What is your impression on people who love hentai?

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I been hearing stuff lately about how the media describes hentai and porn lovers all filthy disgusting beings and the people in those interviews saying we don't belong in the community.

I dont find the people who love hentai disgusting because its just hentai...
hentai is like porn in anime style...
sure they are not real but they make good stories and are for me acceptable...

So my impression on people who love hentai is they are normal people who likes animated and manga style porn.... its not abnormal or anything its perfectly fine...

so whats your impression on people who love hentai?
I have no source whatsoever since its been quite some time since I last seen one...
but I do know its becoming a hot topic under the people who talk about it....
I feel that other hentai lovers are my brother/sisters in arms.

Imo, we hentaiphiles are reviled by society at large even more than traditional perverts. Hell, even traditional perverts often revile us.

I'm no fan of things like nationalism, ethnocentrism, etc., but I do feel that those of us who share this kinda need to stick together, because chances are very few (or no) people who don't share this passion will ever accept this side of us.
You are right...
since loving hentai doesnt "Push" us to be bad people.....
im guessing the media just wants to make us look bad....

and hentai doesnt really influence people to become future molestors or so because they must have a totally different experience to become molestors...

the media needs to get their facts straight
Gravity cat the adequately amused
People mock what they don't understand. It's sad, but it happens.

Before I got into watching Hentai, I didn't have an opinion on those who did prefer it, but I was a little judgemental on the cartoons themselves nitpicking on the sex scenes and comparing it to real life. But nevertheless I found them strangely more arousing than real porn as time went on.

I still watch real porn though and I use it when I can't find a good hentai to watch or a good hentai manga to read. I'm still what you'd call a "normal" person, I just would go for a different type of porn as my first choice
Gravity Cat your statement is understandable.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'm not sure where I was going with my point, but yeah it's quite sad that people who like Hentai are frowned upon more than perverts. Would be safe to say that maybe we're looked down upon in the same way as pedophiles, like we've commited some sort of crime.
I know what you mean by that and that is what its all about....
Everybody thinks hentai lovers are considered future rapist and child molesters but thats not really the case ... i guess people really do believe whats in tv
Legendary_Dollci wrote...
so whats your impression on people who love hentai?

I think they're perves like me that love anime/manga. I have much more respect for them than I do for porn fans.

As for public criticism, I can understand why someone would say that both hentai and porn is disgusting. To some extent, I kinda agree with them. The thing that pisses me off is when people say that Hentai is worse than porn. Hentai is amazing, and really deserves more respect than the "cartoon porn WTF!?!" response that it usually gets. As gravity cat said,
Gravity cat wrote...
it's quite sad that people who like Hentai are frowned upon more than perverts.

We're still perverts, but I think we're much more respectable than porn fans

Hentai forever!
Nothing really, but for some reason people see in normal way (hey, even funny) that some guy just pop out and say "i'm gonna watch some porn", usually because that people suggest that he has the "feet on the ground" and strive for the reachable (what a paradox) and when somebody say "im gonna watch hentai" people think "he will never get laid" when it's exactly the same just without being real...
The simple answer is that it's a double standard. Society often demonizes everything that's "different" which is basically everything that hasn't hit mainstream yet.

For example, video games used to have a social stigma as well, back in a time when people thought gamers were a bunch of nerdy freaks who stayed indoors with the lights off and played 12 hours a day, and though that's changed, people still give the gaming industry a rough time with double standards on violence and sex that would have no problem skating through movies and television. However, with releases like the Wii and the Kinect which are open to a more casual audience, gamers have slowly become a more accepted part of society.

On the other hand, otakus and hentai lovers are still associated with lolicons, pedophiles, closet perverts, and NEETs, and therefore looked down upon. The only mainstream content are Miyazaki's films, and those are a far cry from the hentai scene. It hasn't crossed their mind that an upstanding member of society with an active social life, a day job, and strong family ties (i.e. normal people), could have an interest in something like hentai. In their eyes, the two are mutually exclusive.

Anyways, that's the reality of it, the same way racism and homophobia still exist as well. All we can do is be proud of our love for hentai, and prove them wrong; show them that loving hentai doesn't stop you from being totally awesome.

So yeah, to answer your question, I think hentai lovers are normal people. There are all kinds of them; we're not any better or worse than people who enjoy movies, or books.
Wise words chosen my friend....
I think nobody has the right to criticize the other since we each have our own standards of living and how we live our life....

Its hard being accepted in society because thats the first thing that comes into peoples mind.. " Hey he loves hentai.. wait doesnt hentai contain young girls being drilled from behind by some old geezer,, i guess he is a pedophile"....

this is gonna take a very long time for people to understand this idea
I say to each its own I don't think people should judge on their likes and dislikes. Hentai is art to me.
I don't think there is a person that doesn't like porn I love anime and Hentai and I'm not ashamed of it I'm proud to like hentai I think Justin Beiber 300x worst then Hentai and porn now that's smut! yuck
Legendary_Dollci wrote...
What is your impression on people who love hentai?

Honestly, to people who loves hentai "moderately", it's fine to me. But to an extreme hardcore H lover, it creeps me out.

sedrick123 wrote...
I don't think there is a person that doesn't like porn.

You may not believe, but there are people who stay away from stuff like porn. I'd rather not discuss to stay in topic.
I think that the media would be to blame in any instances of hate towards hentai, porn, or anything in general. I mean if you look at the media in general theres almost nothing that reporters and tv hosts wont hate against if it can cause controversy and get people to watch their shows or read their reports and often this hate is absorbed by people who sit and listen to it all and think that whomever is on the tv is automatically right. I don't think that theres anything wrong with hentai or the people that enjoy it, but as long as someone moderately famous is against it, there will always be people who will agree wholeheartedly.
People view people who watch porn as either 2 things, a Pervert, or a dirty old man.

People view Anime fans as either people that will never amount to anything or Nerds and Geeks that need to go outside.

People view Hentai Fans as even bigger perverts that cannot/will never get a real girlfriend and will never amount to anything other than being a Pervert that watches *Cartoon* porn.

I say if you want to watch hentai, then watch hentai. We are just normal people that happen to like something most people never give a chance.
My usual impression of a hentai lover over the internet.
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/691215-L5S1VVE.gif

My usual impression of a hentai lover IRL
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/691216-OE2I4NB.jpg
Some people love porn.. some people love hentai... some people dont....

I like porn and hentai Not because i can never get laid ( I look above average and im great with girls) but I find this entertaining and since Im a anime fan that also applies to hentai as well
I know what you guys mean...ever since I was in middle school I was ridiculed for the fact that I watched Hentai everyone made fun of me saying that it was disgusting grotesque and all in all an abomination to society hell I met a guy who liked granny porn and he was treated better than I was ...It was truly a demoralizing day for me...but im glad that theyre are people like you you guys who understand me and share the same interest so for that..im grateful
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