[Locked] FAKKU State of the Union 2016

Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
heavenknight wrote...
we want free!

or this will become shit website with paid stuff.

freedom to all user!

Holy shit it's slowking!
Quick, someone catch him before he announces that Francis became new pope!
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Dashiell wrote...
heavenknight wrote...
we want free!

or this will become shit website with paid stuff.

freedom to all user!

Holy shit it's slowking!
Quick, someone catch him before he announces that Francis became new pope!

They really selected this guy? Can't believe it...
I have a HUGE problem with this it makes it a metric fuck ton harder for people like me who can't afford to pay for a subscription almost Unable to enjoy this site don't get me wrong I understand piracy is a huge problem in the manga/anime industry and to be honest it always will be just like how it will be in music but people should have some kind of option for good fap material when it comes to hentai other than g-e hentai and such like a compromise should be made like what happened with pornhub in the beginning they started off giving people 1 free video a day and such is there a way we can do something like that on here?
Zanestrife wrote...
I have a HUGE problem with this it makes it a metric fuck ton harder for people like me who can't afford to pay for a subscription almost Unable to enjoy this site don't get me wrong I understand piracy is a huge problem in the manga/anime industry and to be honest it always will be just like how it will be in music but people should have some kind of option for good fap material when it comes to hentai other than g-e hentai and such like a compromise should be made like what happened with pornhub in the beginning they started off giving people 1 free video a day and such is there a way we can do something like that on here?

They have a plan for free content but it's gonna be a while before we even get news that it might happen, Fakku is still fairly new with its partnership with Wani and convincing them to do anything free as of right now is gonna tough. So we just have to hope the service gets better and becomes worth it for those who don't think so.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
RozenLetter wrote...
Zanestrife wrote...
I have a HUGE problem with this it makes it a metric fuck ton harder for people like me who can't afford to pay for a subscription almost Unable to enjoy this site don't get me wrong I understand piracy is a huge problem in the manga/anime industry and to be honest it always will be just like how it will be in music but people should have some kind of option for good fap material when it comes to hentai other than g-e hentai and such like a compromise should be made like what happened with pornhub in the beginning they started off giving people 1 free video a day and such is there a way we can do something like that on here?

They have a plan for free content but it's gonna be a while before we even get news that it might happen, Fakku is still fairly new with its partnership with Wani and convincing them to do anything free as of right now is gonna tough. So we just have to hope the service gets better and becomes worth it for those who don't think so.

At the moment fakku does have free content, but just not very much: Some of the western tagged stories are free.
So much interwebs. Not enough energy to type words into a search bar.
I left Fakku quite a while ago because it just wasn't convenient to look things up en-masse or for torrenting so I wasn't waiting through loading screens all the time or having in-browser downloads drop all the time. The reason I came back today is because I just felt the effects of the Wani deal on another website and it make me look into it. And that led me here.

I think my biggest complaint is the price point.

$12.95 a month is pretty high considering the time spent looking though these. Some people like myself don't even read the content half the time and are just after the images. Others want access to the artists they like but don't masturbate often enough to justify that price.

My second major complaint is the lack of a more secure payment method. If you get hacked, like so many other sites have been the target of lately, all these users' credit/debit card information could be seriously compromised, and I don't know if you guys can cover paying for your customer's losses in the event that such a thing happens.

The Lack of Paypal to make payments more secure (though if I remember correctly, paypal says they don't wanna be used for porn) or something similar is a real worry.

I checked the list in the newsletter of artists in Wani's group, and I gotta say that the list if FILLED with most of my favorite artists, and now that you guys are getting their work in an uncensored state it looks like this could be good.

Just gotta have more options for the search engine, like picture-less, sort by, and the like. Maybe add a dark mode in User Settings so the background doesn't blind you from the page.

See you guys at Youmacon.
bpfoley89 wrote...
I left Fakku quite a while ago because it just wasn't convenient to look things up en-masse or for torrenting so I wasn't waiting through loading screens all the time or having in-browser downloads drop all the time. The reason I came back today is because I just felt the effects of the Wani deal on another website and it make me look into it. And that led me here.

I think my biggest complaint is the price point.

$12.95 a month is pretty high considering the time spent looking though these. Some people like myself don't even read the content half the time and are just after the images. Others want access to the artists they like but don't masturbate often enough to justify that price.

