PERSONAL concepts of heaven and/or hell

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Heaven: A world where anime, video games and the like were reality... I sound like a small child lol

Hell: Having to listen to Hannah Montana or (insert any other crappy band) while babies cry and eat my insides that keep regenerating for some reason. Also, I am blind and have had my tongue rent from my head. I'm sure I could any other of my disgusts to this list and make it monumentally worse, but it's pretty bad as is.
heaven:a place where you could fap all day long without any real concern.

hell:a place where you couldn't fap AT ALL
hydrocortisone wrote...
heaven:a place where you could fap all day long without any real concern.

hell:a place where you couldn't fap AT ALL

Now that is true hell. :shock:
heck, i'm told that heaven is some kinda perfect version of earth. with wishes just instantly granted, any form of luxuries you could possibly want whatsoever. and hell, well, just some kinda -1(heaven). constant torture, blah blah blah, you got the drift.
but....i really seriously think that those oh-so-simple-even-a-kid-can-understand concept is very hard to swallow...

i mean, heaven = perfect world? hell = .... kind of world?
i do believe in those two, tho'.
omnicide wrote...

My concept of heaven is to roam the universe as a bodiless entity of pure knowledge. To explore the universe without the hinderance of a physical body, and see all of the spectacular phenomenon that occur in our universe.

I agree to that.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I'm living my heaven now. And my hell as well sometimes. I think you make your surroundings heaven or hell, it depends how you take on your problems in life and how you enjoy things around you.
I do my best to never let myself sink low and stay positive about things. I'm one of those people who while riding in a car will look outside and think how beautiful the mountains and trees are. :)

When I die, I'll die. My conscious will finally get to rest and I'll never again see light or darkness. I'll just decompose. (though I'm pretty sure I want to be cremated - it depends, I have this sappy female fantasy of being buried next to my loved one, but it won't matter when I'm dead anyway)

I can't imagine what it'll be like, because my thoughts are forever in me, and I won't know or feel anything anymore. But I would have lived my heaven. All good things must come to an end as they say.
omnicide wrote...
Ok, a lot of you guys don't seem to get it. I'm not asking whther or not you believe in heaven or hell. I'm asking what your personal concept of heaven or hell is. Like what would bring you joy in the afterlife. Hell, it could even be something you enjoy most in life.

It doesn't matter. You would have to believe in a heaven or hell before you can have a concept of what it is to you. And for anyone who doesn't believe in a heaven or hell they can't really post here, if you are only wanting to no what a person's concept of hell is.

Personally though heaven and hell in a biblical sense are not real and what i would define heaven and hell as is earth.
A little bit of a tangent here. But I just had this discussion with an atheist saying, "That while He didnt believe in God, He knew that his body would decompose and provide nutrients to an acorn or other seed and grow into a tree and then his life force would help others along the way."

I replied sarcastically, "wouldnt it be ironic if your tree was cut down and processed into paper that had the bible printed on it?"

yes, yes, i know it was a comedy routine as well by a comedian, but i had that conversation and couldnt pass up that remark.
Personal Heaven: Living in an anime and being surrounded by catgirls.
Personal Hell: Being the target of a tentacle monster.
M2991 wrote...
Personal Heaven: Living in an anime and being surrounded by catgirls.
Personal Hell: Being the target of a tentacle monster.

Is that really your SERIOUS conception?

Seeing as the only thing I've ever been good for is thinking, I realize there is no point wondering what may or may not be after death. Heaven and Hell are basically consequences for our actions, thoughts, etc. Those consequences are the things we can find here on earth. Heaven and hell exist on earth not as places but feelings and events. These consequences of course are not guided by divine forces or anything like that it just sort of happens.
Appriser wrote...
M2991 wrote...
Personal Heaven: Living in an anime and being surrounded by catgirls.
Personal Hell: Being the target of a tentacle monster.

Is that really your SERIOUS conception?

Seeing as the only thing I've ever been good for is thinking, I realize there is no point wondering what may or may not be after death. Heaven and Hell are basically consequences for our actions, thoughts, etc. Those consequences are the things we can find here on earth. Heaven and hell exist on earth not as places but feelings and events. These consequences of course are not guided by divine forces or anything like that it just sort of happens.

This isn't conception, this is what is your personal heaven and hell would be like. I am an atheist and don't even believe in either. Read the whole thread.
M2991 wrote...
Appriser wrote...
M2991 wrote...
Personal Heaven: Living in an anime and being surrounded by catgirls.
Personal Hell: Being the target of a tentacle monster.

Is that really your SERIOUS conception?

Seeing as the only thing I've ever been good for is thinking, I realize there is no point wondering what may or may not be after death. Heaven and Hell are basically consequences for our actions, thoughts, etc. Those consequences are the things we can find here on earth. Heaven and hell exist on earth not as places but feelings and events. These consequences of course are not guided by divine forces or anything like that it just sort of happens.

This isn't conception, this is what is your personal heaven and hell would be like. I am an atheist and don't even believe in either. Read the whole thread.

I did read the whole thread and I thought my opinion would fit in to the topic but I shouldn't have criticized you for being on topic.
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