Has Your Mindset Changed Because of Hentai?

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For me it has, and I'm genuinely curious if this has happened to others.

To get things started, here are some personal examples:
- Ideals about relationships are fragile in the face of what Mother Nature programmed us to do: find a suitable partner and mate with them. Yeah, we have contraceptives, but the programming is still there. So everything about you and your history with your partner does not matter if your partner can find someone better. (This is code for "I was a stubborn, naive fuck way too long).
- I don't think I want to be in a relationship for a long time.
i feel like it's only just changed my taste in hentai haha. used to be more narrow minded in what i liked
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Split133 wrote...
- Ideals about relationships are fragile in the face of what Mother Nature programmed us to do: find a suitable partner and mate with them. Yeah, we have contraceptives, but the programming is still there. So everything about you and your history with your partner does not matter if your partner can find someone better. (This is code for "I was a stubborn, naive fuck way too long).
- I don't think I want to be in a relationship for a long time.

All of what you just said here makes me wonder if someone broke up with you and then you turned to hentai to escape your problems, OP. I wouldn't call this a healthy mindset.

But I digress. Other than gaining an appreciation for thighs, I don't think so. At least, nothing I really use in my day to day life.
Gravity cat wrote...

All of what you just said here makes me wonder if someone broke up with you and then you turned to hentai to escape your problems, OP. I wouldn't call this a healthy mindset.

Yes and no. Yes to the breakup apart (it was a few years back but I still think about it from time to time) but no to turning to hentai as an escape.

Long story short: Was in a serious relationship for a long time and we were considering marriage. She was the one who brought it up first. Both of us made steps to secure a future. Our paths were different but we both had the same end goal. I had a really rough time with mine, it decreased the time I spent with her, and it put a strain on our relationship. Then she up and leaves me for a buffer dude who took the same path as her. I acknowledge that I should have been tougher, make more time for her, and that it was all my fault. But I had this mentality of "If you love someone, you'll stick with them through thick and thin". I was doing that for her, but she wasn't willing to do that for me.

I've always loved hentai, even before the relationship, and I still read it after but I wasn't throwing myself into it as you're alluding to. Some NTR's just remind me of the breakup and clarified/affirmed why the relationship ended the way it did. The greatest irony is that cheating is my favourite genre of hentai.

(As for the second point, I don't want a chick taking half my shit just because some buffer dude made her reconsider her life choices.)
I'm more mentally fuck after I found my love for the dark arts and eye sockets.
gammenon Story Junkie
Heavens no. Even though I like fantasy in a few genres and erotica is no exception, virtually none of it changes my perception of reality and my surroundings. Granted there is stuff in hentai with real world aspects, it's still imaginary-world material for me, even the stuff I like.
The only thing that changed is the total count my fetishes number in. :D
Other than that, no. I got a girlfriend that I love about all else and despite me playing the Taimanin Series or watching Kuroinu from time to time it doesn't affect me at all in my everyday life.
Yes, totally...... :) i love it
It helped me become more tolerant of LGBT people. (My parents are fairly conservative and traditional; I inevitably acquired many of those traits growing up.)
I picked up a few (mainstream hentai) fetishes like thigh highs.

Past that, I wouldn't say my mindset changed BECAUSE of hentai, rather I've learned things about real women that made me appreciate hentai more.
That is a good question actually. You see, I do think that something changed, but I am not really sure what has changed. A lot of people actually told me that I am different, that I am not thinking like I was doing it before. But, just like someone said above, the only thing that I actually mentioned, is the fact that my taste in hentai changed, and is changing day by day. Oh man, I have recently found this website vrbeginnersguide.com, there you can find the best hentai vr porn! Trust me, it is worth it.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I want to be a cuck thanks to Netorare.
Yes, dramatically. Before hentai, I thought anime girls to be cute and innocent. Especially sexually innocent. That is because anytime sexual or dirty topics would come up, the anime girls would get embarrassed and dismissive and act like they were something better, like they were superior to natural things. Also I grew up with mainstream TV and movies and females were often portrayed as just that. After many years of hentai, I realized the truth, that anime girls are nothing but nasty biological seedbeds made for primal and vulgar fucking aka fertilization and that the blissful and perverted faces they were making while getting used as cum dumpsters and getting their twitching fuckholes/assholes penetrated were clear signs of them enjoying being as pussy toilets for men's sexual relief, anime girls ultimately enjoying getting reduced to primitive apes with primal instincts. In other words, they went from my romantic idealization to pissing, shitting and humping sperm sniffing sows. It was hard to realize and it was a huge emotional pain, but all the doujins and r34 were solid proof of this being harsh reality.

Truth almost always hurts. And I don't know if this realization was good or bad.
Interesting, but I still don't like this very much
Joining in with a different opinion -- I view the entire manga industry more critically now because of the existence of hentai.

Specifically, I find it somewhat unfortunate that some clearly talented people are "forced" into drawing hentai, usually as an attempt to advance their careers (drawing doujinshis are seen by a lot as a necesary stepping stone to becoming a mangaka). This is because there are only so many ways one can draw hentai (limiting the ways an artist can express themselves, or forcing themselves to alter their artstyle to be more erotic), thereby reducing the market variety in art styles overall. I really enjoy more quirky art styles in mangas, so seeing talented artists drawing in a way to be more erotic to appeal to the masses (and possibly having a permanent influence on their style) makes me sort of sad -- hentai shouldn't come at the cost of possibly neutering the art style of talented artists. :(
It made me realize more of my fetishes. It also developed my opinions on fictional media in general to a certain extent.
I realized how I actually like my porn to have a plot, like once I got engaged with characters in a 200 page series with a whole story arc it made it hard for me to fap to random scenes that were just people fucking.
Doesn't necessarily have to be a whole tank for the story, but yeah I prefer there to be some kind of story, even if it is just used as justification to bang.
It's easy to dismiss plot in porn cause "lol plot in porn", but if people really didn't care hmanga translation wouldn't be such a big thing these days.
It's nice to see that cg sets have caught on to this too, with more having a readable plot to go along with the images, instead of just being a random assortment of sex positions with no context.

Course when I was a kid I was excited just to see a character from a show I liked getting it on even if it was a doujin with no translation, which was very common twenty years ago.
Diablojr wrote...
I realized how I actually like my porn to have a plot, like once I got engaged with characters in a 200 page series with a whole story arc it made it hard for me to fap to random scenes that were just people fucking.

Agreed. Seeing characters having an actual connection was a complete game changer.

On a side note, I kinda feel like I'm less morally reprehensible for reading hentai mangas vs watching porn. It puts my mind at ease knowing that I'm not potentially looking at exploited actors/actresses, but instead just viewing the machinations of a single artist.
I think I’ve always been “lewd” or had a particular mindset. Strangely i found comfort in it over the years with engaging in Hentai content. But I’ve never had an issue where I’ve consumed too much content. I have a firm belief that too much of anything is bad for you. Hentai is cool, but make sure you pace yourselves out there.
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