, and manga available and they're one dollar cheaper than you per month. Just food for thought. But you guys are new and you need the money, I get it. So this is the solution: Have different subscription tiers. All you need is two really. Have it at like $6 a month. Now this is the tricky part, since you guys are manga only atm, this gets hard. Maybe have it so you can pick a certain amount of magazines you can subscribe to after you get more. The only problem with that is what you do with individual uploads that aren't connected to a magazine. Maybe have all individual uploads free for all subscribers, but make the magazines available limited for the tier-1 subscribers.

These are my three big suggestions and I think they are doable. I really stress on #2 the most though.

totally agree especially subscription tiers
you build your website on free content.

it get's popular.

then you play the moral card to get subs on such website.


good luck with you decision.
hgatedc wrote...

that's fine in my opinion. the price point is set not only to be cheap, but also to be supportive of the growth of the site. how many adult sites are there, hentai sites even, request 13$ for monthly sub? not to mention, are those even published as theirs with the consent of the artist? properly uncensored straight from the artist's hands? no. the price point and the features fakku is offering is top tier good. but as said, people have taken for granted that these hentai is supposedly available for free.

imagine people ripping you off of your hard work. imagine that your potential sales can skyrocket but dont, because people outside your physical reach dont pay shit. that's what we've been doing before. and if you have some sense of pride as a man, and did your research, you'd should be saying sorry right now to both fakku and the artists/publishers. the price fakku is asking for in relation to what they are offering, have you seen their price as raw Japanese product? now add the benefit of being translated and uncensored. think bigger, use the brain more and not the lower head.

cant afford? i suggest you find ways to afford. go with every other month or quarterly. sacrifice something you spend on for yourself like tissue paper (then again... what to use when fapping... bad idea.) but that price point is already fair if you actually understood the price of porn. remember that this is a company with around a dozen people, trying to cater all countries except japan for quality English uncensored hentai originals. can you just imagine the task at hand if they try making localized prices for each country? and aside that, the complaints people would do if they see one country can get it cheaper than others?

this is what separates men from leeches. this is what separates men from pirates.

that's the main problem - while in "normal" countries, 13$ is usually not that much, for me in my country it's a lot - it's something like 50$ compared to the US, or even more, depending on what you earn. basically, it's a lot to ask for - especially since the sites library is a shadow of its former self now, and while there are numerous plans (from what I've read), there are none in place ATM.

the second issue is the method of payment - as someone here already mentioned, while Credit Cards and the like are a common thing in the US, outside, in Europe, they usually aren't - in my case, not only I do not own a Credit Card, but I am also incapable of obtaining one due to my Bank's policies etc. I understand the problem with PayPal, but in the end, this method of payment in place right now doesn't allow me, and many others, to experience the material on this site. and no, it is not something that can be quickly fixed from my position.

lastly, there are some other minor issues I have with the new ways - not only are we forced to choose between pay or leave, but even if we pay, we are still charged extra for books. not only that, we are granted only a couple of titles each week, even when not taking into account isses such as personal preferences or fetishes. apart from that, simply charging too much (as Netflix and some other similar services charge less - hell, even Netflix, which is coming into my country soon will charge about 7$ instead of the usual 10$) for not so much material doesn't look appealing to me. I understand the views of the managers, but in the end, while this method of site management will grant nice things to already present visitiors, it will scare away potential new ones.

also, please do not mention the issue of manliness here - it is simply a matter of payment, not sexual views or musculinity.
UraharaChan wrote...
hgatedc wrote...

that's fine in my opinion. the price point is set not only to be cheap, but also to be supportive of the growth of the site. how many adult sites are there, hentai sites even, request 13$ for monthly sub? not to mention, are those even published as theirs with the consent of the artist? properly uncensored straight from the artist's hands? no. the price point and the features fakku is offering is top tier good. but as said, people have taken for granted that these hentai is supposedly available for free.

imagine people ripping you off of your hard work. imagine that your potential sales can skyrocket but dont, because people outside your physical reach dont pay shit. that's what we've been doing before. and if you have some sense of pride as a man, and did your research, you'd should be saying sorry right now to both fakku and the artists/publishers. the price fakku is asking for in relation to what they are offering, have you seen their price as raw Japanese product? now add the benefit of being translated and uncensored. think bigger, use the brain more and not the lower head.

cant afford? i suggest you find ways to afford. go with every other month or quarterly. sacrifice something you spend on for yourself like tissue paper (then again... what to use when fapping... bad idea.) but that price point is already fair if you actually understood the price of porn. remember that this is a company with around a dozen people, trying to cater all countries except japan for quality English uncensored hentai originals. can you just imagine the task at hand if they try making localized prices for each country? and aside that, the complaints people would do if they see one country can get it cheaper than others?

this is what separates men from leeches. this is what separates men from pirates.