My second major complaint is the lack of a more secure payment method. If you get hacked, like so many other sites have been the target of lately, all these users' credit/debit card information could be seriously compromised, and I don't know if you guys can cover paying for your customer's losses in the event that such a thing happens.

The Lack of Paypal to make payments more secure (though if I remember correctly, paypal says they don't wanna be used for porn) or something similar is a real worry.

I checked the list in the newsletter of artists in Wani's group, and I gotta say that the list if FILLED with most of my favorite artists, and now that you guys are getting their work in an uncensored state it looks like this could be good.

Just gotta have more options for the search engine, like picture-less, sort by, and the like. Maybe add a dark mode in User Settings so the background doesn't blind you from the page.

See you guys at Youmacon.

They don't hold any of the credit card details on site, something along the lines of gets processed and doesn't get stored on their site or something. So, no worries of a hacking revealing card details from what jacob has said.
As for the paypal dealio, yeah, they don't want anything to do with adult material. They're fine with the physical books for some reason, but won't touch digital material at all
I've been a longtime member of this site; I'll be reaching my 7 year mark in two months. As much as I love Fakku, I'll admit I was quite disappointed when I came to the site one day only to find out nothing was free anymore. So I haven't been on at all since the change. However, since my initial frustration, I have changed my point of view and applaud Fakku for taking these steps to support all the great artists out there who we all know and love. After reading this post, I have a better understanding of what Fakku is trying to accomplish, but I do have a suggestion.

I would love to jump on every few days to see what awesome new uploads there are to enjoy, but $12.95 a month is a bit too expensive for me right now. I know I could just try it out for a month or two, but I'd rather have access all the time. I know people have suggested 3-month, 6-month, and annual payment options. If those are possible, it would be nice if the subscription fee was cheaper due to paying for multiple months at a time. But I have a different suggestion/question:

Is there any way you could offer a less expensive month-to-month subscription fee with less benefits, for like $5.95 or something? Like, if the $12.95 fee is considered a Gold Membership, then maybe there could be Silver and Bronze Memberships too. I know this site overhaul is relatively new and you have a lot of things still planned for the future, but I'm sure that a cheaper, more limited subscription would make some of the poorer Fakku members very happy. And honestly, it would probably encourage more people to subscribe. Instead of a bunch of people who can't or don't want to pay $12.95 a month, you'd have a bunch of people paying $5.95 a month. It could be a good idea.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll probably give the subscription a shot for at least one month. I'm sure I've missed out on a lot of great Fakku content. :D
Crescendo wrote...
I've been a longtime member of this site; I'll be reaching my 7 year mark in two months. As much as I love Fakku, I'll admit I was quite disappointed when I came to the site one day only to find out nothing was free anymore. So I haven't been on at all since the change. However, since my initial frustration, I have changed my point of view and applaud Fakku for taking these steps to support all the great artists out there who we all know and love. After reading this post, I have a better understanding of what Fakku is trying to accomplish, but I do have a suggestion.

I would love to jump on every few days to see what awesome new uploads there are to enjoy, but $12.95 a month is a bit too expensive for me right now. I know I could just try it out for a month or two, but I'd rather have access all the time. I know people have suggested 3-month, 6-month, and annual payment options. If those are possible, it would be nice if the subscription fee was cheaper due to paying for multiple months at a time. But I have a different suggestion/question:

Is there any way you could offer a less expensive month-to-month subscription fee with less benefits, for like $5.95 or something? Like, if the $12.95 fee is considered a Gold Membership, then maybe there could be Silver and Bronze Memberships too. I know this site overhaul is relatively new and you have a lot of things still planned for the future, but I'm sure that a cheaper, more limited subscription would make some of the poorer Fakku members very happy. And honestly, it would probably encourage more people to subscribe. Instead of a bunch of people who can't or don't want to pay $12.95 a month, you'd have a bunch of people paying $5.95 a month. It could be a good idea.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll probably give the subscription a shot for at least one month. I'm sure I've missed out on a lot of great Fakku content. :D

Thinking about it, you could have cheaper sub models and just have a set limit on how many chapters/ doujins they can read in a month. That could possibly work, although that'd be a lot of coding
Drifter995 wrote...
Crescendo wrote...
I've been a longtime member of this site; I'll be reaching my 7 year mark in two months. As much as I love Fakku, I'll admit I was quite disappointed when I came to the site one day only to find out nothing was free anymore. So I haven't been on at all since the change. However, since my initial frustration, I have changed my point of view and applaud Fakku for taking these steps to support all the great artists out there who we all know and love. After reading this post, I have a better understanding of what Fakku is trying to accomplish, but I do have a suggestion.

