Why do people make fun of anime or hentais?

I live in Poland, but I believe that in other countries, anime and hentai are also somewhat hated. People who have never had contact with it in their life assume in advance that this is total stupidity and will never watch it. I know a few people who after a hard persuasion to the production stated that it is very good. So the biggest problem here is the prejudices and beliefs of other people who also do not watch anime and hentai. I would like fans of Japanese animations not to be offended by what they watch. Have you ever encountered rejection and toxicity from haters?
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Anime only recently took to the mainstream here in Europe and in the West, I'd like to say in the past 10-15 years. And even now not everyone is on board with it as a medium. It is far more popular than it used to be though, and dubs are less likely to "westernise" the culture of the show or game.

Forum Image: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/069/615/189.jpg

I think for a lot of people there's pre-conceived notions about the Japanese, and cartoons from the perspective of an adult. Already it's damned twofold. Hentai is another ball park; it's also porn. Threefold. And it gets pretty whacky and typically has shitty animation. Four.
my takes.

1.anime follow's a formula.
A.you get a cookie cutter anime protagonist who says one of several things, 1.IM GOING TO BE A HERO 2.IM GONNA FIND MY DAD 3.IM GONNA FREE THE "insert noun here" 4.IM GOING TO BE KING

B.this protagonist has absolutely no character flaws other than 1."working too hard" 2.has a soft spot for friendship 3.has a slightly weaker power than everyone else

C.protagonist doesnt have to put any work in whatsoever into getting females to like him

D.in the first or second episode of an anime the protagonist WILL be getting his ass kicked by a villain thats been stalking him and/or gathering intel about him, they will proceed to fight in which the protagonist will get his ass handed to him at first but the "the secret power that he inherited and totally doesnt need character development to get" that was foreshadowed in the first episode will come out of his asshole or something and kill the villain that was kicking their ass.

E.the anime protagonist will show absolutely no interest in woman for some reason? and when they reject a woman showing interest anime fans will UN-IRONICALLY EAT THIS SHIT UP and post videos on the youtubes and instagrams that have captions like "THOT SLAYER MADARA ABSOLULTEYS BTFO'S SAKURAS ASSHOLE" for some reason.

-when you get people that enjoy the shit above without context, you will get people that will be made fun of

2.Anime fans miss the fucking point.
A.when kazuma sato says "im an advocate for true gender equality" while also wanting to sexually assault woman go to some discussion boards about this anime you'll get some shit like "KAZUMAS A REAL MAN"
B.IN HunterXhunter during the chimara ant arc
Which covers themes of individuality and how shit humanity can ETC, Gon transformed to avenge his friend kite at the cost that it would basically render him (something he was prepared to do) permanently crippled in order to make Kites killer feel the same grief
but since your favorite protagonist wasnt a happy-go-lucky little kid with hopeful ambition "he was out of character"

3.Hentai is weird.
you really think a community of people watching/getting off too 2D girls getting violated by octopus monster's isnt going to get you made fun of?

going off the dash above you have people who will say "SHES ONLY A TEN THOUSAND YEAR OLD DRAGON,THAT JUST SO HAPPENS TO HAVE THE MIND-SET OF A 10 YEAR OLD THAT ALSO LOOKS LIKE A 10 YEAR OLD" and these people will eat their own bullshit to justify them being pedophiles.

conclusion:Anime fans are fucking stupid, and probably deserve the hate they get.

I'm speaking from the POV of a 40-year-old living in the US.

In the 1990s, it was because anime was "weird," i.e., foreign.

In the 2000s, when anime was becoming increasingly mainstream, it was because bad business decisions brought cultural differences to the forefront. For example, 'Mobile Suit Gundam SEED' and its self-plagiarizing sequel both had obvious anti-American messages, which made selling the series in America itself like selling hentai with rape scenes to feminists. Harem anime of the time tend to have a wimpy protagonist who doesn't resist when women disproportionately beat him for accidentally seeing them in their underwear, in sharp contrast to American masculine ideals, making anime with such protagonists unappealing.

In the 2010s to now, it was because of sheer jealousy. American comics aren't selling because comic book companies hire incompetent writers who openly insult their own fans- their most loyal customers, who spend the most on the companies' merchandise- as "toxic," "incels," "manbabies," etc. 'My Hero Academia' and other manga/anime are outselling American comics in America itself. In response, SJWs have falsely accused manga artists of "promoting pedophilia" and other nonsense, as noted in https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2020/03/patreon-addresses-artist-bans-for-anime-style-art/105240/

It's hard not to see the delisting of certain manga and light novels- as detailed at https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-07-15/publishers-comment-on-amazon-kindle-delisting-of-at-least-15-light-novels-manga/.161872 -as anything but an attempt to eliminate competitors to Americans' hearts and minds.

