FAKKU General Bug Report/New Design Rant Thread

*Hope I'm posting this in the correct area*

ISSUE: Text "SURE THING!" shifted outside speech bubble; top left panel
URL: https://www.fakku.net/hentai/soulmate-english/read/page/2


Hello FAKKU! friends,

Just noticed an issue with something and I thought I'd report it ...
On page 2 of Soulmate, by Ouchi Kaeru, the text "SURE THING!" is shifted outside (to the left) of its speech bubble.

Have a good day,
Still can't remove favorited items if they got removed from the store. As if it didn't suck enough that stuff you are interested in gets removed, it has to clutter up your favorites forever, constantly reminding you that you can't ever have it. :( :(

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Ph5GStV.png
There's no artist page for Kapo. The link on the homepage and the one on this chapter both lead to that page with the Error Message.
probably asking for the 10th time or so to please make the unfavorite button under the chapters visible (doesn't work for either firefox or chrome).

also asking for the 10th time to actually disable comment reputation notifications when the user checks that option.

a new one is that i now see the website as if i'm logged out despite being logged in every time i access fakku via the favorites in my browser. clearing the browser cache helps, but i'd have to do this literally every day. so the issue is definitely on your end. please fix this as well.

edit: the problem with the main/start page seems to be fixed - thanks for that. but i just saw that i'm STILL getting uncensored yaoi works on my main page. just BLOCK this stuff as per my settings?? please
MidoriMinori wrote...
MidoriMinori wrote...
The stuff I blocked is visible again. Before the new design, it was at least grey.

Either make is grey again or remove blocked/muted attributes. Please.

3 months ago I posted this, and I can still see the stuff I blocked. Any update on that?

Still no update. I still see the tags i blocked. Guess i need to speak with my wallet and cancel my sub.
I pay for fakku unlimited and now it's acting like I don't have it, despite money being paid automatically yesterday! It even says "Your previous subscription ended on Aug 8th, 2022." on my subscription settings and it's July 11th. I can't access what I am paying for.
Clicking on any the tags to filter results in Doujin, Games, and Manga returns with "There are no results for this set of filters. Try removing all active filters." Also, the game tag (when just looking though the Tags tab) says "There is no content available at this time."

I am using Chrome.
MidoriMinori wrote...
MidoriMinori wrote...
MidoriMinori wrote...
The stuff I blocked is visible again. Before the new design, it was at least grey.

Either make is grey again or remove blocked/muted attributes. Please.

3 months ago I posted this, and I can still see the stuff I blocked. Any update on that?

Still no update. I still see the tags i blocked. Guess i need to speak with my wallet and cancel my sub.

For how long it's been like this? Almost a year since your first post on +3 months ago. I've not been on fakku in quite a while. Bugs me a lot seeing all those blocked works who's attributes I'm heavily not particularly into.... Netorare/Netorase/Netori...
Rio-sensei wrote...
MidoriMinori wrote...
MidoriMinori wrote...
MidoriMinori wrote...
The stuff I blocked is visible again. Before the new design, it was at least grey.

Either make is grey again or remove blocked/muted attributes. Please.

3 months ago I posted this, and I can still see the stuff I blocked. Any update on that?

Still no update. I still see the tags i blocked. Guess i need to speak with my wallet and cancel my sub.

For how long it's been like this? Almost a year since your first post on +3 months ago. I've not been on fakku in quite a while. Bugs me a lot seeing all those blocked works who's attributes I'm heavily not particularly into.... Netorare/Netorase/Netori...

As you can see, they simply don't care. What else is to say if they don't even want to answer here. I've canceld my fakku unlimited sub. already.
The website doesn’t work anymore on older devices. I’m using an IPad Air (1. generation) and an iPhone 5s with the standard Safari browser. I can’t buy any new content unless the website gets fixed.
It has been a whole year since the site "upgrade", and so far we've gotten no real updates on list view (which was far better) just the team posting lip service about how they want the view back (last update was 6 months ago basically saying it was never coming back). No way to see at a glance if something has a blocked tag (made even worse by the loss of list view) seriously how hard would it be to add in a red dog mark on the opposite corner of where the green dog mark is. And even better blocking tags does nothing.

All of this on top of Fakku becoming more beholden to their corporate overlords (refusal to add more controversial tags)... If you're not willing to add new tags stop hosting the content

Needless to say, even though I was willing to stick it out with Fakku when they went legit. The site has become something that no longer cares about its users and I'm done with it. Hope y'all can enjoy because I no longer do
Minor bug report: There is a visual bug in the Jump to Page view of https://www.fakku.net/hentai/courting-b-betranger-english
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nejCXJa
As a new user, I'm liking the design of the site so far!
The doujin Big Boobs JK Toilet Girl Debut is listed as being a work from the circle Shouwa Saishuu Sense when it should have been Shouwa Saishuu Sensen.
Hi, I noticed a bug on the review tasks page. for the completed tasks when you mouseover it shows a completed time of either 0 seconds ago or somewhere from 48-52 years ago.

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/IXsOac1.png

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Yck1hQX.png

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/Hb81QZP.png

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/ChC1X2P.png
I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to post this here.
But I hope I may request a little fix to the RSS feed?

See the feed when linking to hentai's is formatted like


but so is games. But accessing games by


results in a 404 because games are located at


I tried to see if any other had reported it in, but couldn't find any.
So please whenever you guys have time to squish it in. I'd be grateful.
The page does not appear
Have written multiple tickets, can't access my fakku unlimited chapters neither can I buy anything from the store.
Monster Girl
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