I would love to jump on every few days to see what awesome new uploads there are to enjoy, but $12.95 a month is a bit too expensive for me right now. I know I could just try it out for a month or two, but I'd rather have access all the time. I know people have suggested 3-month, 6-month, and annual payment options. If those are possible, it would be nice if the subscription fee was cheaper due to paying for multiple months at a time. But I have a different suggestion/question:

Is there any way you could offer a less expensive month-to-month subscription fee with less benefits, for like $5.95 or something? Like, if the $12.95 fee is considered a Gold Membership, then maybe there could be Silver and Bronze Memberships too. I know this site overhaul is relatively new and you have a lot of things still planned for the future, but I'm sure that a cheaper, more limited subscription would make some of the poorer Fakku members very happy. And honestly, it would probably encourage more people to subscribe. Instead of a bunch of people who can't or don't want to pay $12.95 a month, you'd have a bunch of people paying $5.95 a month. It could be a good idea.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll probably give the subscription a shot for at least one month. I'm sure I've missed out on a lot of great Fakku content. :D

Thinking about it, you could have cheaper sub models and just have a set limit on how many chapters/ doujins they can read in a month. That could possibly work, although that'd be a lot of coding

That sounds kind of crappy. Some chapters I don't even read, but I look at a couple of pages to get a feel for the art and if I'd actually want to read it. If doing that would count as "reading" a chapter, that'd suck. Also what about rereading chapters?
623 wrote...
Drifter995 wrote...
Crescendo wrote...
I've been a longtime member of this site; I'll be reaching my 7 year mark in two months. As much as I love Fakku, I'll admit I was quite disappointed when I came to the site one day only to find out nothing was free anymore. So I haven't been on at all since the change. However, since my initial frustration, I have changed my point of view and applaud Fakku for taking these steps to support all the great artists out there who we all know and love. After reading this post, I have a better understanding of what Fakku is trying to accomplish, but I do have a suggestion.

I would love to jump on every few days to see what awesome new uploads there are to enjoy, but $12.95 a month is a bit too expensive for me right now. I know I could just try it out for a month or two, but I'd rather have access all the time. I know people have suggested 3-month, 6-month, and annual payment options. If those are possible, it would be nice if the subscription fee was cheaper due to paying for multiple months at a time. But I have a different suggestion/question:

Is there any way you could offer a less expensive month-to-month subscription fee with less benefits, for like $5.95 or something? Like, if the $12.95 fee is considered a Gold Membership, then maybe there could be Silver and Bronze Memberships too. I know this site overhaul is relatively new and you have a lot of things still planned for the future, but I'm sure that a cheaper, more limited subscription would make some of the poorer Fakku members very happy. And honestly, it would probably encourage more people to subscribe. Instead of a bunch of people who can't or don't want to pay $12.95 a month, you'd have a bunch of people paying $5.95 a month. It could be a good idea.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I'll probably give the subscription a shot for at least one month. I'm sure I've missed out on a lot of great Fakku content. :D

Thinking about it, you could have cheaper sub models and just have a set limit on how many chapters/ doujins they can read in a month. That could possibly work, although that'd be a lot of coding

That sounds kind of crappy. Some chapters I don't even read, but I look at a couple of pages to get a feel for the art and if I'd actually want to read it. If doing that would count as "reading" a chapter, that'd suck. Also what about rereading chapters?

Yeah, it'd be hard to work with. One of the reasons I assume cheaper methods haven't happened, and probably won't.

But, really, coding wise, you'd want it to go as soon as you click to read online. Maybe have a quick preview button that shows you some pages for an idea or something. But, that's a lot of coding. The whole idea is really. It'd be insanely hard to do in reality, but in theory in sounds like it could work
Once in a while I visit fakku hoping someday it may become a site like Chrunchyroll so that even free users can see some materials in limited quality. I'm one of those person who don't mind ads or limited quality as they can't afford to pay for premium quality. And from my every visit fakku gets some money from ads so I don't mind visiting, howsoever little my contribution be. It's good to have legal sites and I'm sure with time Fakku'll become a big site itself. That's my 1st post after some lurking.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
peterjack wrote...
Once in a while I visit fakku hoping someday it may become a site like Chrunchyroll so that even free users can see some materials in limited quality. I'm one of those person who don't mind ads or limited quality as they can't afford to pay for premium quality. And from my every visit fakku gets some money from ads so I don't mind visiting, howsoever little my contribution be. It's good to have legal sites and I'm sure with time Fakku'll become a big site itself. That's my 1st post after some lurking.

