How did you find FAKKU?

An online otaku friend of mine showed the site to me (; So that's how I first encountered the site.
hentai that I most enjoyed were translated fakku
Was looking for Tony Taka stuff and there was a link in with one of the doujins
I found this site in the history of my pc a year ago.Someone must have forgotten to clear the history. I have been visiting this site for a year now.
I found it when....I was doing school work at my school..good thing the teacher didn't saw me..but my "friends" went crazy...>.>
i was told buy a friend that said it was the best site shes seen so i looked it up and now im still looking.
Hmmm... I think someone linked to something here on /h/ a long time ago, or I just found it while looking for a certain artist.

Either way, I'm now a convert! :) Much better than the crapshoot of torrenting manga that may or may not be any good.
Think i got the link off Hentairules...maybe. It's been awhile
moomoo5 wrote...

i.b kicks ass
Seriously tho I have been browsing hentai for years and this is the only site i have found that has what I consider a real community, the option to view on-line or Download or both. Membership is encouraged but not required, and its free. There is a place for people like me to be a smarta%% and not get banned for it ((ib) thats always nice). While I have found several sites that have some of theses qualities the kicker is this, this site ACTUALLY has a group of moderators who do their jobs and update the place its amazing.

Once everyone loves you as they do me you'll find you can be a smartass wherever you want. What I'm saying is continue being a good poster, :D
I was browsing and before their revamp, i saw a couple of posts referring to FAKKU, 3 days later i watched FAKKU Geddan & wondered about FAKKU & its weird-ass mascot-ie thing & decided to search you guys. stayed because i want to see all you manga/doujinshi & i love the vids.
lol pure luck just thinking about it im going to cry this place is great
My friends told me
I went on google and typed hentai.
I have been lurking the manga part of fakku for a while.
Then I just thought of joining. :D
GreatestNight wrote...
I went on google and typed hentai.
basicly looking for naruto manga
rokushou wrote...
GreatestNight wrote...
I went on google and typed hentai.
Googled hentai and found this
i was just lucky i guess
I should add on that i didn't decide to join Fakku until i got a glimpse of the Geddan.