Do you know anybody from fakku in real life?

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But willing to meet!
[font=comic sans ms]Yup I know two users. My lovely husband TakeshiSagara and my former lab partner Chisa_Sagara.
*sobs* no..but i think if i did and lets say it was a girl and she was pretty cool and we had similar fetishes maybe become fuck buddies!!
My best friend introduced me to this site, although he doesn't have an account and probably hasn't come here in a couple of years. One of my friends posted a picture on facebook of her and Jacob. She was wearing a FAKKU! t-shirt and did a great job of cropping the picture; I could tell where the shirt was from, but there wasn't enough showing for someone to google search Fakku and learn something incriminating about her. She's not active on the forums, though.

Like most people, I'd like to meet more people from the forums in real life.
Sadly I don't know anybody from fakku in real life although, I wouldn't mind meeting anyone from fakku someday.
Nope. I wish i did, though...
Nop, not many in FL it seems.
I know a friend who views bu has no account. I met Jacob as well. :D
no, no one brings up hentai into the conversation. so its hard to figure out who's into it or not
Tanasinn The Bellpepper
SeriousSAM wrote...
no, no one brings up hentai into the conversation. so its hard to figure out who's into it or not

From a few posts that I read here [the forums, not this thread exactly] wearing the hen tie shirt usually helps tell people apart. Those who get the joke and those who don't
Tanasinn wrote...
SeriousSAM wrote...
no, no one brings up hentai into the conversation. so its hard to figure out who's into it or not

From a few posts that I read here [the forums, not this thread exactly] wearing the hen tie shirt usually helps tell people apart. Those who get the joke and those who don't

i need 20 dollars now
Still haven't.
People nned to fix that, I'd like to see some new faces.
It would spice things up a bit for me.
hmmmmi saw this one really good looking guy (well idk actually but he was tall...blondish and with shoulderlenght hair, with glasses i think...) he walked past me on the street in the beginning of summer, like at the end of the last month of school, not entirely sure...i think it was on 6th and 23rd in Manhattan. He was wearing the black FAKKU! shirt with the white chicken- the hen-tie one but i saw it too late cause it was under a long sleeved one...i think green checkered? i was in such shock i couldn't say anything i just froze in the middle of the junction and followed him with my eyes trying to formulate some words to shout out to make him turn but he was so freaking fast and my friend dragged me onto the curb. it was so weird....i never though id meet anyone from fakku whole world exploded with the realization that- yes, ppl on the forum do actually exist somewhere in the world just like i do....
Just my bf so far~
I live in the UK and recently went to AyaCon, and someone was wearing the HenTie t-shirt. One of the MCs commented on it but they obviously didn't know it was FAKKU, which made me kind of sad.

I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone from FAKKU irl. Maybe a couple of lurkers, because I have friends who like anime to the "would search out sites like this" degree =p I REALLY wanted to go to the York meetup but I can't afford it *tears*
Honestly, the few I've met in real life were total baller-gentlemen.

I wish we were closer friends, of course. I plan on stalking and making more next AX, haha.
I know my waifu azylsagara.
i would like to meet someone in real life who uses fakku, cuz none of my friends are otakus, and they think everything japanese is gay so its hard to convert them to the otaku way.

If anyone lives in or nearby Philadelphia, Pennsylvania message me
My brother -__-. We have very different interests on Fakku. He likes straight porn, I like gay porn (I'm a girl).
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