I'm Oh, So Busy...: A Week with Yoshimi

New beginnings can be a challenge, especially when they start hundreds of miles away from home! I'm Oh, So Busy...: A Week with Yoshimi explores a week in the life of Yoshimi Adelina Hertz as she makes her way in the world after finishing school. She deals with the challenge of finding her place in the world and the trials and tribulations that come with moving somewhere new. While at the same time, understanding her own insecurities and sense of self. She comes armed only with her dreams, a pet, a head full of nostalgia from her childhood, and all of her good and bad habits. Boston is a very different place from the quiet and peaceful Midwestern life that she's used to, and now it's on her to make the most of it. How will she handle this? Will it be a good week for her? Was this all a mistake? Read and find out!
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