
[ Locked ] SD - Rules and Guidelines Keep It Serious This isn't the place for YouTube videos, one-answer questions with little to no debate in them or threads with no real topic. If you have n…


My order has been processing over a week I made an order over a week ago and it’s still processing. I was wondering if it’s possible this is due to a book I got that said it was a pre-order even though its past the date it was set to release
[ Poll ] I am looking for the crème de la crème of artistry As the title suggests, I am looking for recommendations for the best of the best. Art is subjective, and there's a whole lot of artists out here, but I'm looking for those who go above and beyond when…
Has Your Mindset Changed Because of Hentai? For me it has, and I'm genuinely curious if this has happened to others. To get things started, here are some personal examples: - Ideals about relationships are fragile in the fac…
Do you keep your perversion a secret? From your family? Friends? I don't. Then again, I hate my family and my friends don't give a shit. Either way, I don't think you should. Sure, your family may disown you and your current f…
Do they make u sign the package? I was wondering if imma have to sign a package or if it's just gonna be left there like amazon?
Is "killing" a fetus and murdering someone the same? Thumbnail
[ Poll ] Is "killing" a fetus and murdering someone the same? Is "killing" a fetus and murdering someone the same? Does human life begin at conceptio…
Restocking paperback? Do they ever restock the paperback copies or when they run out is that it? i saw the z-ton Paperback was out of stock so wondering if i should check craigslist/amazon.
Is Honey Select Unlimited playable on the Mac? I wanted to know if I can play Honey Select Unlimited on the Mac? Can anyone answer this?
Anyone else freaked out about the modern internet? I'm posting this here because its really the only forum I peruse still. I was thinking about how much we have lost with the current corporate controlled state of the internet. Growing up, I…
Trying to find a hentai I saw when signing up When signing up I saw a hentai on the sign up page that had 3 busty women with body paint saying looking for tenants. I tried searching looking for tenants but nothing came up
Missing content Hi I recently subscribed to unlimited, because I found it convenient to have my hentai uncensored and translated, however I see a lot of content missing from artist that otherwise have their work feat…
I keep trying to contact support and I got nothing. I am trying to refund a digital product and don't really know what else to do.
Japanese Politician proposes change to Censorship Law There's a long series of tweets starting with this one: "BIG NEWS for HENTAI and JP PORN Criminal Code 175(JP censorship law) is under review by politicians. By shifting th
A question about purchasing electronic works Hi, forum manager or friends, as a newcomer, I would like to ask why some works can only be viewed on Unlimited and cannot be purchased for electronic versions, even if they are works from a few years…
New member help (please) Hello everyone, I’m trying to figure out how to find a specific game. I was told I can’t access it because it’s locked by controversial settings being off. However that’s not a setting I
New UK law on the 1st of April So I hope I'm not the only UK user here. Have you guys heard of this? It will mean we will need to pay the government £4.99 per device or scan in our drivers licence/passport to be able to access ad
Negative long term effects of indulging one-self in hentai? Has anyone experienced any harmful side effects from being exposed to hentai for a long period of time? I'm concerned for myself because I've been a hentai fan for 4 years. I watch/read hentai 5 days …
Why do people make fun of anime or hentais? I live in Poland, but I believe that in other countries, anime and hentai are also somewhat hated. People who have never had contact with it in …
Fakku goes further downhill every year. Recent site statistics state the average Fakku subscriber stays on fakku for 5:26 minutes per day. Meaning the average person comes here for one thing, for a quick nut, nothing more. …
ratings on titles that are unavailable for viewing yet?? I'm really confused about something very common here: A new title gets announced and put on the store page, and it has 5 star reviews before any of the chapters can even be viewed/downloaded. …