FAKKU General Bug Report/New Design Rant Thread

Hello, not sure if this the correct place to report my concern. Every time I try to log in it gives me wrong password/ user. This is on the app. After a couple of tries it gives me please try again later. The same happens in the website. To resolve this on my end I have to change the password. Is there a way to resolve this?
Manga with blocked tags should have blurred thumbnails on front page, but they are not blurred.

1. Block a tag, e.g. https://www.fakku.net/tags/ahegao
2. View front page, and search the page for the blocked tag
3. Note thumbnail for manga with a blocked tag

Expected results: thumbnail should be blurred, same as on shop pages, etc., if tag is blocked

Actual results: thumbnail is not blurred on front page, even though tag is blocked
I am having issues with collections:
- One of them is not listed when I try to add an item to it even though it is there on the Collections page.
- I see no options to edit/delete any collection.

These issues are very similar to the ones reported a month ago by another user so it's safe to assume that the problems with collections still persist.
Collection deleting seems to be a really big problem in general. Hopefully this gets fixed soon, I've seen multiple people posting about it in a few different threads but no response from Fakku. Please add deleting a collection back!
Am I allowed to report Google ReCaptcha as a bug? Because holy f-ck am I sick and tired of getting Tarpitted whenever I try to log in here.

It's absolutely the worst Captcha service available as an end user, and it has so many willfully time wasting design elements that it straight up dissuades me from purchases sometimes.
Test37.8 wrote...
Am I allowed to report Google ReCaptcha as a bug? Because holy f-ck am I sick and tired of getting Tarpitted whenever I try to log in here.

It's absolutely the worst Captcha service available as an end user, and it has so many willfully time wasting design elements that it straight up dissuades me from purchases sometimes.

+1, hate it and would much rather live with Cloudflare Turnstile or another alternative
do you even need it that much? i just keep logged in on both my (not-so) smartphone and desktop pc.
For support you can use our contact form, send an email to contact@fakku.net, or call our toll-free support number at 1 (508) 257-1147.

508 isn't a toll-free area code.
Wife Life doesn't have a link to the author page for Shinozuka Yuuji (and that page doesn't seem to exist either).
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I don't know what you updated yesterday, but at one point character encoding became all messed up. First noticed it with the user formerly known as Masayoshi's now full Kanji username becoming an unreadable mess, but there are quite a few other places this shows as well like the Café title, table flip emotes in various comments, etc.
Reader isn't working for me. can't load old or new stuff. tried clearing cache, using different browsers etc. even tried on my phone. anyone know whats going on?
deckain wrote...
Reader isn't working for me. can't load old or new stuff. tried clearing cache, using different browsers etc. even tried on my phone. anyone know whats going on?

you got the white wheel thingy spinning endlessly or that the image in the background finished loading but is still faded? then it's probably a server issue, or more specifically some handshake problems i think. i get that quite often as well. only thing you can do is come back when it's less busy or when they restarted/"fixed" their servers.
Galder wrote...
deckain wrote...
Reader isn't working for me. can't load old or new stuff. tried clearing cache, using different browsers etc. even tried on my phone. anyone know whats going on?

you got the white wheel thingy spinning endlessly or that the image in the background finished loading but is still faded? then it's probably a server issue, or more specifically some handshake problems i think. i get that quite often as well. only thing you can do is come back when it's less busy or when they restarted/"fixed" their servers.

No its just black and it displays 00|00 pages. been doing this for about 2 days now. it just says loading.
sometimes i got the 00|00 as well (mostly on my smartphone), but in that case it's at least TRYING to load, as indicated by that white cicle/wheel. if it does absolutely nothing, then it's best to contact support if you haven't already.
Jacob wrote...
Once paperback book purchases are 100% back online, I'll be revisiting this thread and fixing any remaining bugs.

It's been 3 years and I decided to see if any progress has been made and nope still no list view of old. I don't understand how you decide to go legit and then actively only make the site worse to use
pokeroots wrote...
Jacob wrote...
Once paperback book purchases are 100% back online, I'll be revisiting this thread and fixing any remaining bugs.

It's been 3 years and I decided to see if any progress has been made and nope still no list view of old. I don't understand how you decide to go legit and then actively only make the site worse to use

at first i wasn't gonna say anything until i got spooked yet again today. they can't even fix their fucking half assed stop gap solution of blurring images. i'm not even asking for a proper block function that simply removes stuff i don't want to see from my feed anymore. at least blur stuff i don't wanna see like you did in the past lmao
Smuggins Just Some Guy
Credit card not working, even though it worked yesterday for a bit and even typing in 'new card' with info straight from card. Tried several times, credit card company says they don't even see an auth request.
Hello !

Here to add some context to previous post about credit cards.
Look like specific work block the transaction in itself.

I put 3 works in my cart. Try to buy. Transaction denied.
I remarked one work couldn't be bought already. Removed it. Try to buy. Transaction denied.
Maybe the cart is bugged. Go on first work page. Buy directly. Transaction accepted.
Second work page. Buy directly. Transaction denied.

Now I see on the page of the payment than the work is said to pre-order August 2024. But that's the paperback release date. The digital release date is February 1st.

Maybe the bug is confusion between both release dates ? Cannot buy the digital version because the physical version is not released yet ?
kailuun Mystery Man of Culture
Pages 8 and 16 of Body Research are not loading correctly and the images keeps crashing. Can someone either re-upload the comic or fix the stability of those pages so that they load properly.
Monster Girl
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