Do you keep your perversion a secret?

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I used to keep things secret, i'm working on not being ashamed of them anymore. Granted i'm not going to go around shouting them, but I should be able to at least talk to my husband without being embarrassed. And it's been helpful to realize other people have the same perversions, kinks, however you want to put it, and that i'm not as weird as I thought, but will still be proud of my little freak flag.
Tyler J wrote...
I used to keep things secret, i'm working on not being ashamed of them anymore. Granted i'm not going to go around shouting them, but I should be able to at least talk to my husband without being embarrassed. And it's been helpful to realize other people have the same perversions, kinks, however you want to put it, and that i'm not as weird as I thought, but will still be proud of my little freak flag.

I'm glad to read you are getting more confident about it. I've personally had bad experiences with it in the past, particularly with my ex-girlfriend. It wasn't the main reason we split up, but it helped a lot towards that end. My current girlfriend helped me a lot in this aspect. She's the one who helped me not be ashamed of what I like, specially since I'm not hurting anyone with it. And even if she's not as into it as I am, she likes to share it with me from time to time.

Since then, talking about sex, kinks, perversions in general is one of the things I enjoy the most. I learned a lot, and it helped me understand others as well as myself.
fallenwing13 wrote...
Tyler J wrote...
I used to keep things secret, i'm working on not being ashamed of them anymore. Granted i'm not going to go around shouting them, but I should be able to at least talk to my husband without being embarrassed. And it's been helpful to realize other people have the same perversions, kinks, however you want to put it, and that i'm not as weird as I thought, but will still be proud of my little freak flag.

I'm glad to read you are getting more confident about it. I've personally had bad experiences with it in the past, particularly with my ex-girlfriend. It wasn't the main reason we split up, but it helped a lot towards that end. My current girlfriend helped me a lot in this aspect. She's the one who helped me not be ashamed of what I like, specially since I'm not hurting anyone with it. And even if she's not as into it as I am, she likes to share it with me from time to time.

Since then, talking about sex, kinks, perversions in general is one of the things I enjoy the most. I learned a lot, and it helped me understand others as well as myself.

I'm sorry you had bad experiences with it. Glad your current girlfriend is helping you with it though.

My husband is into anime, a lot, and hentai to a degree. He mostly reads erotic stories, not hentai. I think a part of why I was embarrassed is because we're often into different things and i'm into the more taboo things and he's into the more vanilla things usually. Not sure how else to put that. Though I should know by now he isn't judging me for it, since like you said i'm not hurting anyone with it, he's great about it all, I just have some things to work through I guess.

Being able to talk about it all is something I'm going to work on.
Tyler J wrote...
fallenwing13 wrote...
Tyler J wrote...
I used to keep things secret, i'm working on not being ashamed of them anymore. Granted i'm not going to go around shouting them, but I should be able to at least talk to my husband without being embarrassed. And it's been helpful to realize other people have the same perversions, kinks, however you want to put it, and that i'm not as weird as I thought, but will still be proud of my little freak flag.

I'm glad to read you are getting more confident about it. I've personally had bad experiences with it in the past, particularly with my ex-girlfriend. It wasn't the main reason we split up, but it helped a lot towards that end. My current girlfriend helped me a lot in this aspect. She's the one who helped me not be ashamed of what I like, specially since I'm not hurting anyone with it. And even if she's not as into it as I am, she likes to share it with me from time to time.

Since then, talking about sex, kinks, perversions in general is one of the things I enjoy the most. I learned a lot, and it helped me understand others as well as myself.

I'm sorry you had bad experiences with it. Glad your current girlfriend is helping you with it though.

My husband is into anime, a lot, and hentai to a degree. He mostly reads erotic stories, not hentai. I think a part of why I was embarrassed is because we're often into different things and i'm into the more taboo things and he's into the more vanilla things usually. Not sure how else to put that. Though I should know by now he isn't judging me for it, since like you said i'm not hurting anyone with it, he's great about it all, I just have some things to work through I guess.

Being able to talk about it all is something I'm going to work on.

Thanks. My case is very similar. She used to write erotic stories herself, now more into reading them. She's also way more vanilla than I am, but she's ok with it.

Well, if you ever wanna talk about this stuff, this place is great for it. Though sadly there aren't many active member on the forums. Feel free to PM me as well, I'm always open for a chat.
It's 100% a secret from family and most friends In real life.
Some of my family, and most of my friends know that I like hentai, yes.

But only a select few friends know how boundless my perversion goes. Liking hentai has become more accepted in recent years, but a lot of sub-genres are still pretty taboo so I tend to keep that information a bit more undisclosed until I have a decent idea whether or not someone I'm talking to would be okay with it or not. I'm not ashamed of any of my fetishes, but I see no reason to risk offending someone or making them see me in a negative light for no real reason, either.
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Yes, maybe someday i wont have to until them nothing to see move along.
I talk with some friends that like anime but no more
I have a stupid amount of physical releases even though i currently live with my parents. I'm not open about my perversion however I do keep all of my hentai on the bottom shelf. You can't really see them unless you get close to the floor.

Sometimes its best to let things hide in plain sight.
Yes and No, I'm pretty open about it and what I'm into. Usually I'll only be open about it to close friends / family, but sometimes I'll make those jokes to casual friends or strangers just to fuck with them. And for family it's extra casual because I just don't care since my brother is a man whore and made that path a thousand times less awkward for me in a way since my parents know about every STD he's had. Literally my mom found a pair of leather hand cuffs I had and was like "I'm not even surprised you have these, but knowing you I know your also not the one wearing them" to witch I got annoyed she was going through my stuff.
I am a girl, I enjoy searching for the most degenerate hentai or game like Maggot Baits and have openly joked about it that made it obvious I seen/play it. This content is basically just entertaining to me.

I do like loli content, do not openly talk about this but would be nice if you could with someone, I am not ashamed of it, I dont care if others do not like it. Just no reason to do so because you gain nothing from mentioning it.
Family? Super secret. Friends? In a sort of "Haha, we know popular porn memes and a few titles on Steam" way. I don't break out specific genres/titles or paid-for content. Also, I selectively post stuff in nsfw discord channels and even then you get people who are way too opposed to even posts that are TOC safe.... on a nsfw server.

I'd like to have friends I can be comfortable sharing suff like that with, but it sounds like it'd turn into a big 'ol game of Among Us, susing out people for having an interest they're "not supposed to".
I my desktop whenever people are around.
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