Upgraded Rep System + more

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Thanks for including the neg people now. I rep you now for the idea
doswillrule wrote...
I think it would be nice to reward long serving users/significant contributors with some small gesture, but rep-based titles are meaningless because of how broken the system is.

Many forums let older members choose a custom title. Perhaps people could be nominated for that privilege every so often. That or an expansion of the profile groups, which may be happening already.

I really like this idea. Also, instead of replacing the Fakku Elite/Elder title putting the custom titles underneath a person's avatar can make it look less messy.
Rayne wrote...
doswillrule wrote...
I think it would be nice to reward long serving users/significant contributors with some small gesture, but rep-based titles are meaningless because of how broken the system is.

Many forums let older members choose a custom title. Perhaps people could be nominated for that privilege every so often. That or an expansion of the profile groups, which may be happening already.

I really like this idea. Also, instead of replacing the Fakku Elite/Elder title putting the custom titles underneath a person's avatar can make it look less messy.

[font=verdana][color=green]I don't understand what you mean on this point. Do you want the titles under the avatar or not?

But, in all honesty, having customs titles underneath the avatar can be tidy if it isn't too big a font or long title. But, I don't like the nominating idea one bit. It's either got to be earned through a high post count or not there at all.
Maybe then instead of nominating, we can create a new section in forums
Where weekly or monthly competitions take place to win them?
Critera can be changed each week and there could be several at a time
Maybe then instead of nominating, we can create a new section in forums
Where weekly or monthly competitions take place to win them?
Critera can be changed each week and there could be several at a time
[font=verdana][color=green]Now you're asking for too much. There are competitions around; there's a monthly one in the cooking forums and once every now and then in the writing forums. Besides, I doubt there will be several competitions flying at the same time, but that's beside the point.

Nominating will never work; that's my stance on the matter. It's plain as day that the nominating system will be ruined just like the rep system if it were to be put into force.
So you let the staff nominate, not the users at large. Either they wouldn't be affected because they have titles already, or they would get them by default, but together they have most (if not all) forums covered and will know people of note. Convening would be some hassle but they talk regularly anyway, and less so than any public vote or forum.

You could do it just on posts, but just having made loads of posts doesn't make you a good user, and ignores the people who post mostly in IB (inc. Nosebleed), whatever your opinion of them. It was just an idea, anyway.
To be honest I'd much rather see the Reputation system disappear for good than to see miscellaneous crap added on to it. It's already based on two camps: those who earn rep for uploads and/or answering requests and those who get it solely as a popularity contest. And in my opinion, the latter is getting more and more common.

To me, this system would only seek to reward those who treat the Rep system as their own personal popularity contest, and that does annoy me a little. Yeah, it really isn't a big deal, but that also means it isn't a "big deal" to add arbitrary stuff to an arbitrary system.
Get rid of the rep system. End of story.
doswillrule wrote...
So you let the staff nominate, not the users at large. Either they wouldn't be affected because they have titles already, or they would get them by default, but together they have most (if not all) forums covered and will know people of note. Convening would be some hassle but they talk regularly anyway, and less so than any public vote or forum.

You could do it just on posts, but just having made loads of posts doesn't make you a good user, and ignores the people who post mostly in IB (inc. Nosebleed), whatever your opinion of them. It was just an idea, anyway.

[font=verdana][color=green]Perhaps; but I still reckon it will have the same problems that were highlighted before - albeit to a much lesser degree.

But, whilst high post count doesn't mean you're a good user, it shows loyalty (not the shitty CTFG post spammers). This customisable title should be for those that show loyalty to the site; not those that are merely, I hate to say it, female and fairly popular.

But yes, Tsurayu does have a good suggestion. I would say scrap it, but the users at Uploads and NB are being punished for the popularity contest. Hence; it revolves back around to my suggestion - using the same system for posts as for rep. Many users rep will diminish due to it, but the users that actually contribute to the site won't be affected as much.
Titles under the avatar would be nice, but should only be small. Custom titles are a good idea, so seasoned users can be distinguished.

I think the rep system should be fixed, as rep is very easy to give out.
I think its a good idea, needs to be developed more though and maybe a little bit more simpler.
Sounds great and personally I approve but can there be a way to prevent exploitation?
This is a pretty good and creative idea.
Holy Fakkuest sound sounds awsome
They should make a rank rep system
Tsurayu wrote...
To be honest I'd much rather see the Reputation system disappear for good than to see miscellaneous crap added on to it. It's already based on two camps: those who earn rep for uploads and/or answering requests and those who get it solely as a popularity contest. And in my opinion, the latter is getting more and more common.

To me, this system would only seek to reward those who treat the Rep system as their own personal popularity contest, and that does annoy me a little. Yeah, it really isn't a big deal, but that also means it isn't a "big deal" to add arbitrary stuff to an arbitrary system.

Decided to read through the posts before I made my post. And I have to say, I agree with Tsurayu on this one. Some others have already capitalized on how the current rep system is as well. And also, considering the popular Waifu Game, that's already a HUGE reason for ANYONE to go and spam alot threads to increase their post count.

With things such as that, adding all of the unnecessary things to the rep system will just make things look rather silly on the forum. The rep system should go or stay the way it is.
I'm not saying the rep system should be removed, and nor am I commenting about the rep ranking (yet). But, I find the text, titles, or whatever under the avatars, detestable, I feel that it'll ruin the simple atmosphere that the forum gives, I feel that we shouldn't have too many features and stuffs.

Although I'd like a new title or two.
With all the neg rep spam that happens around here, I see a rep system upgrade rather pointless.
You should get titles for amounts of rep movement rather than a specific rep level.
You realize such qualitative titles would mean someone (deemed with the task of giving titles) would have to read over every user's every post, right?

Kinda a big sidetrack, if they also are running the site or modding it.
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