[Anime] Akame ga Kill!


Episode 10 felt too short. It needed more sexy time with Esdeath-sama.
Foreground wrote...

Episode 10 felt too short. It needed more sexy time with Esdeath-sama.

Given that it's following the manga, it can't be helped. You just need to wait until their next encounters... Might not be that long, too.
Foreground wrote...

Episode 10 felt too short. It needed more sexy time with Esdeath-sama.

Given that it's following the manga, it can't be helped. You just need to wait until their next encounters... Might not be that long, too.
Esdeath definitely became a lot more likable after we saw that other side of her. She's quickly started climbing up towards the status of 'Best Girl', but I think Leone still takes the cake for me and Mine comes in a close second, above Esdeath by just a smidgen. Though with how little development Mine gets, I'm sure she'll fall down those ranks before too long.

I secretly hate this anime for making me genuinely like the "bad guys". It's like I don't even know who to root for anymore!
anyone want to read the latest chapter?
Gahald_Mills wrote...
anyone want to read the latest chapter?

This guy did! Sorely regretted it too.

Well I guess Lubbock really is half a man now.

Zombie Tatsumi time?
Gahald_Mills wrote...
anyone want to read the latest chapter?

...the shitstorm in the manga forums is going to be glorious.

Someone here watching Akame ga Kill!Theater.

Hahaha that episode 14 majikoi parody and it feels like Esdeath is Miyako
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
Foreground wrote...

How could you not include Akame in that... :(

But this anime was so damn good, it caused me to read all the manga so far. And I barely read mangas for some animes.

2nd OP and ED are really nice to listen to. Liar Mask is better than Skyreach, but I'm honestly on the fence on which ending is better.

first i just watched 1st episode then start reading manga this
anime is so close to reality just for Revolutionary act by killing
the evil minster and the evil army that don't know the real justice
is thats why night raid just doing what i want to do in my country
by evil politician to save my land to change people way of thinking
to let them make my country the world wonders with high technology
thats why i love this anime

first i just fall for Sheele then they just killed the MC then
Forum Image: http://www.entravity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/schere-akame-sheele.jpg

i start loving cute tsundere Mine
Forum Image: http://ganbareanime.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Akame-ga-kill-episode-3-review-mine-pumpkin-750x410.jpg

Forum Image: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/039/9/2/mein_3__by_icrow17-d75knzp.png

and i loving Akame too well too
Forum Image: http://dalian.7thstyle.com/2014/06/akame-ga-kill-ep-1-preview-seventhstyle-007.jpg

i like Esdeath but too bad she's evil thats why i have too hate her i hope in the end of manga she become good
Forum Image: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/256/c/5/esdeath__akame_ga_kill_render__by_princedork-d7z42fv.png

after that chelsea come and one more girl started to like now she gonna die too
Forum Image: http://www.presepe.jp/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ff4debeec54454635b68617b9786e36b.jpg

Just for you Kaimax so you don't get ahead of yourself.

Man those scenes were so good.
*Meanwhile on the RAW version of the latest chapter.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1002652_1003453509680072_966906025341842102_n.jpg?oh=c1bcb43f9159dad65dddadfa3a89fdd4&oe=54DD53B3&__gda__=1423761522_85dec048815b9e7fbcad7d61168f0564
Gahald_Mills wrote...
*Meanwhile on the RAW version of the latest chapter.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1002652_1003453509680072_966906025341842102_n.jpg?oh=c1bcb43f9159dad65dddadfa3a89fdd4&oe=54DD53B3&__gda__=1423761522_85dec048815b9e7fbcad7d61168f0564


Please tell me Wave and Kurome's gonna team up with Tatsumi and Akame!!
Already caught up with the anime but didn't say it before, so I shall now. Episode 17 wins edgiest episode of the decade.
Did these HIJO DE PUTAS just start an orginal anime ending!
Holy shit ep. 19's battle was so well animated. I unconsciously got to the edge of my seat as I watched it.


Weren't they supposed to fight against Esdeath before finishing off the Priest? Or was that later on? When Esdeath shows her ImpArm's ability (that she made up herself for Tatsumi)
Mello wrote...
Holy shit ep. 19's battle was so well animated. I unconsciously got to the edge of my seat as I watched it.


Weren't they supposed to fight against Esdeath before finishing off the Priest? Or was that later on? When Esdeath shows her ImpArm's ability (that she made up herself for Tatsumi)

As above poster mentioned, they're going for Anime-Original ending for next part of the anime, so those things you mentioned inside the spoiler are not animated (or might get changed for later eps, remade into something different).

I for one, don't care whether they go original ending or keep faithful with the manga. I'm reading the manga (currently waiting for the latest chapter translation), so if I don't like the anime orginal ending later, I can simply choose the manga ending instead.
So the anime skips to Kill The Carnage chapter huh, guess no shura rape squad a.k.a. Wild Hunt and 1 guy might get killed sooner than expected.
They completely skipped Wild Hunt?! I was SO looking forward to it...

Ran vs. the clown guy would've been great if it was animated... and the scene with Bors' family would've been another tearjerker too. We missed on the battle between Wave and Shura, too, gahhhhh
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#9400d3]Oh my god they skipped so damn much and now they are that the same point as the manga. The hell?