Do you know anybody from fakku in real life?

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I've met Jacob twice now and Mike for the first time at AnimeExpo. Both of them are really cool and interesting to talk to. I met a bunch of fakku people this weekend at AnimeExpo and when I went to the panel at AnimeNorth, but I didn't get anyones screen name. I only recently started getting into the forums so no one I want to meet yet. I like the idea of making friends via fakku. It would be nice to talk to others IRL about hentai and what not XP
add HungLikeAZombie and Pervy Fatman to the list of folks Ive met.

Good times at AX.
KawaiianPunch wrote...
add HungLikeAZombie and Pervy Fatman to the list of folks Ive met.

Good times at AX.

Pretty much this.
Ive met Smashspite, Kona Chan, and Iamnotchrishansen, they came out for A Kon and we rented a hotel, they were pretty cool.
I'd love to meet someone that likes hentai as I do. Unfortunately, I don't know anyone on here enough to say anything.
No I don't, or at least not someone who is an user, just people who come to download doujin
I met a few people from AX both last year and this year and also converted some of my friends into Fakku. However, I have yet to meet someone from Fakku that is outside from a con setting. Hopefully that will happen.
I've met kawaiipunch and jacob but that's it.
_Raven_ and I are cousins. Hang out sometimes.
I've met a bunch.
I don't like to call anyone out or anything like that though.
So I will leave it at that ( ゚ 3゚)
I know a lot of guys but their so hard to contact, and some of them live really far away.
I don't know anyone in real life here either but I would like to I live in Atlanta, GA....I want to meet some people in real life. So anyone contact me......(sits and sulks in corner)
Vayne wrote...
Nah, I haven't met everyone in RL. I come from a place that hentai is practically a social taboo, although I suspect some of my friends come here secretly like me. I really wouldn't mind meeting some people here though.

that the same for me,

there is no way someone bump on you and shout 'i'm a FAKKU reader'.

Never met any people from fakku in RL and my friends already think i'm weird for liking hentai already.
Welp. My cousin's on here. I know things about him and he knows things about me. I don't really think we give that much of a shit though, I mean I just recently came back from spending time at his house, spent most of the time reading hentai together and laughing my goddamn ass off because thanks to SOMEONE, I CAN'T LOOK AT ANY COMING SCENE WITHOUT THINKING OF THE GUY SOUNDING LIKE CHEWBACA THE ENTIRE TIME. THANK YOU FOR THAT, DEAR COUSIN-BUT-NOT-REALLY OF MINE.
Andy, he's my cousin... other than that, i don't know anybody (unless some of my friends are on here and i don't know *looks around suspiciously*)
i'd love to meet heaps of people from here :D
just being able to share the same interest with somebody else would be awesome... cause i don't know if andy really shares it/ is that full on xD
No. I'd like to meet some people though
I got some ppl into Fakku. There was also one guy I didn't know who commented on my Hen tie shirt and expressed his love for Fakku.
I met a couple ppl last year at AX, oldfarts that dont come here much and Jacob, but sadly missed this year, Ive known a lot of people here for like 2-3 years
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