FAKKU General Bug Report/New Design Rant Thread

there's those that want to see it and those that don't! it can't be so fucking hard to either remove these posts for certain users or at least block the images?
is the fakku app just really terrible? Seems like I get logged out so often and even when I literally look up the password saved on my auto fill on my computer it doesn't let me log in. Keeps telling me there is a problem.
hey, is it possible to add the link for the magazines ( https://www.fakku.net/magazines ) in the top bar?

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/D1N52Gz.png
There's No Such Thing as 18+ In This World #23 is not grouped with the series There's No Such Thing as 18+ In This World. This always happens when there's a new chapter from this series.
Adding more grid ui without adding back list view is beyond frustrating. Especially since every time it's brought up customer service says that employees in the company want it back... Please stop lying to us and just tell us that the better interface isn't coming back
pokeroots wrote...
Adding more grid ui without adding back list view is beyond frustrating. Especially since every time it's brought up customer service says that employees in the company want it back... Please stop lying to us and just tell us that the better interface isn't coming back

especially since there was no reason to change the site in the first place. don't fix what ain't broken. i've seen only a single guy here say he likes the site as is (and that comment got -4 rep atm).

on that note, besides the missing block function as well as the useless toggle for reputation notifications, i'd be grateful if you could fix the random logouts as well. doing this from time to time may be a useful security measure, but multiple times a week is unnecessary. especially if you cut people off in the middle of reading a chapter.
The popular right now block hasn't been updated in like a week.

Forum Image: https://cdn8.bunkr.ru/Screenshot-2023-02-11-at-09.43.17-wvooAJw0.png
drburndet wrote...
The popular right now block hasn't been updated in like a week.

Forum Image: https://cdn8.bunkr.ru/Screenshot-2023-02-11-at-09.43.17-wvooAJw0.png

did you try to clear your browser's cache?
Galder wrote...
drburndet wrote...
The popular right now block hasn't been updated in like a week.

Forum Image: https://cdn8.bunkr.ru/Screenshot-2023-02-11-at-09.43.17-wvooAJw0.png

did you try to clear your browser's cache?

Yes, and tried different browser and computers
drburndet wrote...
The popular right now block hasn't been updated in like a week.

Forum Image: https://cdn8.bunkr.ru/Screenshot-2023-02-11-at-09.43.17-wvooAJw0.png

Same problem. That feature is broken
Thanks for the heads-up! We've been doing work on how "popularity" is measured, which seems to have broken comics listed as "Popular right now". We're digging into it on our end! 🔧
The "Read Collection" button for "There's No Such Thing as 18+ In This World" has been broken for months. clicking to the next chapter especially on mobile is a hassle with so many chapters in the collection.
Hey Devs, few suggestions on some reader features:

- As a reader, I want to see what's popular (can be based on view count) by each Tags and can include time filter (in 2019, 2020, etc). This will highlight a good comic on it's season and will also benefit the legacy authors.
Problem with the current design it is very hard and old to navigate by Pagination only.

- As a reader, enhance the Comic Viewer to allow Infinite scrolling instead of scroll page by page. For most reader tools I think this will allow one-hand scrolling and the experience will be very much smoother.
matchai wrote...
Thanks for the heads-up! We've been doing work on how "popularity" is measured, which seems to have broken comics listed as "Popular right now". We're digging into it on our end! 🔧

Nice, thank you.
Cannot read collections. Every time I try to it, says there are too many people fapping right now, yet can read each book separately for some reason.
Today all of the sudden, dark mode website extensions no longer work properly on Fakku. The whole website is just a solid black screen (links can still be clicked, just no idea what's being clicked). I tried several different ones, and all of them work normally on all sites but Fakku. I know Fakku has it's own dark mode, but due to way some things looked on Fakku, I preferred using an extension.

Also, I can't help but wonder if this is tied to a change done to website? I've noticed the title links for chapters I've read on here are no longer greyed out. Even when I click on them now, they just stay red (or white in Fakku's own dark mode). This is honestly pretty annoying, especially when trying to see where I left off with a series, or when catching up on newest magazine subscription releases.
Greed117 wrote...
Today all of the sudden, dark mode website extensions no longer work properly on Fakku.
Also, I can't help but wonder if this is tied to a change done to website?

Yes, it likely is. We're currently making some styling tweaks around the site. Unfortunately, the way that dark mode extensions works is out of our control — they may need to be changed to adapt to our approach when styling the site, as it's possible they had styling built-in for FAKKU, specifically, which is no longer compatible.

Greed117 wrote...
I've noticed the title links for chapters I've read on here are no longer greyed out.

Thanks for raising this. I'll pass the report along to the team.
I've waited a few days to see if this would improve, but has the site been noticeably slower for anyone else this past week? Seems like it's been this way ever since some changes were made to the site.
yes, after their maintenance downtime it sometimes takes 10 secs or more for the site to react to anything you do.
I’m browsing on mobile and each listing I try to read is greyed out and says “0|0” pages - anyone else having this issue?
Monster Girl
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