that's the main problem - while in "normal" countries, 13$ is usually not that much, for me in my country it's a lot - it's something like 50$ compared to the US, or even more, depending on what you earn. basically, it's a lot to ask for - especially since the sites library is a shadow of its former self now, and while there are numerous plans (from what I've read), there are none in place ATM.

the second issue is the method of payment - as someone here already mentioned, while Credit Cards and the like are a common thing in the US, outside, in Europe, they usually aren't - in my case, not only I do not own a Credit Card, but I am also incapable of obtaining one due to my Bank's policies etc. I understand the problem with PayPal, but in the end, this method of payment in place right now doesn't allow me, and many others, to experience the material on this site. and no, it is not something that can be quickly fixed from my position.

lastly, there are some other minor issues I have with the new ways - not only are we forced to choose between pay or leave, but even if we pay, we are still charged extra for books. not only that, we are granted only a couple of titles each week, even when not taking into account isses such as personal preferences or fetishes. apart from that, simply charging too much (as Netflix and some other similar services charge less - hell, even Netflix, which is coming into my country soon will charge about 7$ instead of the usual 10$) for not so much material doesn't look appealing to me. I understand the views of the managers, but in the end, while this method of site management will grant nice things to already present visitiors, it will scare away potential new ones.

also, please do not mention the issue of manliness here - it is simply a matter of payment, not sexual views or musculinity.

lol, didnt get through oh well, we'll try again.
for credit cards. thousands of other options are available. Europe? there are things there such as Secured Cards (capital one has it i think) or commonly called Secured Credit Cards. look into them.
other options for adult content are missing, really not just fakku. i think it's also for the security of the company.

for content, you just have to wait (maybe by then you have already saved up enough for a sub as well). rome wasnt built in a day. i dont think it's low to give up for now and prep up. its wise to know when to give up.

the price is only a product of the content and the service. im pretty sure i told you before the worth of the stuff. that's in relation to what you would get if you get the original in japan. i cant be sympathetic with you if im gonna be fair to the other party. im pretty sure you want that as well in your line of work and how you would be treated by customers.

MegaBulborb wrote...
try to shoot for $60 per year like Funi and CR. Don't make it cost more than a video game!

my wallet wants to agree with this... but my brain and reality isnt so supportive.

i mean... $156 per year (13 x 12) and you want a price cut of more than 60%.
this wont work out in my experience and belief.

again, my wallet agrees, but my brain and even my lower head doesnt want to. the path of legal pr0n has always and always been expensive. fakku's one of the cheapest in hand already. lets not push it when it's not actually gonna be supportive.
After reading a part of your OP I guess I can get where you're coming from. These artists deserve the praise and credit, I myself would be heartbroken if something like what you subscribed happened to me. Yet I would have liked to see that post of yours from 6 months ago sooner.
Now all of my favorites are just gone, first you removed the loli tag so I couldn't fins those anymore. Now I've lost these. Plus the 5-second and skip ads and the subscriptions I can't really read much on this site anymore :(
That's sad, I started out by fapping, I tried using the forums but it didn't really work out for me. And now it seems like I won't ever be able to read anything on this site ever again :(
Well thanks for your hard work Jacob, I've seen more of your posts and your work is commendable. All the best!
MegaBulborb wrote...
Great post Jacob
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/R62isAh.gif

Anyways, I'll just regurgitate what I said in another thread. I honestly really think you guys should mimic Crunchyroll and Funimation, especially CR since they were the same situation as you. They are very successful these days and I believe you guys can reach a similar level of popularity and successfulness. These are my recommendations:

1. For the free option: Do what Crunchyroll and Funimation are doing. If an episode for X-anime comes out, a week later it's free with ads. For Funi on YouTube, they post episodes two weeks after the initial release. So I'd say after 1-2 weeks, excluding books, have the chapters free with ads. Try to figure out a way to bypass ad block, like, maybe even make the chapter unviewable unless you have ad block off. Second thing, maybe have an option to pick ads that you want to see like on Twitter, "is this relevant to you?". I honestly don't like seeing all the gif advertisements for other porn sites because sometimes they can be pretty ratchet and annoying. I'd rather see some more "normal" ads that have to do with anime or manga. I don't want to see the little asian girl getting railed by a big black dick every page, but I'm not sure if you guys have control over that haha.

2. Have different subscription types (1-month, 3-month, 6-month, 1-year). You already said that you guys will hopefully have them some time this year, but I really urge you to get them ASAP. I really (like REALLY) want to support you guys via subscription, but I just cannot do the month-to-month subscription, I just can't. I'm a college student and my money has highs and lows every month. I can most definitely pay you guys when I'm on the high end, but with the monthly subscription I could be low on money at any given time and potentially go into the negative. I really want to avoid that and I just feel better paying it all at once and not having to worry about it for a year. And if you can, try to shoot for $60 per year like Funi and CR. Don't make it cost more than a video game! Until, I'll just have to support you guys through buying books.

