FAKKU General Bug Report/New Design Rant Thread

(Not always but) sometimes, when an Unlimited chapter is released, it doesn't show up everywhere at the same time:
- First, it shows up at the Front Page.
- Several hours later, it shows up at the Unlimited tag page.
- Shortly after that, you get a Notification about it.

Now, this is not exactly a new bug. It used to happen on the old website, too, so it's probably not a UI issue. Just thought I should mention it because not everyone uses the Front Page to check out new chapters.
Wishlist item: I really hope that you'll eventually add an option to use the "list view" when browsing by a single chosen tag (in desktop mode), as was used by the previous version of the website, and is still used by the current version of the website when viewing the front page while logged in.

One major disadvantage of the "grid view" (that's currently used when browsing by a single chosen tag) is: the "list view" shows you all other tags in each one of the manga chapters listed on the page, whereas the "grid view" doesn't do this.
Zywaci wrote...
Wishlist item: I really hope that you'll eventually add an option to use the "list view" when browsing by a single chosen tag (in desktop mode), as was used by the previous version of the website, and is still used by the current version of the website when viewing the front page while logged in.

One major disadvantage of the "grid view" (that's currently used when browsing by a single chosen tag) is: the "list view" shows you all other tags in each one of the manga chapters listed on the page, whereas the "grid view" doesn't do this.

Don't count on this being reverted. So far every mention of this has been completely ignored.

Funniest part about this new "grid view"? It actually makes Fakku look a lot like a certain illegal free hentai/doujin site. Wonder if this was intentional or not.
It hasn't been entirely ignored. Jacob responded earlier: https://www.fakku.net/forums/feedback-suggestions-and-support/the-grid-ui-for-artist-pages-with-no-tags-is-just-plain-bad#4791247

The feedback has been almost unanimous on this point. Since it's been acknowledged, I'm just waiting for them to get to the implementation.

On the subject of bug reports, post preview in Firefox seems to have completely broken. I just get a preview post with the text Loading preview... but the preview never loads.
Cannot Go Back In Individual Chapters in a Book

I cannot remember if this was the case or the new design changed it. In chapters that are part of a book, the book title is not hyperlinked. In this chapter, the title Book Deep Blue Static is plain text instead of linking to the book page.

the quote function button doesn't work on firefox mobile. Droid 11 version. Even forcing the desktop version don't work. Works fine on my pc.

Edit.:works now.
It won’t let me un-favorite chapters/books in the Favorites tab. If I uncheck the list it’s on and reload the page, it stays in the Favorites list.
same problem here. if i click on the list symbol right of the favorite button under each chapter and uncheck everything in the menu that opens up and then close the window, it just stays as a favorite.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Just this.

Forum Image: https://i.ibb.co/dm3fJWR/fbug001.jpg
Is it just me or are all the buttons like "New Releases", "Tags", and "Forums" in the top banner gone except for the search bar, alerts, shopping cart when browsing on Firefox in 1440p?
It currently looks like this:
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/bOLA9bR.jpeg

When I make the window smaller, I get a "hamburger" menu button to the left of the Fakku logo, so I'm not sure if this is intended behavior
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/QvCPu3f.png

And when I load the website on Edge, this doesn't seem to be an issue.
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/yoZoleq.jpeg
The "Following" label isn't visible when I go to the page of an artist I'm following, which caused confusion. I cannot unfollow an artist from the artist's page, only from my Settings page; if I accidentally set "Block Attribute", I cannot unblock an artist from my Settings page, I must unfollow an artist and then refollow him/her, which is very frustrating.
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Any timeframe on being able to navigate from the homepage? Thank you
I am unable to use dark mode on Firefox on iOS 15. It's an iPhone 12 Pro Max.
Got a problem with the "Add to Favorites" Tag button on comic pages, if your list of tags/favorites are too big/long you can't see all of them on the screen and you can't scroll down either.
Forum Image: https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/WVs8WjwufdDLnUevT77gJZrylkImVGvFURNGvyZcOgk/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/279646758487982082/887447911674306570/unknown.png

Also Post Preview also doesn't work on the forum it seems
sl01 wrote...
Any timeframe on being able to navigate from the homepage? Thank you

What's the problem? Sounds like a big one but I'm not sure what's wrong.
Grid mode should not be the default view, I know several people who left beta views for it over a year ago I don't know why it was thought that people would enjoy not knowing what kind of porn they're getting unless the title slaps them in the face with it.
apathyinbound wrote...
Notifications are indistinguishable between newly added and old notifications. Mobile view

It looks like this has been addressed, thank you
I do want to say how awful it is to use the "Library" page under My Account right now. No way to sort by any metric or tag, or filter by Game / Manga / Doujin / Tag, so downloading the newest purchases or an older one is an exercise in cross checking what I have locally vs in the Library.

Also looking at the Orders page, on the Items tab, I cant tell if the items are sorted in any way. Also my figure does not show up under the Items tab, but does under the Orders tab. Is this intentional?
I hope list view comes back fast. Only seeing half a title and no tags is a really poor user experience. /HOW/ does this get through the UX team?
The tags field on the advanced search page are all "zunta".
Monster Girl
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