(Edited for grammar.)
As an old-timer, all I can say is this:

For non-anime enthusiasts (a.k.a. "normies" for the patricians out there), ANIME = CARTOONS. That goes the same for forums, when the saying "posters with anime as avatars shouldn't be taken seriously" is the norm. In their own perception, Anime is merely a show with moving / animated drawings, and thus doujins and hentai are treated as a lewd drawing. Nothing else. For them, it's like 4k UHD Stick drawings with big tits and all.
I think to an extent it still is but anime seems to be getting more accepted from what I see. There is still taboo or something around hentai though. Not really sure why, but that's also just what I personally see. I read a lot of different things (Horror books, Classics, Fantasy etc.) and have come across many people getting into manga (and have myself) and then also talking about their love for anime shows, though anything ecchi seems to be, usually, looked down upon for it...so I guess it's just the culture of anything sexual is taboo. So of course hentai would be even more looked down on. Beats me why it's this way.
As another fan who has been around a long time, its been weird watching the change over the years. While more people are accepting of anime now, there are still so many who view it as a stigma because they associate it either as cartoons for kids or as hentai/shows with way too much fan service. I know it was tough finding shows to watch with my son at first because all the ones he kept picking out as wanting to watch were rated M because of the fan service/nudity. Even the ones we did settle on that were okay for older kids had some fan service scattered throughout and I had to just tell him that in Japan that sort of thing was okay and that other countries have very different shows with much different content on tv. He accepted it and to him he just watches everything and enjoys it for what it is, but if somebody who has never been exposed to it before (and is normally subject to rather censored television) then to them it might be too far out there to handle. What people don't understand they tend to make fun of. Especially if their first foray into the territory is one that makes them feel uncomfortable.
They dismisses it as for littile kids because it's drawn art
As other's have mentioned, anime used to equate to cartoons which were often targeted toward children. In recent times however, animation as a whole has gone main stream. This can be seen with the expansion of anime in the west or even cartoons targeted towards adults like Rick & Morty or Bojack Horseman. This is partly due to the kids who once took these as their forms of entertainment having power in the industry and driving it forward. Another take would be out of nostalgia.
As someone who generally isn't into anime or mange (outside of this site, that is. What can I say, we all have our vices) I think a big part of the stigma around regular anime and manga is the result of several factors.

For starters, western animation has been predominantly marketed towards children up until fairly recently. There are some obvious outliers such as the simpsons, but as a general rule cartoons and comics are seen as being for kids.

It's also just popular to hate this type media. Nobody wants to be the odd one out, so people just cast aside any potential interests to avoid standing out. It's easier for people to deprive themselves of things they enjoy than it is to deal with constantly being harassed. Anime fans are the western media equivalent of people who praised windows vista. Everyone hated vista, but they warmed up to later down the line; that's kinda happening now with anime and manga.

Then there's the hentai side of things. As I mentioned, a lot of older folk understand animation and comics as being exclusively for kids, and having that preconception while seeing a schoolgirl getting railed by a tentacle monster kinda raises all sorts of red flags. The existence of lolis and whatnot also rightfully gross most people. Personally I despise the stuff, and a lot of countries have made it illegal. It's really hard to sell somebody on something when all this stuff paints the entire medium (All anime and manga, regardless of whether its sexually explicit) as being perverse and immoral.

I'm sure I'm missing a ton of other factors, but I think this covers most bases. We're all just a bunch filthy Windows Vista fans.
2dGirlsAreBetterThan3d wrote...
I live in Poland, but I believe that in other countries, anime and hentai are also somewhat hated. People who have never had contact with it in their life assume in advance that this is total stupidity and will never watch it. I know a few people who after a hard persuasion to the production stated that it is very good. So the biggest problem here is the prejudices and beliefs of other people who also do not watch anime and hentai. I would like fans of Japanese animations not to be offended by what they watch. Have you ever encountered rejection and toxicity from haters?

As history has consistently proven.
People make fun of what they don’t understand. It’s the unfortunate ongoing truth. I have come across people like this many different times. It sucks but I’ll never stop being me.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Why do people in general make fun of anything? The answer to that is more often than not because they don't know anything about it. Any kind of idea or concept that is outside of the norm can either be looked at as crazy or genius depending on how many people climb on board that thought.
I guess most people just find it cringe. I've been into anime since 2012 when SAO came out, literally no one watched it back then and I could count the number of friends on my hands that liked anime. Now anime has become too popular I'm America where companies Sub and Dub ruin it by adding in politics to it. People who don't like anime are like the people from high school who thought it was weird then and still weird now you know.
Monster Girl
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