3. Different subscription tiers. You guys are just starting out and you guys haven't reached the level of Funi or CR, but I believe they are what you want to shoot for in terms of everything basically. When in rome, do as the romans do. CR's Premium+ membership is $12 a month and they have anime, drama, and manga available and they're one dollar cheaper than you per month. Just food for thought. But you guys are new and you need the money, I get it. So this is the solution: Have different subscription tiers. All you need is two really. Have it at like $6 a month. Now this is the tricky part, since you guys are manga only atm, this gets hard. Maybe have it so you can pick a certain amount of magazines you can subscribe to after you get more. The only problem with that is what you do with individual uploads that aren't connected to a magazine. Maybe have all individual uploads free for all subscribers, but make the magazines available limited for the tier-1 subscribers.

These are my three big suggestions and I think they are doable. I really stress on #2 the most though.

Now I have 2 questions:

1. I was wondering if you guys have any plans to potentially simulcast hentai anime (uncensored). I'm not even sure if that's possible since it is distributed via BD/DVD. I'm not sure how Japanese publishers would feel about that, but that'd be cool if you could. That's far fetched though and I know since CR can't even get uncensored versions except for rare occasions, but I'd thought I'd ask.

2. You think you'll bring back h-games? It'd be cool to have h-games on here from makers on Newgrounds and whatnot. It'd be really cool if Zone would be willing to post some of his games on here for subscribers. Or if you guys tried licensing some 18+ visual novels like Mangagamer? Again, this is a far fetched question/idea... I'm not sure if you guys want to strictly be manga-only or what.

1. You can't share hentai on youtube + hentai has its restriction and it is not like a Tv series with an episode every week.

2. You can't advertise using x rated content.

I have an idea regarding manga reader and how it can help the artist promote their work and in the same time bring revenue to them and free content to users but still waiting on Jacob e-mail reply or may be Danny Choo.
MakazeKanra The Devil Himself
Misaki_Chi wrote...
MakazeKanra wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
MakazeKanra wrote...
I chose Fakku because it had the most comprehensive collection of even the rarest doujins. When someone mentioned a doujin I should read, I could come here and find it, H or non-H, and look no further. I bought my subscription to have access to even more comprehensive content. Now that you have taken away the original content, my reasons for choosing this site have vanished.

Just stating as a previous uploader to the site you know most of the content came from other places right? I know I got most of my stuff I uploaded from other sites/torrents and scanlators would upload their stuff here as well as other H-sites or they would offer the works on their homepages.

Simple answer, I never looked for anything rarer than Fakku had. Now I have to.

Even simpler answer fakku has the rarest content since none of this content was ever released out of japan till now and it happens each and every day (^^)

hgatedc wrote...
MakazeKanra wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
MakazeKanra wrote...
I chose Fakku because it had the most comprehensive collection of even the rarest doujins. When someone mentioned a doujin I should read, I could come here and find it, H or non-H, and look no further. I bought my subscription to have access to even more comprehensive content. Now that you have taken away the original content, my reasons for choosing this site have vanished.

Just stating as a previous uploader to the site you know most of the content came from other places right? I know I got most of my stuff I uploaded from other sites/torrents and scanlators would upload their stuff here as well as other H-sites or they would offer the works on their homepages.

Simple answer, I never looked for anything rarer than Fakku had. Now I have to.

Small world you live in, there are way more illegal stuff out there.

But now that Fakku has rights to current X-eros and Kirakuten content, fan translations from those comics can be barred and stopped. Hence sooner or later, all the rare stuff will only be in fakku.

I just hope they get a DRM tool ready, im not fond of pirating something that is locally available. I only support scanslations before because it was the only way to support the artist properly.

Not sure what you're not hearing here.

Will I, as a paying subscriber, regain access to retroactive content? If I understand what's happening, the answer is No, I will not regain access to past content, even as a subscriber. That is unacceptable.

I keep mentioning that I am a paying subscriber. I mention that because I'm not just some leecher screaming about the paywall. I'm fine with the paywall. I am not fine with losing access to content I already had.

I don't care about other positive aspects this will have on Fakku going forward. I don't care about supporting artists (though I subscribe to the service and appreciate the sentiment, I subscribed to get access to the product -- if there were an equally convenient free route, I would take it). I don't care how it gets there.

In fact, I would be happier if Fakku had stopped adding new content entirely and became purely an archive, than if it lost its old content forever. If I have lost access to past content permanently, then the supply does not meet my demands. If the supply continually does not meet my demands, I will take my business elsewhere. Simple as that. There are no excuses that can make me change what I want from the site.
Monster Girl
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