Jacob has talked about rotating some free contents some time next year.
I think at the moment there are either legally issues or to do with the licence he has with wani.
Wouldn't licensing old materials would be cheaper? I've no idea of licensing but it seems logical that a 5 year old material will be cheaper than the latest ones. This could be helpful for cheap or free category.
Kaimax Best Master-San
peterjack wrote...
Wouldn't licensing old materials would be cheaper? I've no idea of licensing but it seems logical that a 5 year old material will be cheaper than the latest ones. This could be helpful for cheap or free category.

You literally Have no Idea.

FAKKU's translation team is still small, Trying to keep up with New issues while doing older chapters is a pretty heavy task for the size of the team.

Just allowing older scanlations on the site will also have their big hurdles too. This means Fakku has to request the digital pages of older issues to Wani, they also have to re-translate and edit the whole thing to make it a legit release.
(Remember that the uncensored part of Fakku means they have to request the ORIGINAL before being censored draft to Wani)

In case of Doujins, there's a big concern for Copyrighted Material looming above their heads. No one actually know how it will play out. One example that I've been echoing for a while is "Fakku legally releasing a Macross Doujin", which is basically "impossible" with how Harmony Gold is IP locking the series because of Robotech.
Kaimax wrote...
FAKKU's translation team is still small, Trying to keep up with New issues while doing older chapters is a pretty heavy task for the size of the team.

I wasn't expecting this, my mistake.
Kaimax wrote...
peterjack wrote...
Wouldn't licensing old materials would be cheaper? I've no idea of licensing but it seems logical that a 5 year old material will be cheaper than the latest ones. This could be helpful for cheap or free category.

You literally Have no Idea.

FAKKU's translation team is still small, Trying to keep up with New issues while doing older chapters is a pretty heavy task for the size of the team.

Just allowing older scanlations on the site will also have their big hurdles too. This means Fakku has to request the digital pages of older issues to Wani, they also have to re-translate and edit the whole thing to make it a legit release.
(Remember that the uncensored part of Fakku means they have to request the ORIGINAL before being censored draft to Wani)

In case of Doujins, there's a big concern for Copyrighted Material looming above their heads. No one actually know how it will play out. One example that I've been echoing for a while is "Fakku legally releasing a Macross Doujin", which is basically "impossible" with how Harmony Gold is IP locking the series because of Robotech.

Which theoretically shouldn't matter, considering robotech is completely different (from my understanding at least)
Drifter995 wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
peterjack wrote...
Wouldn't licensing old materials would be cheaper? I've no idea of licensing but it seems logical that a 5 year old material will be cheaper than the latest ones. This could be helpful for cheap or free category.

You literally Have no Idea.

FAKKU's translation team is still small, Trying to keep up with New issues while doing older chapters is a pretty heavy task for the size of the team.

Just allowing older scanlations on the site will also have their big hurdles too. This means Fakku has to request the digital pages of older issues to Wani, they also have to re-translate and edit the whole thing to make it a legit release.
(Remember that the uncensored part of Fakku means they have to request the ORIGINAL before being censored draft to Wani)

In case of Doujins, there's a big concern for Copyrighted Material looming above their heads. No one actually know how it will play out. One example that I've been echoing for a while is "Fakku legally releasing a Macross Doujin", which is basically "impossible" with how Harmony Gold is IP locking the series because of Robotech.

Which theoretically shouldn't matter, considering robotech is completely different (from my understanding at least)

In the west robotech contains

The Super Dimension Fortress Macross
Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross
Genesis Climber MOSPEADA
Some of the others are own by Manga Entertainment and most of the manga is viz.
The dust seems to have settled since January and it has been a whole six months since the last of the free content was removed. (minus a few that are free to begin with, so they can stay) I think it is about time to make another TL:DR version of the most asked questions on Fakku. I lurk on the forums enough to have a good idea where to begin, but if you have any questions that you want put in the compilation of Fakku questions let me know. have the link to where an official source answered said question, even better, but that is not required. I am planning on releasing the question compilation in the beginning of July so let me know before hand so I can add your question to the list.
Monster Girl
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